You can only pick one to play. Which is it?

You can only pick one to play. Which is it?

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I'd rather stop playing vidya altogether if those were my options but I'll say overmemes because it at least isn't as boring as DOTA.

Dota 2 isn't even fun.
The only fun moba is Super Monday Night Combat

dota desu


after visiting some of the countless Overwatch threads that flood this board Overwatch seems to degenerate everyone playing it into a massive faggot with shit-taste in vidya

At least you can mod Moba into a fun game. Overwatch is permanently disfigured.

Depends on if I have 10 minutes for an unbalanced game or 3 hours for an unbalanced game.

I quit Dota with over 3000 hours just to play Overwatch, so idk

>playing video games

Overwatch becomes insufferably boring since there will always be 6-8 characters who are objectively better than the rest of the cast and both sides just play those every single game.

The thing about Dota is atleast the OP heroes get spread between both teams and normally have a bunch of counter picks.


Overwatch is for babbys who cant handle their feefees being hurt by mean words. Also has shit-tier waifus and comp scene isnt going to pick up like dota did.

pretty much this.

boils down to if you have friends to play with or not; if no friends, you're better off just going outside or picking up a real hobby. otherwise overwatch for sure desu

I play both right now.

If I had to choose between one or the other I would probably just not play video games, I'm already barely engaged in them and only play with friends.


Neither preferably

If forced to pick one, Overwatch. At least some of the characters are nice to look at.


simply because it doesnt have dumb brazilians/russians/pinoy fucks who dont know how to speak english properly but queue on english settings anyway

then rage at you for not interpreting their map pings

i love dota 2's gameplay
i fucking Loathe Dota 2's playerbase

DOTA until Overwatch gets a Techies clone.

What would you guys call this logical fallacy?
Appeal to shitty fanbase?

overwatch is pretty awful if you dont have friends. i'd pick neither for that reason.

I dont even know what the one on the right is

If that's your problem then DOTA won't save you there.

>Techies clone
that would be Jay and Silent bob here.


Can't I play something fun instead?

So one of them can literally throw themselves at an enemy to explode?

I have never actually played Overwatch.

Junkrats tend to throw themselves into Pharas point blank and shoot them with their grenades

Tiny on fire one is the explosives expert you CAN kill yourself with your own explosions but you can do it safely its as close as you're gonna get to the techies.

Big Guy is basically pudge with a shotgun and self heals.

Overwatch because I fucking suck at MOBAs and find them boring.

I have 6 hours of free time per day, so I could play both if I wanted.

Too bad they're both shit.

Overwatch. Dota 2 games last too long. It sucks having spent 50 minutes of your own energy and time just to lose at the last minute.

Dota 2 is literally the only competitive video game worth playing

How is Dota 2 unbalanced? I've only started playing the game.

They're both MOBA's, so I'll go with the original since at least has depth.

obviously dota, overwatch is embarrassing because of how casual it is

>competitive "gaming"

its sure done wonders over the past decade

It's not unbalanced; people believe it is unbalanced because retards get into their first pub game and get destroyed by an anti-mage that got free farm all game and wasn't countered.

Dota 2 because I only play with friends which adds up to a 3-5 stack. When you play with people, even when you fuck up, the game gets a lot more enjoyable.

The last time I solo played was like 2 years ago. Am I a casual?

I'll take the gun and one bullet, thanks.

Why would I want to play kusoge?

>get retarded teammates, lose in 10 minutes

>dota 2
>get retarded teammates, lose in 40-60 minutes

its an easy choice

and the second the first round in overwatch is lost because of shit teammates, you can just pick hanzo or widowmaker and try to get a few headshots/piss your team off before the loss is official

Dota. Dota lasted me 10years so far. Overwatch, I got bored of after a month.

Only people who added me were underageb& from Sup Forums that did nothing but spam memes, or people with broken english

How did you do it

over watch, both games are shit but at least over watch games only take like 15 min and you can leave when ever w/o to much of a penalty

Dota is at least ok and you can play some shitty tds instead.
Overwatch is an awful game.

second post best toast

>2 games that have literally nothing in common

at least copare it to CS:GO or TF2 but not Dota 2.....

I dont know where is overmeme popular, nobody from my friends play the game (Im in EU)