Why was SEGA vs Nintendo more interesting than Sony vs Microsoft? Is it nostalgia?

Why was SEGA vs Nintendo more interesting than Sony vs Microsoft? Is it nostalgia?

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nips compete for honor, nations mutually cooperate to exploit the consumer

It wasnt, it was the same. Just without terms like "rad" and catch phrases like "Genesis does what nintendont"

Sega and Nintendo made actual game consoles, Sony and Microsoft make weak-as-shit PCs in console-shaped cases.

Sega and Nintendo were at each others throats. Also, both were top tier game developers who made tons of amazing games for their consoles.

Sony and Microsoft don't really care about each other, and neither are really good at making games, instead relying on 3rd party devs to drive sales.

As somebody who lived through it with you, yeah it's nostalgia.

We were kids. It's normal for kids (boys at least) to playfully argue about who has the cooler toys and why.

When you're an adult, arguing about what toy is better loses some of its appeal.

Don't get me wrong, grown men still argue about trivial shit for fun, but it's usually about things like who's car is better, who's sports team is better, who would win in a fight, etc...

Really though General Motors is shit, and if you drive any of their brands you should kill yourself.


There's barely any difference between Sony and Microsoft hardware and software.

>nips compete for honor

What the fuck

Aggressive marketing was more fun.

When I was a kid, I didn't give a shit about the name brand of the console, I just played video games. Go over to a buddies house and he had a different one with different games? Awesome.

I didn't even hear about console wars until I was like 16. This shit is so stupid.

Are you a Mopar guy or something?

Sega vs Nintendo had different games, or (thanks mostly to Nintendo) different versions of games. There was a distinct difference between Street Fighter II on SNES, Street Fighter II Championship Edition on Genesis, and Street Fighter II Turbo on SNES. There was a big difference between Sonic vs Mario, between Shining Force vs (never got an import), and between Phantasy Star vs Final Fantasy.

For Sony vs Microsoft, the vast majority of games are available on both systems and roughly run similarly. When you talk about Dark Souls or Fallout or whatever is supposed to be popular, you can play them on either system without a problem. It's just the few exclusives, or the system specs which kids don't understand, or the online payments which kids don't understand that are different.

You'll notice that all these shitposting threads, and all these console war threads, talk about console exclusives. Even when it doesn't make any sense, like Wii U vs PS4, it's only the console exclusives which get mentioned - not the games available for each system.

You didn't bant with your buddies about anything as a kid?

I feel bad for you

As a child, you only got to have oe of them (unless you were an spoiled rich kid) and had to argue why your console was better than the one the other kids bought.

it wasn't interesting
it was a blowout
sony/microsoft is too

They were two video game giants clashing head to head.
And then when we learned that they could die we stopped caring about which side someone was on.
That and the smear campaigns for Sega vs Nintendo was great.
We no longer get that shit with consoles nowadays.
The best we get not is idiots posing as the competitor and actively trying to look like complete retards to force and point that doesn't exist.

I only had one friend until I was like 8, and then my family started moving every year as my parents followed work. We were poor as shit anyway; I got a playstation for christmas in 1998 or something.

>Are you a Mopar guy or something?


it was the first console war
it was their two first 16 bit systems, a HUGE jump in graphics at the time.

it was just a different age too. back then, we had no rivalries. we felt like backing one or the other system made us with a group of others who liked that same system.

you could see it on the playgrounds and lunchrooms of the early 90s. my school was separated into the sega and nintendo tables at lunch and we knew who was with who unless you were a new kid.

but, we were dumb kids and that sort of shit ended once 5th gen hit. i don't remember any of that shit happening when the saturn, ps1 and 64 were out, so it was mostly just kids being stupid fucking kids mang

Ok so we're doing this again.

>average megadrive/genesis music

>average snes music

Because back then until the ps2 xbox, games were good now are mostly shovelware

Holy shit that's fucking hideous.

get a miata or honda 3k

They were very similar and both had mascots.

It was the same shit except Nintendo was for babies and autistic kids while SEGA was for bad ass niggas and cool kids who had seen boobs in person before. Microsoft and Sony are basically the same except Sony's console has more Japanese games.

Genesis music wins again.

The technological leaps were a lot more noticeable and they had a huge "wow factor" going from polygons where you can't tell what's going on to 3D graphics. And these two kept one-upping each other each time one released a console or a third party game and it would stand out how different a single game was between consoles. Sure SEGA shot themselves in the foot with all the silly add-ons, and business practices, plus nintendo was 10 steps ahead when they released the Gameboy, but it was a nice fight between the two.

Nowadays I can't tell the difference between a PS4 or an Xbox One game unless it's an exclusive title (for obvious reasons). And the tech leap from the 360/PS3 era wasn't that huge since it was mostly "muh graphics" and nothing else really eye popping for the general public, though it did impress devs, they don't make up the consumer base.

What's the difference?


Because cross platform games were drastically different on each platform. The current level of games are so homogenized that you'll most differences between consoles could honestly be mistaken as a PC setting toggle.

because the underlying hardware is very similar now

pretty much this, both consoles kinda offered different things

it was the only gen where you saw two companies at their absolute peak making great games for their respective consoles.