Starsector thread?

Next big update is around the corner, what do you think of the newly revealed info about Industry user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Industry post from yesterday

>tfw still waiting to become the lobster kingpin of the sector.
Oh shi I totally forgot this is gonna be in the next patch, fuck me now I really cant wait.

I'm not sure about the new fighter design. I liked carrying around a small teams of fighters to back up early on when I had one or two frigates.
Now I need a cruiser and their range is limited and the cruisers are slow.

I love this game but I'd like to see a set roadmap and an early access program for gog and steam.

They deleted my thread.
Diable Avionics best mod faction btw.

I cant wait to see how batshit broken these guys are going to get when the new fighter redesign comes.

Honestly if it makes fighters viable late game I am all up for it.
We still have to test how well it will work out but I am still hopeful

>3 posters
Mod'll need some major reworking for the update.
DA especially, because they focus on fighters supporter by shit tons of missiles. With fighters anchored to weak and slow ships, idk how to play them.
It'll be neat not having fighters take up a ship slot and all.

whats the best faction if i just want to go FAST and kill things quick, mod factions work too

Ludic Raiders I guess
Have fun with your 3 frigates lol.

Dont know about mods tho
Salvage looks cool.
I'd like to play a smuggler selling scavenged goods on the down low, returning from stalking large fleets going to battle.


Was playing this like year ago when they did a big update that fucked a lot of mods.
Guess I should wait to redownload if another big patch is coming.

The big update could take months. Download now and get some mods. It'll be a bit for the mods to catch up with the update anyways.

Can we not post anti-Semitic memes please

>can we please oppress the Tri-Achyons beliefs
wow racist much?


what version of nexerlin do I need for 0.7.2a rc1?

Now is the best time to play 7.2, all the major mod factions have finally gotten their compatibility updates, plus SS+ just got a major revision that's much more stable. I just started a new game a few days back and the shit is excellent.


Hey anyone got the mega link from these old threads? I don't want to buy the game unfinished.



what's this? a starsector thread?!

what happened to neutrino?

Believe it or not there was a time where we could have Starsector threads actually reach bump limit.


I was in one of those threads you know. good times.
any good youtube players/twitch streamers lately?

Good times

great game, it needs more support and a larger team

This'll really change how I played this game. Not sure if I like it.

This games mods are the best

he should get on a kickstarter

you don't need this dumb zealot, Buffalo II can take care of stuff just fine.

Good bye thread

hello thread


The thing that worries me the most is procedural generation for the sectors. As it is now the world(or should I say space) feels well detailed with some neat backstory, and I dont know if that feeling will stay with random sectors

This is gold

How long is it approximately going to take until all of the mods and Starsector+ and all are up to date and rebalanced?

Anyone got that link from a long time ago that has Starsector with a bunch of mods pre installed?

Wait what, there are going to be procedurally generated sectors? Fuuuuuck, this doesn't sound good AT ALL.

Hell, it might be alright if there are just a -few- procedurally generated, random aspects or sectors each time the world is generated, but I would much prefer to keep the basic system as it is. Perhaps just add one or two random sectors here and there, but that's it.

Fug, I dont remember back when the last patched fucked up the mods. I want to say... around a couple of weeks?

Solid month or two

As far as I can remember, some planets and system are static and will always remain the same from playthrough to playthrough(like Jangala) while other planets are random.

He talks about it in some of his blog posts


Tbqh I don't really mind this. If he genuinely aims to simulate the economy, then some random elements will ensure that the playthroughs remain unique and it will show if this economy he implements actually works.

the core planets that we are used to are there. but out of that, the outer rims are generated I think.

Planets headquarters placed by mods like diable avionics staging point would be static

Fleets motherfuckers, fleets

my man

>4 million

all that money and only 3 officers? what


That's more on some ships at the bottom.
Statfarer mode keeps getting them killed.

>he doesn't use exclusively hydras with exclusively AM blasters

Which ones are the hydras again

who made this, and are there more?

Probably one of those chinese fans Starsector seems to have.
This is all I got tho

wasn't there two onslaught pics?

I dont know if this one ever got colored tho

I recall one being halfway colored. it should be in my phone somewhere...
hold on.

That's a really shitty looking fleet for that mad dosh

got it.

fucknig phase frigates fuck

hold still faggots

oops, I mean medusas

Why do you have a link to an almost year old thread user.
Somethings are better left in memory...

Where the fuck is the obviously needed organic faction mod/content?! I'm talking about gif based ships that breath, have moving veins, look disgustingly repulsive, shoot acid, hatch eggs for fighter babies, launch hooks to GET OVAH HERE, etc

What the fuck is this shit

I dunno. didn't AI wars and Infected take that niche?

>hey look at me! all my fighters have heavy frigate levels of survability and damage potential :)
>I'm balanced!

Stupid faction. They spun out of control on my latest nerellien game and I had to make a fleet of beam cruisers just to counter their fighter spam bullshit

Starsector doesnt really into aliens

My biggest concern with the generated systems is this
in nexerlin the jump points are fucking ridiculous, way out on the rim and it takes a minute with fast forward to get there, or right next to a huge fucking sun that jumps my resource consumption

don't ask me, it was google that showed me.

Who /laser torpedo/ here

harpoon spam is a classic that will never go old

Who /hammer/ here

They are gonna nerf the harpoons soon, right?

if the sprite was good, like the hammer having thrusters on one side of it and the shaft being more sensical, this would be a cool ship

unlikely, like reapers.

that enforcer spinning off to the distance gets me every time

Oh right, reapers is what I was thinking off. I recall discussions of toning them down a bit

and buffing hammers? iirc I think there was discussions of bigger sized hammer launchers while changing it's lore text.

Hope the game will run better.

I wouldn't count on it.


is RAMMING SPEED ever a practical tactic in this game?


Knights templar ships can do this to dissipate flux into an attack

When is the update?

Only if you ramm some small ship with fuckhueg one.

Not really, ramming pitiful damage most of the time.
It is pretty funny sometimes tho

barring exceptions like , no. if you ram a smaller ship with a bigger one it does deal a lot of damage, but ships explode when they die so you better be ramming with shields.

me too. didn't alex say that there will be performance improvements in the next update?

specifically ships with charging abilities.

There is a ship called like the clawhammer or something that does that pretty well.

hammerclaw is a diable mining ship with the single use huge kinetic missile. not made for ramming.

fuck I meant gondactalus

Who would use them if they didn't fucking wallop

that's the point. I'm sure alex is figuring it out.

If we had that mega repo with a game copy and mods we could get some threads like rolling thunder senpai

like this?

I bet it's extremely outdated
Someone that isn't me outta reassemble it

if we do that we would be kicked out to /vg/ and the same shit will happen.