Aside from the heavy focus on the batmobile, this game wasn't bad at all.
Aside from the heavy focus on the batmobile, this game wasn't bad at all
I like how, even as his face is all fucked up by Scarecrow's toxin, the unmasked Bruce grabs his injector shit and turns it against him with a hardened blank fucking expression. That alone was the game for me.
it wasnt bad but it wasnt great either. Im still mad about the whole
>Arkham Knight is a totally new and unique character, not Jason Todd at all!
>Its Jason Todd
You're right. It was pretty good.
But I liked the batmobile sections.
Why did they change Scarecrows voice again? I enjoyed his Asylum voice more.
I honestly thought it was better than City
How was it good?
>Joker shoehornd in
>Arkham Knight is an underwhelming villian
>ending was trying too hard to be Nolan and failed
>It is totally not Todd
>We promise it is not Todd
>Mfw it is Todd all along
Expectations are everything. Arkham Knight is at least an 8/10 game, it just gets a bad rap because City is a 9/10 game. Batmobile would have been fine if it was a bit less frequent, it felt like they were trying to justify the effort they spent on it.
I appreciate what they were trying to do. They needed to add something new to keep it from being a rehash (like flying in City). For what it's worth the Batmobile has solid design behind it and doesn't feel like a gimmick. Unfortunately it just doesn't integrate with the rest of the game.
It's kind of like how every Zelda has to add something and not all of them work.
Was he being serious here?
>>Joker shoehornd in
Like always and at least this time it was interesting.
I liked the Batmobile
>>Arkham Knight is an underwhelming villian
So is ever other villain in the Arkahm games other than Joker because they never develop any of them
>>ending was trying too hard to be Nolan and failed
I don't see that.
I liked Ra's in City, and Bane in Origins.
Sure. Batman doesn't have a no plant killing policy.
I 100%ed this game three times, one being NG+ and hard mode
I'm not sure why though
They never said it wasn't Jason, they said the "Arhkam knight" was an original character. ;^)
seriously batarded
Have they announced a complete/GOTY version? I bought the collector's editions for the previous in the trilogy but Knight's didn't impress and I want all that fuckin DLC before I pick it up
I 100%'d Arkham City Hard NG+, is it fun for Knight? I played hard to start since I always do for Arkham games, but I haven't done NG+ or the Riddler trophies.
>So is ever other villain in the Arkahm games other than Joker because they never develop any of them
And that's why it got stale the 4th time around.
Also, let's not forget
>awful Deathstroke implementation with another recycled Batmobile Bossfight
>100% to see true ending in a day and age where people can just go to Youtube to see anything - It should have been something more meaningful like a skin unlock
>All gadgets were essentially the same
Only thing the game had going for it was graphics and art-direction
>aside from the main reason this game was bad, it wasnt that bad
What did he mean by this?
It was an response to the question if Arkham Knight was Jason Todd or not.
It's funny because there are many more reasons.
He was talking about getting high.
>"aside from literally half the game"
>it's Jason Todd
>no proper resolution to Todd, Scarecrow, and the Gordons
>ending implies Batman infected everyone with toxin
Soundtrack was also worse than City
Maybe they just didn't answer the question. ;^)
>Soundtrack was also worse than City
This is a legitimate complaint I never see mentioned.
there's been one fpr at least a year.
There's a lot to do with all the dlc but i would be pissed if i hard to pay for it.
>its a good game for what it is! despite this overwhelming, glaring flaw that's present in well over half the game!
I think the main issue for a lot of people was, with three games that had the same essential combat/stealth/gadget-to-advance scene, Arkham Knight was a LOT more of the same with no significant upgrade.
I guess Rocksteady realized this, but they went overboard shoving that bat-tank and goddamn army of mindless drones into everything. Oh man and the ending.
>Final boss is a super-duper tank that you gotta sneak up on and tap before bat-outta-hell'ing away as it rubberbands the shit out of you.
