Fire Emblem Ballot

It's that time again. Post progress.

Dragon lolis for life.


random every time

Lyn x4

Rate me so far Sup Forums

thanks for reminding me to vote for Tharja again


Anna cannot save taste this shit.




Nice, got the same as you but in different order

I didn't know!

Great minds think alike


Which of the games is cordelia from?


every day

no irony

awakening, plus she gets a doppelganger in fates too so there's pretty much two of her.

Voted for this guy every day.


Was that the last FE game?
Is that why she seems so popular?

I can't seem to find Marche.

No, it was the second to last game. She's popular because of her design and because she's a very good unit and because waifufaggotry.

It's the second newest behind gates but it probly the most popular one




She's popular because she has an unrequited crush on Chrom who goes to canonically fuck her best friend. It makes sense since being rejected is something Sup Forumsirgins find relateable.

Japan did a voting poll on the most popular male and female units, the top picks got swimming suit artwork in Awakening and got to appear in Fates but with different names. No doubt they will get a spot in Fire Emblem Warriors, only to further their popularity and make them "iconic" characters of the series by that point. I just hope the Switch game releasing next year is a complete standalone like they used to make in the past, completely separate from all of these fan pandering characters appearing everywhere.

keep going strong user

I'm gonna be doing this every day and there's nothing you can do about it

you have my support

Is that the doppleganger someone mentioned earlier?

Sounds sad.
Almost makes me want to give her a pitty vote.


I bet you can figure out if one of those characters looks like the other that someone mentioned earlier, without my help.

I might just dedicate four days to Black Knight and Zelgius from both games, then maybe vote for Marty, Meg, and Gillian. I am kinda clueless on the final 3 days to vote for, though. Can anyone give me suggestions? I am crazy for Lancers, Heavies, and units with such low forms that you could just call them Magikarps, due to the crazy stuff characters like Mozu could become when they're fully trained after being so bad early on.

Amelia needs more love.

vote Marty for the rest of the days

I just want to know if that's who it was reffering to.
I don't really play fe, please don't bully.

Donnel is the low form unit of awakening

What do you think of Meg?

How crazy does he become after chapters of training?

Sigurd x4

last 3 votes will be for hector volke and gonzalez

cordelia is the one from awakening

caeldori has cordelia's name as an anagram, and is from the next game. she was put in because cordelia ranked really high on a popularity poll, and she was put in as one of the second-generation kid units instead of as a first-gen parent unit. she is not necessarily related to cordelia, but can be based on pairings.

Been alternating between Canas and Innes.

Donnel can easily carry you through about half of the game, and his kids only become stronger for it

Never played Awakening, so I'll check up on that sometime.

Donnel's luck gets to a high enough point where he can abuse a skill to maintain weapon durability for way longer than usual.
Combine his luck with a leif's blade and not only is he strong, but also a money making machine

Your ballot is a little bit on the weak side maybe try to improve it later on

Only cute girls allowed.

Seems like a random combination of characters for two people to vote for.



>Only cute girls allowed
>Didn't vote for any

I completely forgot about Donnel until today.



kek. do Izuka next

R8 H8 B8

I'm sorry.

I think with my dick more than with my mind.


Mark my words, only Awakening/Fates units will win.

>thinking with your dick
>picking flatcina

should have picked Sonia or Ursula if you wanted to keep the theme going

>0 speed
>0 skill
>0 shit taste

does it really matter that I didn't link accounts?

Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll announce another winner. The character who received the least votes gets a joke costume.

good taste aside from lucina

put votes into lyn

>thinking with dick
>picks babby's first waifus
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet out

So we'd get another Pokemon General election situation? Nice.

it would just end up being some side villain from FE5 or 2 since they put LITERALLY EVERY CHARACTER in the poll

Hell yes user couldn't agree more. Love when she starts out she can barely lift her spear to attack, then turn her into a general and fucking twirl spears on chains of death. Fuckin love the old sprite animations.

U wont get it for free now

I'm probably the only one at this point.

>he says posting Lyn

Just remember. If you're the only one repping her, then she'll be your pure and true waifu forever.

>everyone picks these feeble women and not the best boy

Zeiss is better