How do you justify $20 for this?

How do you justify $20 for this?

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Quality over quantity. Depends on what you want out of a game. A lot of Sup Forums shits on the game because they expected something other than Limbo 2 and I just think, come on. Not every game has to be 30 hours or 1000 hours. And I don't think Inside would have benefited that much from being longer.

You can't and morons will keep saying that a less than 2hr experience is worth the money.

Gone homo

these are all games made to milk idiots

If you have enough money that $20 is essentially meaningless.

By enjoying it, if you didn't enjoy it you wouldn't justify it.

I enjoyed it but I regret not buying it on sale.

It was a pretty good game when you pirate it and didn't pay 20 dollars for another pretentious indie game with simplistic puzzles and mediocre "story". Also having the audacity to put Denuvo in when people are already suspicious of expensive indie games.

By getting it for free/

that's 1/16th of my disposable income each week. a half hour cab ride costs more.

>indie game

so... are you rich or poor?

if $20 is nothing for a 2 hour game then why would anyone complain about $300 for a whole console, $70 for a controller, $60 for a 10 hour game, or even 2-5 dollars for dlc items?

If the game is 2D, 2.5D, lo-fi, or any other low-effort meme visuals it will never be worth more thna $2.49 on steam sale. To be resorting to 30 year old visual limitations under the guise of "retro appeal" is a crying shame and the reason Steam's library is 98% garbage and climbing.

Sorry to poo poo on your shtick here, but Inside looks better than 95% games out there.

The people who don't have a problem with a $20 game don't have a problem with any of those things. Poor people have a problem with it. The value of money is subjective - and its subjectivity is based on how much money you have.

I got $20 worth of entertainment out of it. I pay more than that to see a two hour movie, getting a five hour game for $20 that I enjoyed minute-to-minute more than most movies was a steal.

Retarded fucks

Literal trash isnt worth money

>What are you, poor?

Good goy

How the fuck did you get 5 hours out of this game??

because value is subjective especially if you're talking about 20 bucks which isn't a lot to most people. 300 is a different story especially if you're paying for underpowered hardware

>low-effort meme visuals
Educate yo'self tl;dr you're a dumbass

My point isn't that the game was good, my point is that if you have enough money that you can buy everything you could ever want in your entire lifetime, spending $20 on something that provides no value isn't a waste of money, because you essentially have infinite money.

Just checked Steam, it was 4 hours, not 5. My apologies.
I got 4 hours by playing through it once and taking my time to explore the world and get the collectibles and then going back through the beginning so I could the secret ending.

didn't know about that.

Good goys
Don't forget to purchase the new quarterly iteration of the iphone to replace last seasons - the iphone 7 plus XXL mini.

It's the only game that let's me see a cute little boy get electrocuted, ripped apart by dogs, strangled, or mind control adult corpses to move him around.

Abzu is great, faggot

>having to justify $20
>the food i shit out daily is worth 3 times that

Feels good to be 30 and have a great paying job

Just finished it. I'm usually really stingy with games but I would easily have paid $40 if I had known how much I was going to love it

I can't think of another game that has that level of attention to detail. Every single aspect of the game was perfect. I've barely been playing games recently because I can't get engaged with them anymore but I loved every second

Holy fuck that was good, guys

Arent dvds like 20 buck.

I got 6 hours out of it for two full playthroughs, one for the normal ending and one for the secret ending.

Honestly it would be a cool game to just play through for friends...basically have them come over and watch, it's a great cinematic experience, and we all know how Sup Forumstards love those

I got a lapdance from your mom.
Also 20 bucks.

Id rather buy inside.

Didn't limbo have shit to collect that required actual thinking though? That adds at least an extra 3 hours.

Your comment will mostly fall on deaf ears here. You're trying to appeal to mostly teenagers who pirate everything and have a dudebro mentality. To them, freemium games like CS, TF2, LoL or Overwatch are the pinnacle of gaming. I wish I was joking but this is likely more than 80% of Sup Forums nowadays. The same kinda fag that goes on YT to "follow" e-celebs.

I know there are a few smart people that frequent this board, I've talked to them before

I just came here looking to talk about the game because I really want to hear what others think


Thread about whether a game is good value. Shit post continually trying to redefine what value means.

OP here, I thought the game was amazing and worth the pricepoint sue to the quality of the game. The thread is about hearing people whine/justify the 20 dollars. It really is a shitpost.

I'm right there with you

God damn that ending got to me


Did you get the secret ending.

Not yet, tomorrow I'll play through again

I was actually one orb (battery?) away from unintentionally getting the alt ending on my first play through (I didn't know there was one playing)

Exact same situation here, though I couldn't be bothered replaying it.

You don't have to replay it, you can just jump around the chapter select.
Damn kids these days. Glued to their youtube vids won't play the game themselves..

Look mac, I got a lot of backlog to get through before I replay games like Inside, and I'll probably be replaying Limbo before I do that.
Some day, though.

>playing two similar games back-to-back
Bad move. You're a backlog amateur. Variety is necessary.