>99% trophy completion
>have to level Survival Skill to max
>spend two hours walking in circles
Terrible game design.
>99% trophy completion
>have to level Survival Skill to max
>spend two hours walking in circles
Terrible game design.
Other urls found in this thread:
You should have dropped the game when you got to Chapter 13
>fighting some monsters during the day
>imperial drops a level 45 something mech and a group of level 45 soldiers
Why is this allowed?
>caring about meaningless achievements
>spend 2-3 hours autistically raging and jumping in an end-game dungeon
>get a shitty accessory for it, not even a trophy for my efforts
t-thanks tabata
>caring about trophies
>wasting two hours of your life that could have been spent playing a better game
Come on man, I know you're better than this.
Just go do the 100 floor dungeon.
>somehow got Gladi's thing before Noct's fishing one
He looks too young and not as ripped.
Not that difficult. The difficult part was the fishing and having the deal with that damage sponge that was the Super Boss.
>mfw final fantasy died over 15 years ago
>MFW people legit are this fucking stupid
ff died when sakaguchi left....
over 15 years ago
>Thinking Sakaguchi is what made Final Fantasy
Seriously, your favorite FF games (FF6, FF7) were made by Kitase along with FF8, FF9 and FF12 were directed by Ito after Matsuno threw a hissy fit, and FF10 and FF13 were directed by Motomu Toriyama. Hajime Tabata is the newest director of a number title with FF15.
>mfw liking FF15 and failing to be convinced that it's bad by Sup Forums's autism
FF was dead and 13 was like a dumptruck full of sand poured over its grave.
As long as you're not trying to convince me that luna/ravus/regis's death weren't bad I can agree.
Pretty sure autism is a requirement to complete a 100-floor dungeon.
>complaining about a level 45 mech
>he hasnt seen the level 80+ mechs yet
>Not appreciating the Goddess' game
What's it like to be completely hollow inside
all i know is that when sakaguchi was at sqaure, ff was awesome
and when he left it sucked
FF13 kept the franchise from falling into irrelevancy. Look at what happened to FF12. In fact, FF13 did so well that it got an entire subseries that got back the money from the failure that was FF14.
FF15 established that it could incorporated Western RPG designs (abiet questionable decision making in places) and it was mostly good.
Sakaguchi wasn't Square. In fact. half the number titles before FF7 (2, 3 and 5) were either downright failures or too lackluster to get over to the states.
jrpgs werent famous in the states until ff7
>FF13 kept the franchise from falling into irrelevancy.
FF13 almost killed the franchise because it marred for an entire generation of consoles. Keep in mind Type-0 wasn't originally released in the west.
No, it was because of poor quality before FF7. FF2 and FF3 took 15 years to get over to the west for being shit. FF5 took 7 years to get over to the west and that was lackluster.
FF1, FF4, and FF6 got over to the west due to the fact that they actually were of higher quality. Despite FF1 aging like milk, the game's got 'better and better' due to them cutting out 50% of the games.
FF13 didn't kill the franchise, it saved it from the destruction of FF14. Don't you remember how horrible that was?
Plus FF13 is regarded as the 4th best PS3 game in Japan with only Demon Souls, TLoU and Dark Souls beating it.
im not saying WHY jrpgs werent famous before ff7, im just saying jrpgs werent famous until ff7, so thats why no one bought jrpgs before ff7
I don't know how young you are, but localization and quality very rarely had anything to do with each other.
>these games which had shit quality weren't localized
>FF1, FF4 and FF6 are three games separated by at least 1 number title.
>Not realizing that 50% of the games didn't come to America for some reason
Okay, stop with the delusions.
But they still came over to the west regardless of how famous they were. Yet only half came over to the west.
I hate to break it to you, but FF1 was bad. It was pretty groundbreaking for its day, but by no metric is it better than FF2 or 3.
FF1 is better than FF2 and FF3. Both FF2 and FF3 were either broken or way imbalanced.
FF1 is extremely easy by comparison. And I've said that FF1 has aged like milk.
Gooch did not involve with game department after FF7, he's busy with FF Spirit Within movie since '98. Still he's out of the picture cause a ckuster fucj within Square dude's basically the one in charge of the goddamn company, Wada and his lackey are just fucking suck and can't run the company to save their sorry ass.
5,6 and tactics are my favorite you double nigger
Then why was FFXV Sakaguchi's GOTY of 2016?
i liked 15. put well over 100 hours into it and i got so fucking bored i havent even finished it. mostly because i know luna does nothing but die, your friends die and the plot ends with no point. same thing with xenoblade chronicles x but at least that had a good combat system, compared to 15 anyway.
just two hours? There are games I'm only missing one trophy in where the last one would take 15 plus hours to get.
Hell I'd just rig something up to make the character keep moving if it was just two hours of nothing.
>ff1 is better than ff3
and now i know your a retard and i can safely ignore you from here out.
>ip bans when
i had that shit maxed by chapter 8, you use fast travel too much. why do you hate immersion and play open world games like they were more lobby based than pso or monhun.
But I use the chocobo to go everywhere.
