What was the last game you pre-ordered?

What was the last game you pre-ordered?


Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
Playing Stardew Valley last year made me want to get back into Harvest Moon.

And I regret doing so.

Tales of Berseria

Resident Evil 7

Metal Gear Rising. I tried to get my deposit back but those people are insane. I had to argue with the manager for 15 minutes before he gave in. Usually gamestop isn't too bad but those guys probably live or die based on pre-order numbers.

Yakuza 0

Dishonored 2

It somehow ran perfectly for me, so no regrets

I have never pre-ordered a game

The first, last and only game I've preordered was Space Hulk Deathwing

Guild Wars 2. That was a valuable lesson I will not forget.

I've never preordered a game

Bioshock infinite

Pokemon Sun and I didn't regret it.

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

What did she mean by this?

Here we go...

wait what
This is shopped right?

are you black weaboo

She thinks her boyfriend Jamal gets free razors but he's really just stealing them from the store

>come to America expecting to have a better life than I did in Mexico
>am not going to get deported because I'm not documented
fuck whites

might buy a PS4 for Berseria

But we DO pay for razors

Final Fantasy XV.

Last game I preordered was Doom 2016. I made the right choice by doing so, sunk a shitload of time into it and loved every second.

>Usually gamestop isn't too bad but those guys probably live or die based on pre-order numbers.
They do. That's why I haven't gone back in years. Sick of those workers and their endless array of shit they try to sign me up for.

Watch Dogs
I don't regret it desu.

>black weaboo
That would be NBA not NFL, user


Breath of the Wild.

A year ago.

Socom 2 for ps2

Breath of the Wild

...but I'm thinking about Nioh now. Even though the demo spent a few hours kicking my ass.


Before that, the last game I preordered was Pokemon X


I'm waiting for it to arrive now.

Nier Automata

Is there somewhere I can get razors for free?

Far Cry 4
luckily I didn't get Primal

pic unrelated

Are you demanding free tampons?
Are you demanding razors not be free?
Because they sure as shit aren't.
They're fucking expensive unless you get the single blade stuff.

Zero Time Dilemma with the watch.

Yakuza 0 and Nioh at the same time

shes on to the dollar shave club

Is that a rosy bourke?
Fuck those things, I got three of the little shits, they're so annoying.

But they're so delicious

Fate Extella. I didn't expect it to be such an emotional roller coaster.

that's a very pretty birb, user

You need several of them for a good meal though.
And that is with potatoes as side dish.

Legit question: Why does Sup Forums and Sup Forums userbase overlap so much?

Largest boards and gamergate, I think

Racists, homophobics, sexists and the like have no one in their lives, so they pass the time with video games.

Breath of the Wild CE.
Really upset I missed out on the one with the Master Sword.

Some posters in the march were very creative, better than chimping out and destroying private property desu

>Dragon Quest 8 was my first ever preorder
>Dragon Quest 8 3DS is also my latest preorder

Xenoblade Chronicles X and the next one will be Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2, both at once. Back when EB's game cases were covered in tacky sticky tape labelled "Warning: Contains Awesome Within" if that doesn't date it enough for you.

Dead Space 2 was alright but Mass Effect was a massive disappointment. I know it's a fan favourite but it really did feel so completely fucking streamlined compared to the first that I didn't even bother playing the third.

Dead Space 2 was kinda guilty of that too with the one-way maps but Dead Space 1 isn't really the pinnacle of complexity so it's not that big of a deal.

Puyo Puyo Tetris

Last preorder that actually released is Gravity Rush 2. Pretty good so far.

I don't preorder a lot of games but between those two and Yakuza 0 this month has just been a total wallet drainer.

Pokemon Moon. Pokemon games hardly devalue so might as well.
It's also a good game.

Only 2 months away.

HeartGold and SoulSilver