If this isn't always your highest stat, then I'm afraid you need to be euthanized

If this isn't always your highest stat, then I'm afraid you need to be euthanized.


What if all my stats are 10?

Luck is the dumpstat though. It's supposed to be Charisma and maybe Traps and Outdoorsman

>play super star saga
>whoa, i can put points into luck
>crit chance stays the same
>discount gets capped
>find out halfway through the game I just knee-capped my stat growth by picking the same thing over and over
Thanks game

The health stat is always my highest stat. Tank master race.

Why go for a glass cannon RNG build when you simply be so tanky that there is no way you opponent can kill you quick enough?

name one game which putting points in luck is a good idea

make me

But in Fallout 4, you can get maxed everything.

Real Life

Fallout 2.

Fallout New Vegas


>he doesn't balance his stats out

get a load of THIS normie. i bet you also pick every trash item up

I always get 7 luck for that top floor clearance at the Repcon building when I'm not RP-ing

i play different stat blocks in different games

for new vegas it makes sense to be the courier with a fuckhueg luck stat with the gambling motif and all

>Put it all in Strength.
>strong back 3
>Deep pockets on all armor peices
>furry undies (+1 strength)
>still over encumbered


Dark souls 3 speedruns use a luck scaling weapon. It's the only time I can think of luck being valuable over any other stat. Maybe das 1 taking luck over resist bc that shit did nothing

ice cream


bad luck


>and maybe traps


>always put luck and charisma at the lowest
autist runs are the best

don't need luck when you got skill


There's a certain technique in Oblivion where you raise your luck ASAP and that makes it so you can max out your skills eventually

Or maybe I'm misremembering


If your stats aren't 5/5/5/5/5/5/10 at the start of the game, you aren't playing New Vegas properly.


Why? You self inserting?

It was my highest stat in dark souls 3. I never beat the game, deleted my character, and tried to replay the game with two more characters before losing interest after only a few hours.

Luck literally cucked me out of my first playthrough by making my character suck so much fucking dick.

MapleStory. LUK's the main stat thieves scale damage from.

Because they do so much damage that you die in 3 hits, and you can't hit them back because they've been practicing their dodge game since the start, while you're just a slow tank.

>int 10
>agi 10
>all skill points into sneak
>old war hat


too bad that luck is pretty much the most irrelevant stat in ds3

Since this is the statfag thread what are some of the best games to play glass cannon in?

Demons Souls hyper mode.

It really depends on the game in question. It would help if more games actually explained what the stat does beyond "Makes you lucky" while every other stat gets a detailed explanation of everything it effects. I'd rather keep things consistent by increasing a stat that I know what it does then increase luck and hope something beneficial randomly happens.

I max out intel for dem sweet extra point though,senpai

That's the whole point of luck.

It you were really intelligent, you would have given yourself all the skill points in the game right from the start.

I don't know man. A lot of games have the luck stat effect useless shit.

I agree OP

>Play New Vegas
>Max out on Luck
>Clean out all casinos
>Critical hits everywhere
>Mishaps 24/7
>Manage to somehow cure someone's terminal, incurable disease


Demons souls
Some SMT games

Spotted the casual

luck better be 11 then bitch

Then try do achieve that with luck being your highest stat, meaning that everyone else can overpower, evade, outsmart, outrun, persuade, or see you coming from afar.

You aren't old enough to post here.

>STR fag trips and breaks his neck under the mass of his muscles
>DEX fag falls of a cliff in an attemp to dodge my attack
>INT fag bits his tongue, miscast an explosives spell and explodes himself
>AGI fag is just a weak ass no damage fag, LUC master was lucky to face this faggot
>CHA bro is wise enough to persuade LUC master to come by his side, togheter they'll beat literally everyone

It's like you've never played the game. Luck boosts bleed and bleed shreds through all bosses. Luck is literally the easy mode of DS3

>high int
>miscasts a spell

also what kind of game has both dex and agi, what the fuck

I don't get why people say this.

I've tried to bleed a few bosses already like the boreal dog and the tree and they either do not fucking bleed or it does no damage. I'm using a fucking bandits dagger, one of the fastest swinging normal weapons in the game, and I get so many hits in, along with carthus rouge, and still fucking nothing.

Did you hollow infuse it? Use Anri's or something like 2 kat. You will mow down bosses.

Also the tree is a bad candidate for bleeding because of the egg mechanic. If you've ever tried cheesing Dancer with the old Sword Master glitch you'd notice that he just bleeds her to death slowly and it always takes a huge chunk of her health. She'd be dead in moments if it wasn't for his retarded AI.

agi is dodge/ranged accuracy and dex is crit chance/crit damage

they should never be mixed into 1 stat because melee need to use 2 str and con and magic users tend to need 2 int and wis

A fly could get into their eye and they miscast the spell. Just use your imagination, luck could be anything. INT also doesn't always mean that if you get enough of it you never miscast. A wild mage in BG is an extreme example of that.

but dexterity and agility mean the SAME FUCKING THING

if youre gonna have a stat just for ranged accuracy you can call it perception or something

or the crit chance stat can be like luck or cunning or something
but don't have a stat named dex AND a stat named agi

you would't have "strength" and then also "brawn"

LUCKILY no one gives a shit what you think OP