>FF13 kept the franchise from falling into irrelevancy.
By slinging it's corpse through the mud shitting all over itself in the process.
>mfw you are using the gaming media to help bolster your position
>you use fast travel too much
You know this game has chocobos, right?
>FF13 sold 6.2 million copes
>FF13 mostly good reviews
>FF13 grand majority liked it with a vocal minority hating it
>FF13 got an entire subseries from fan demand
>FF13 considered the 4th best PS3 game in Japan
>FF13 features Japanese fan favorite Lightning Farron
>Considered slinging it's corpse and mud shitting
Okay fanboy, please be delusional somewhere else.
shuhei yoshida also said XV was his GOTY of 2016
Both of these dudes are old as shit. I kinda doubt they play a lot of video games these days.
Is it time?
Activate it, boys
>implying any of that matters in a game you can't fucking die
All it does is take time.
My favorite FF is 1 though.
But I don't have any almonds.....
>your friends die
They literally don't though?
You're a fucking retard.
>XCX combat
Go back to your mmo /vg/ thread, they share taste as bad as yours.
So it's already been proven that Lightning is just Cloud's character model with a slightly leaner build, but what about Noctis? Seems like they just copypasted the same model again.
>So it's already been proven that Lightning is just Cloud's character model with a slightly leaner build
How was it so called 'proven'? You are just saying "Lightning has the same weather condition nickname as Cloud therefore they are the same".
>what is reading comprehension
i said good compared to ff15's
so everyone that was saying prompto ignis and gladio die at the end was just meming?
you care about trophies ? ahahahahahahahaha what a fagg
yoshida plays a lot of games, always posting pics on his Twitter
FF13 was datamined, and Lightning's model was named "cloud_2".
I beat the game this week and I can't even tell who died.
>Better than FF15's
I don't give a fuck
I'd suck Cloud's dick if he looked like this
Okay, that sounds like a load of shit. Doubt that it was called "Cloud_2" and you are just making that shit up.
The game doesn't make it clear if they die or not.
Noctis looks nothing like either of them. Even Prompto is more buff than Cloud.
as far as im concerned it absolutely is. even the skell combat is better than the snoozefest that is ff15's combat.
>Friends left behind to fight off daemons like at the end of C13
>Only this time Noctis actually stops the daemons
They survived a hopeless situation in C13, I don't understand how people can't imagine them surviving a much more favorable fight where Noctis ends the daemon threat five minutes later.
How goes the search for a daki commissioner?
FF15 combat doesn't make me fall asleep like XCX's MMO combat did, so it's an immediate step up for me.
Their AI isn't that good and couldn't actually do it.
its the complete opposite for me. ill take mmo combat over hold circle and left to win anyday of the week.
Plus even Iris has been fighting daemons for 10 years and she only uses punches and kicks.
Cutscene powers =/= ingame powers
Do you even play video games user
Oh wait, you're on Sup Forums
mmo is press nothing to win, XV actually requires player input, more than any other FF for that matter.
>le hold O meme
Try holding nothing but O against the three Red Giants and Nagarani in Costlemark then watch your asshole gape.
>hold circle and left
Too busy with vidya, and my wallpaper keeps me company
>Super Boss.
What was the super boss again?
The level 120 thing on that base for the weapon quest?
>mfw i always do the opposite of Sup Forums and end up living a happy life playing many great video games
i did two with a pack of 4 courels. is that good enough? at least in xbx i actually wanted to hit other buttons so i could watch the combos make huge numbers for me. at least i had to actually make inputs to heal my party to do hard content as opposed to letting my AI team auto rez everyone while i run in circle.
i finished xbx but i got so bored with 15 i probably wont even finish even though im at chapter 10 as of 2 months ago.
I'm gonna keep riding you about this
There are people out there counting on you
Oh fuck, right, forgot about that thing.
>ff1 is magically not a shit game when being used to defend the horrible combat in 15
Ride away bb
fyi, each weapon has different attacks mattering what direction you press when you attack
you want to move to the side so your not in front of the mobs. eventually you will get behind them and get blindside links to pop. right is also an acceptable direction.
>every time I see Bateman I'm reminded none of you can experience the glorious brazillian dub of AP.
I pity you.
Not that guy, but I like by girls fatter
the left combo is shit though, what weapon are you using
ultimately they are largely irrelevant, the only thing i noticed worth using is the scepter royal arm for the dragoon jump style warp attack. great for breaking horns to get the ultima weapon in chapter 3 or taking no damage at all from aranea
You must get laid like crazy.
And that doesn't matter at all because you'll never die in this game unless you're underleveled by like 20 levels.
not that user, but any girl worth keeping wont give a shit if you have animu titty wallpapers. any girl who legit gets insecure about cartoons is a headcase you should avoid in the first place.
Believe it or not I'm a virgin. It might also surprise you to learn that I masturbate a lot.
FF14 saved itself.
XCX required no input it's all auto
XV has the best combat in the series and is the only FF game where you can even say it has combat.
Camping again?
>Believe it or not I'm a virgin. It might also surprise you to learn that I masturbate a lot.