Get shot before you even see the enemy

>Get shot before you even see the enemy

how do you git gud in this

play it like it's a pixel-hunting adventure game from the early 90s but in 3D

listen to your squadleader
it's his job to keep you alive and get you to the objective

if you're on the objective
get down and pray

Use cover and don't run out in the open.
Keep your eyes peeled for muzzle flash and tracers.
Stick close to your team.

Take note of where you're getting shot when you can't see shit, don't sit in those places anymore. Every map has spots that favors one team shooting at the other, and there's almost always routes around/to flank them. Also if you're commander isn't using recon constantly hes trash and you should be insulting him.

>it's his job to keep you alive

other way around sunny boi

try not to let the horrors of war overcome you

see the shadow in the doorway? Ulysseys didnt

Follow players with high ranks, they usually know what they are doing but don't try to copy their playstyle it wont work

now you should see the spot where all the other low level retards are getting mowed down by a machinegun because they didnt follow a vet, avoid those places

Also webm related will happen a lot

as much as cheap soviet wine can dull the pain, remain vigilant at your post

Do screenshots automatically cap ally names because every server I played on don't actively show them and it makes friendly fire a bitch

95% camo index

i cant remember, i think theres a key you can hold that toggles info, on some servers, for squad only? it's been years since i played last.

dont forget sign language is a silent way to communicate with allies.

>tfw level 3 STG44.
>tfw game is installed on SSD so i always get to pick elite assault every time

How can one role be so based? You are both a sniper and assault in one. Even in ranges over 100m i can one shot commies with my trusty point&click STG44. Select fire mode only makes it better. And you actually can see with the iron sight under the scope.

is RO2 still worth buying? Does it still have an active player base?

It's still reasonably active, though there are quieter periods of the day.

#1 thing is to know the maps

just starting out you run around everywhere and get pegged but then youll slowly start learning where people are looking.


I think there's realism options and some servers have it enabled so you can't see nametags at all or can't seem them til you're right next to the person.

Just join a different server, there are plenty with name tags on allies

tfw no RS2 beta invite