Buy Battleborn
Buy Battleborn
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> tfw the joke Battleborn General died in 2 days
You mean this battleborn right?
No I mean the BADASS one
That's not FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!
Finish Borderlands 3, you shitter
It's finished, user
This poor man's toddposting, pathetic randy.
But i already did
please understand
we are on tight budget and limited crew
>hobby-grade coop campaign
Seriously, what the fuck do these mean?
I did when it was on Humble Bundle. I literally couldn't find a game to join. Sorry Todd/whatever the fuck your name is, I tried.
Only badass can understand
>Sup Forums can't let go of unfunny memes
fuck off and take this shit back to redddit
Actually there was an update recently and bump of players, so you may find a game for few weeks
>Last played 27/11/2016
Finished idling for your meme screencap that early huh
>Happened to see battleborn with like 500 players yesterday on steamcharts
What's with the sudden spike
>500 players
lol even my shitty niche mmo has 2000
New character, and a huge update that changed a lot of things.
winter update
I really hoped it was my autistic randyposting though for a moment
Big update that was meant to fix everything also a new character.
So damage control? too bad, the damage is already done and with Overwatch and TF2, they don't have a single chance.
I actually like that design except the wing is retarded
>the wing is retarded
And so is the batttleborn
Why isn't there a single attractive character in battleborn? don't they know waifus sell?
Be honest, if Battleborn released way before or after Overwatch launched, do you think it would have been a successful game?
The same game with the ugly artstyle, ugly character design, awful writing, and awful gameplay?
>"Hey guys it's ANOTHER Tiny Tina! Only this time, she's GOTH!"
>"This will surely net us the Hot Topic crowd and revitalize our dead game!"
>"Hey.... W-Why is everyone l-leaving?"
It's the comedy gift that keeps on giving.
Hey, Randy. Why does your fedorable son live in a tiny castle like some little girl playing pretty pink princess?
Why did he marry a whale?
Why does his son wear a fedora?
I wasn't saying that it wasn't retarded, dumbass.
The problem is, Battlepr0n is designed after Overwatch. Gearbox would never figure it out on their own
No thanks, buddy. You wouldn't want my bigot money.
>hobby-grade coop campaign
to save money, queerbox had spastic niggerweeb hobbyists design their coop campaign
so as not to offend the tender sensibilities of their fanbase, deercox must constantly attempt to "balance" the game in a Blizzard-esque style, periodically tweaking numbers to "balance" and dismantle asymmetries in character power structures; however, since they fucking suck at developing and don't realize this is impossible without 100% homogenization, they will, also like Blizzard, completely fuck this up, necessitating more number-tweaking and inevitably leading to a new meta for the minmaxing psycho transniggerdickkins that play the game "competitively"
pick your badass carcinogen
She reminds me of the new character in Overwatch.
After playing pre sequel idk if i could stand more of the cringey writing. "lol republicans xD aaaawwwwstraaaaauliiiaaaaaaaaaaw"
>mfw no overcucks infesting my game
>please look at our porn
i'd ask what went wrong but i think "what didn't go wrong" would be more relevant
Hey look, it's gothic, creepy mercy. But instead of a healing beam, we get her to spray healing juices.
This game ganna go far
Anyone else feel like Battleborn being a catastrophic failure is karma biting Gearbox in the ass for the sleazy bullshit behind the development of DNF and Aliens:CM?
If repeating digits I buy Battleborn
>repeating digits
>Sup Forums
Thank you Varg.
>absolutely nobody playing
You're not even wrong
> £3.99 brand new
bless me with the power of will, Great Varg
Let this sink in.
A 75 players gain was a 40% increase in playerbase.
She's kinda hot
Okay I'll roll
Making attractive women is sexist and misogynist and yada yada user. This is an SJW company they're blubbering retards rushing to their doom.
>25,065 In-Game
How come nobody here cares?
It's either Overwatch faggotry or people laughing at Battleborn
give it to me good
i must admit, it's a lot of fun checking this shit game's reddit and steam discussions. battleborn shills are pathetic and flood the topics with "oh i just finished a match, proof there are players" or "you just wait pals, i'm sure battleborn will recover it's playerbase" when somebody asks why the game is dead.
that's what you get for trusting shitty companies like 2k.
Here we go
Legit. I hope it does bounce back because it honestly looks fun.
Those faggots need to go f2p or something though
>Battleborn is more alive than Secret Ponchos ever was
Why? It's still the only game I bought in early access and I never regretted it, it was such a fun game but barely playable due to very small playerbase and then it just died, it was so fun during a free weekend but it just went back to being dead afterwards.
I really wish it was more popular but I guess it's better that it died peacefully instead of being infested by a shitty fanbase of some youtube cancer.