Late Night Everquest Thread

Was this a good mmo Sup Forums?

I keep hearing this set the tone then WoW shifted it is that right?

well, gee, idk user
it's popular enough that a clueless faggot like you made a thread about it

A remember hearing a lot of buzz but I never tried it.

Those box art titties always stood out every time I walked past in the PC game aisle but I just bought Half Life instead.

Someone's bitter. Why don't you go take a nap or something

I still play EQ2.

Lore and story are good and I can play as ratgirl waifus in skimpy outfits.

EQ truely was the epitome of box art cheesecake.



bitch ain't taking this fight serious so may as well check out that ass

Looking back on it, it was a shithouse game
You played it for the people mostly. Without them it was nothing

I saw a friend of mine playing this once, he was fighting what looked like a deranged parade float.

He said it was a dragon....


EverQuest is in a league of it's own. It's unlike any other game that exists.

If you didn't play it, it will be hard to actually explain the feeling you got when you were 9/10/11/12 years old logging into that world back in the late 90s/early 2000s.

Such a fucking bummer about next. It really looked good, like if a survival game was actually good.

>find quest npc
>its a bunch of text
>quest get
>no quest log wtf
>have to remember what quest asks for if you didnt take notes
>have to go out and fibd objective
>oh but you got no map
>keep track of your progress by yourself since no quest log/tracker
>pray to god youre keeping good track
>go back to quest npc after 3 hours
>lol you only got 99% progress loser

Sounds like a game Sup Forums would love.

Was there ANYONE who thought this art was okay?

>Original kept to a realistic artstyle, rich colored palette with a high-fantasy setting
>New colors jump out at you and are harsh on the eyes, clashing with all the more-tightly packed characters
>Depth and proportions from the original totally thrown out the fucking window
>Firiona Vie was originally a Wizard, then Cleric
>Now she's some ugly pucker-fished Ranger
>Dinduman of Asschecking replaced by Generic Swashbuckler Man

I could go on and on about new characters but I'm too fucking tired. Why the fuck did Sony [sell out to Daybreak games]? Such a waste.

ex-tritonfag here

i am going to sleep soon but i guess i can post a couple of things

You're leaving out bits like

>Trade too many or too little items to NPC
>NPC gives you dialogue stating it's incorrect but keeps the quest items
>Sense direction to guess where you're going to find where you need to be
>It's being farmed by other players or players keep taking your kills
>Go to turn in quest but because you accidentally killed that one crazy dwarf your rep is too low for the npc to accept your quest

But legitimately, being an Iksar Necromancer and being the most literally hated being in existence was fun as fuck.

the worst part is realizing that even if we got another game on par with everquest, it wouldn't be the same because everything will be datamined and stuck on a wiki

you don't get the mystery and wonder of discovering the game with other people, or the game being cruel and punishing in general. and i bet most of you are normalfags who would not have the required free time to do anything worthwhile.

let's face it, the good times are over forever.

maybe some day we can undo all the damage to the mmo genre, but i sincerely doubt it

I don't see a signature, is that Larry Elmore? Dude did so much D&D art back in the day.

if you never got a chance to play everquest at least up through the planes of power era (velious being the best) you truly missed out.

project 1999 is not the same at all.

Things this game did that no other game still doesn't let you do that were fun:

>Earning a last name through leveling
>Giving pets items that they will visibly use and make them noticeably better
>Currency needing to be converted at a bank, instead of a bank being a storehouse for shit
>People tipping for buffs that otherwise cost little to no effort or preparation to impart on others
>The ability to change factions through betraying your own faction or earning reputation with usually hostile factions (earning faction rep with one, losing faction with another)
>Having a good and evil for each race, regardless of usual alliances (Necromancers)
>Polite customs for non-intrusive actions (asking to inspect someone before inspecting them)
>Having to actually talk to NPCs as if they were players
>Upgrades in spells and abilities located in obscure and distant locations, forcing you to explore content
>Penalties for carelessness (not looting your body within several weeks, fall damage being a significant risk, attacking guards)
>NPCs only being available within certain times
>NPCs within a same faction not responding / defending one another in case you attack them (i.e the dickass Dwarf in Qeynos that haggled the fisherman guy won't attack you if you kill the Dwarf in front of him but the guards will but will attack you if you attack the guards in front of him)
>Leaving items on the ground for other players to access, accessing hidden items in plain sight (coins in fountains, discarded food on the ground)
>Multiple starting locations for the same race
>Varying lore options for characters, chiefly diety, impacting gameplay
>NPCs having secret dialogue if you said the correct phrases to them

I could go on and on.