There is an objectively correct answer to this. Which is the the better game?

There is an objectively correct answer to this. Which is the the better game?

I like both

which versions?

You have to go back.

Mario bros 2 japanese version

Super Mario Bros. 4

World sold more.

Both are phenomenal games though, 3 definitely pushed what was possible for platformers more but world had really great scrolling and effects and moving levels.


The one you played first

3 is objectively superior.


World was a pack in, and yes companies count those as software sales.

I'll say 3 because I prefer the each world is a different theme. I don't like all the secret exits in world. However I'll say world has better mechanics.

World perfected everything that 3 introduced. It is the quintessential 2D Mario experience. It had better music too.

Right. Easily.

World is better. All 3 has over it is the hammer suit and kuribo's shoe.

And better level design

3 doesn't have powerups and mechanics that are overpowered to the point of being broken.

Not even.
>Nipper Run
>8-1 (first block level, not the tanks)
>the "You need X or Y powerup fortresses"
>some trial and error levels that involve mazes and breakable brick blocks
>not to mention how fucking easy the Boom Booms/Koopalings are

...Kid Chameleon is better than SMB3

I like worlds secrets.

3 had them too but it was usually just a shitty 1-up or a Tanuki suit if you were lucky.

SMB3 for GBA

Those were creative levels. And one of those block levels at least gave you a free respawning powerup so you couldn't get stuck.