Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that this game was severely underrated and unfairly criticized?
Sonic 06
Fuck off
Is that the one in which he runs
I think what we can all agree on, is that the Sonic franchise has THE most autistic fanbase ever created and should die considering the series is a walking corpse
Nice B8 M8
he's not going to make it, let's speed up.
honestly, yes. sonic 06 is not as bad as everyone says it is
all you underagefags just hate it because of game grumps
Do you think we can handle it?
Played it when it came out it really is as bad as everyone says don't listen to apologist faggots
I wonder if this is pre-emptive damage control for the Mario Odyssey comparisons.
What's Mario doing in the city anyway!!!
its fucking awful, but mostly because of the load times. the bugs aren't that bad and the huge levels were nice to explore. the game-breaking items you get near the end of the game were really fun actually.
No, the whole love thing between Elise and Sonic looks like something that would come out of Shrek. Not to mention the cutscenes that looked choppy and the gameplay being a glitch fest.
Universal truth? on my Sup Forums? How could this happen
Please don't cuss
I fucking hated those running sections. They made it so there were obstacles you'd have to jump over and for some reason they made it so you can't moved Sonic in midair so when you're running fast and you jump there's a good chance you'll either jump off the side to your death or careen into another obstacle and die that way.
It's barely a fucking jog. This game was and always will be pure garbage. It's like the people making the game didn't even bother to test half of the levels, they just said "That'll do, let's all go piss in each other's mouths" and shipped it out. They tried to tout it as a entrance into "next gen" but all it did was remind us that Sega had been barely scraping by with their shitty Sonic sequels since the Dreamcast. And I'm not somebody who jumped on the hate train, oh no, I was there as a kid hyped as fuck for the release of a new, beautiful Sonic game. I rented it from fucking Blockbuster. And what happened? Well, I didn't bother much with another Sonic game that wasn't handheld for a long time.
Shut the up fuck
I do this all the time on Sup Forums. Take a shitty piece of media with no redeeming qualities. Pretend to present an argument. Watch retards come in and agree just so they can look like cool kids.
It was bad.
Go fuck a nigger's shit with your whore mother's bleeding cunt, you jizz stained, anus munching rapebaby kike.
Clement is bae
I like to go into games not thinking "Is this gonna be good?", but "I'm gonna have fun." And I did with this game except Aquatic Base for Sonic.
No. It deserved every shred of hatred it got and I say this as the most die hard Sonic faggot you've ever seen. Shadow's game was at least funny cause of how try hard it was. Shit, this game couldn't even do Shadow right
>Chaos Blast is established as a fuckhuge AoE that literally deletes everything onscreen that isn't a boss
>in this game it doesn't hit anything that isnt hanging off your ball sack
Only Sonic game worse is Secret Rings