ITT: we vaguely spoil the ending of a game

ITT: we vaguely spoil the ending of a game.

>j/k it's light

Other urls found in this thread:

you get decapitated, crippled or turned into a slug

the slug is the best ending

you either help everyone by curing the cow at the cost of succumbing to God and the laws of nature, kill the cow for the sake of preserving your defiance, or tell the military to shell it all to hell

You picked up a ham and missed out on the true ending


its enough to make a man sick


>turns out your mentor was evil
>wait no
>turns out your mentor was using you as an elaborate scheme to force fate into a paradox

Kingdom Hearts

Thanks faggot

The three antagonists become one and you store them on a mobile hard-drive

You were brainwashed the whole time!

You don't make it back home. Then you get raped in the sequel.

>You're not actually the chosen one
>But you did some cool shit along the way, have fun being reincarnated
>Now just stand still so I can kill you

>She had an evil twin
>Helicopter gets fucked
>To be continued...

Bioshock 1?

>it was all a TV show XD


You have a tearful reunion with your truck.

You are the chosen one, the one who will free the world from evil.

Freeing the world from evil means you absorb it all into yourself and become the bad guy for the other games in series.

captain picard plays death.


>villain: I WILL BECOME GOD!
>hero: No, we will defeat you and show you the power of human friendship and bonds
>boss fight

>finally got to this fucker
>swords, flying little swords
>bro, you hit me i hit you and throw you down the water

Seems like i saved the world and killed the rest off my family

>what is this
>d....are you crying?


ill take every single jrpg ever made for 400 alex


technically correct.. but not actually the game i was thinking of.

hint- sci-fi, Sup Forums loves it, normies dont know it exists, the company that owns the rights to it has retcon-ed it away.

>after a thousand fucking quests and a huge main questline i get to the end of the dark valley
>dark forces everywhere
>the hot elf just tells me some nonsense and sends me to fight the big boss
>bitch didnt even give a kiss
>turns out he was being manipulated by a god
>GUESS WUT? a dragon obviously
>easiest boss battle ever
>now that i saved the world from total doom i guess i can go back and decide the rest of my fate

bet my right ball none of you fgts will get this one. Nobody played this game

>something something dude has a key
>something somethings it's a sword?????????

you saved the humanity . . for now

I'm going to sleep catch me later

dragon dogma

>Boss loses
>Haha i totally see where you coming from now!
>Im good now. put the swords down.


You're a cat

>wow, i just killed everything
>welp, i have nothing to do now
>better kill myself
>fucking dies

elaborate? i dropped out of the dr hype a long time ago near the beginning of orenronen's dr2 translation

You make John Romero your bitch

I want to say its Psi-Ops but I might be wrong on that. I remember that game had people teaching you shit then you go for them

oh come on that's easy

doom 2


Guy you've been helping all game goes. "HA I WAS EVIL ALL ALONG"
Nothing personnel, kid

another hint-

the game didnt have its real ending untill almost 10 years later, with a fan project adding cut content.

You unlock all of the videos for your favorite characters, by completing the hardest task tailored only for them.

You turn into a door.

To be continued

>black cop rused you

everyone stops living as much as they previously did

The world actually sucks lol!!!!!!

MGSV obviously.

You win the quidditch world cup.

You kill your son and then nuke the city you live in for no apparent reason.

Everything gets destroyed but you escape in time.
>Hint: it's in space.


> Big Bad wants to open a door
> after you beat him you can go against 2 of your party members in an edgelord fit
> You were merely pretending

Bruce Willis was dead by the end of Sixth Sense
Luke and Leia are related
Kylo Ren kills Han Solo
oh oops, desu


You're not on a boat

>The big bad throughout the game was really just a small animal that absorbed a small amount of the real big bad's power
Pic also related, kind of

You make an entire city riot and chase down, kill the people who made your life hell since the beginning of the game.

Darth Vader was actually your biological father

any halo

Technically Kingdom Hearts, except its spock, not picard

Hm, didn't expect you to answer it since it's pretty much the setting of any sci fi thing, like Metroid etc.


sounds like pathologic

Radiata Stories.

Don't test me you sissy faggot.

Fanatical danganronpa fans start a real life danganronpa just like their games. All of the participants have made up danganronpa personalities injected into them.

After murdering babies and fucking over humanity you kill yourself because you can't contain your boner

>btw your parents are dead lol

San Andreas

You can either get rid of magic and live with your waifu or keep magic and murder your waifu

Well thats fair but I was originally thinking of Black Ops

I guess a brainwashed main is cliche

I opened it on my first playthrough. No regrets.

The legendary hero is actually a butthurt half elf fuccboi.
For the final battle he fights you in a weird robot suit.

Wrong again

HINT: the developer was closed by EA because it didnt sell enough

>you become god and your best friend becomes you.

Guy kills a fucking load of people and spends the rest of his life drunk.

Jade Empire


You kill the pizza guy

Gow 3


No one can guess this

Not what I was thinking of, but that works surprisingly well.

After killing the final boss you get blown the fuck out.


You try to find who killed your wife and the game end in cliffhanger.

Metal Gear Solid 3

You destroy a boss who comes out of left field with corruption.

Half life.
No, wait. Portal.

She wasnt evil at all

Man eases his trauma by writing a letter to the person who killed his role model.

Max Payne

2003 game

Wrong and maxpayne is not end in cliffhanger

The lord of all darkness is a giant hand.

Fuck that baby room corridor level.

Lol dude it's just a game

Jk it's not a game its real life

>turns out you only had to memorize the attack pattern of the boss lol

In this episode of twin peak.

Who killed his wife then?

Nice ambiguous bittersweet ending that gets ruined by excessive merchandising and pointless sequels

Also boobs defy the laws of physics

Mafia magic

Ddeadly Premonition