Post Comfortable Vidya Towns
comfyfags ought to be shot
Puerto Pollo
The curse of Monkey island
Last game before the franchise turned to shit and died
>Puerto Pollo
that means "young lamb" in italian you know.
Is it possible to get UV Damage from a video game sun?
Cause the beach in Nier would do it jesus christ turn the bloom down.
>Traverse Town
its not really that comfy with all the heartless and shit but the theme alone makes it 10/10
He's full of shit, it means "angry cow" in tagalog.
Looks so souless.
you wish you could live in a city this comfy
Twilight Town in KH2 was also very nice
>airport that close to buildings
Surely this can't go well.
I though about how it would be nice living there when playing this for the first time on my 64.
And now it makes me feel a little nostalgic.
Best housing ward
Basically every town from Super Mario RPG.
All of them in the game really.
>tfw hanging out in selbina between exp parties, just relaxing and listening to the music while people zone in and out
>tfw doing the airship pass quest then taking that long 15 minute ride out to Kazham for the first time, you step off the boat into a wooden village scraped into a hot steamy jungle
>tfw rabao is just a pool of water surrounded by palm trees in the middle of the desert but you can't help but want to take a nap next to the oasis
Mabinogi had a relaxing vibe to it back when it was active.
Don't call me Shirley
Bruma in Oblivion.
Markarth in Skyrim.
cp_Sunshine, Koth_King and ctf_village in TF2
I always imagined there was a constant, yet gentle cool breeze blowing in from the Wilderness. You could go outside at night and watch the glow of lava in the distance and maybe even see a dragon flying. Maybe tease the skeletons by throwing rocks at them from behind the ditch.
Fucking comfy as shit.
Well OP, you win.
I always feel tension when I'm in Edgeville. Being so close to the wilderness is spooky.
That game's OST is god-tier.
Let's identify factors that increase comfiness
>some sort of visible or implied threatening or unpleasant factor, which you are obviously safe from (enemies in traverse town or rain and thunder outside, for example)
The entire Morrowind soundtrack and the atmosphere gave me an unreal sense of wonder and exploration back in the day, I haven't found a game that really gave me that same sense.
I almost feel like the awkward graphics added to the experience rather than detracting from it, but it's pretty hard to swallow these days.
The opening music still gives me chills and completely reinforces the feeling
>Implying Emain Macha was ever active outside generation quests and cooking contests
Tara is more comfy
I honestly don't think that game has ever lost its appeal on me. Granted, it's my favorite game, but It's atmosphere was a big part of what cemented that and is still unparalleled in my eyes.
Imagine being a kid and going sledding down that hill in the winter
I wish you could buy a house in Bayside in San Andreas.
I preferred Solitude myself.
the whole city of paris is beyond comfy.
The comfiest if you can beat the shit out of Japanese men.
Reminds me of fable but isometirc
WIth the music and the town's folk voice lines it's damn cozy
what game?
ho lee shit user. max comfy. thanks for reminding me about this game that needs a proper revisit.
Anarchy Online. Picture of Jobe from the Shadowlands expansion. So many memories, I still have one of those overhanging cliff apartments on my old account.
As much as I dislike the game, Divinity's Reach.
come inside and take a load off
you're damn right it does.
Always felt comfy to me.
I miss MUDs :(
D'ni from the Myst series was wonderful to finally explore when it was in Uru. The neighborhoods felt wonderfully cozy.
Goodsprings/Novac is pretty comfy tbqfhwyf
That place was soo amazing i stiil boot the game every now and then just to wander around and look at the place
Balmora is forever the comfiest.
>Divinity's Reach.
mah nigga