I enjoyed it but I enjoyed most of Arkham Knight
The DLC was the most disappointing thing about it
I never understood why everyone is so critical of AK when AA and CITY's story are just as bad if not dumber.
>That great Deathstroke boss battle in Origins
>Deathstroke and Batman are equals in hand to hand combat
>"So how about he's in a tank?"
fuck this game
They literally used the Batmobile as an excuse to not design actual bossfights.
i got the season pass for 6 dollars and that was about how much it was worth. season of infamy and batgrill are the only worthwhile shit and you can complete both in less than a few hours. the rest is augment your pre-order levels of pure fucking trash.
I didn't mind most of the tank stuff.It was a pretty inoffensive minigame.
But fuck whoever designed the cobra fights. "Car stealth section" is not a phrase I ever want to think of again.
Because there were 10 times more things to complain about
I got it off PSN. Complete edition is on sale for 20
And great voice acting writing scarecrow gameplay cutscenes etc
>Arkham Knight was a LOT more of the same with no significant upgrade.
it was a LOT less because you're in the stupid tank for the whole game. they literally troll the fuck out of the player the whole time.
>wow look at the cool grapnel boosts!
>you can use gadgets while your flying!
>look how vertical the city is!
>remember those demos we showed with batman gliding through all the neon signs? that was cool right?
>look at how the rain makes your cape wet!
>good, now get in the fucking tank because that's all over
I don't know if I'd call the Deathstroke fight in Origins "great".
it was better than a recycled tank fight
Meh, AA is fine aside from the dumb writing they had to do for a lame final boss. Same thing with AC. At least they had cool, established villains instead of
When the game's named after the villain but you gotta bring back the Joker to make it remotely interesting, you really fucked up.
And better combat, predator segments, more content and characters to play as but let's just not mention those.
>At least they had cool, established villains
>more content and characters to play as
Yeah, if you mod it.
I also forgot
>15 minute meaningless DLCs
It was great, made me want a Nightwing or Batwoman game
You're not wrong.
The inmates take over the Asylum. A robust story stemming from a simple premise.
The Hugo Strange stuff is kind of goofy but not entirely out there for a Batman story. The rest is grounded in a three-way villain turf war.
Red Hood is somehow Cobra Commander and Batman is mutating into the Joker because he's infected with his DNA. On top of that nothing gets resolved from a thematic standpoint.
>mfw grappling onto rooftops when that thing happens
This game sure has it's moments. Fuck the Arkham Knight and Deathstroke's boss fights being tanks tho
Because he was too dorky to be the main baddy
I kept wondering when Croc was going to show up since he fucked up the Scarecrow in Asylum. Only to find out that he was just some dlc shit.
>On top of that nothing gets resolved from a thematic standpoint.
His DLC was really sad. I felt bad for what they did to him. He literally did nothing wrong.
That was brilliant, it might not be a 10 but Rocksteady are fucking treasures.
>Sup Forums hates the batmobile sections
What's the matter? Too pussy to get a driver's license?
The cobra tank missions weren't even that hard you babbies.
The hardest level was Finding the calendar man's riddler spot
not hard, just boring
>everyone cites tank shit as repetitive as shit and becomes boring
>lol it was just 2 hard 4 u
do better lads
Batmobile is the only part of the game that takes effort to git gud.
>dindu nuffin
>says a bunch of opinion bullshit.
>Thinks it's a fact
You first.
The entire game is sad. It's the saddest batman game yet.
waifu dies
joker is a figment of batman's psyche but it was still a bit sad to see him jailed up like that
Crusader was mind controlled/brainwashed
the arkham knight himself
ras al ghul hanging on life support
harley quinn dlc shows her psyche trying to deal with the loss of the joker
I felt so much...
Tank fights are objectively shit.
Scarecrow is a playable cinematic that rehashes Asylum in a weaker way and Arkham Knight rescues you and then just kind of leaves.
That's just you, user.
>stay out of the red shit
>shoot things until press x to win missile attack or drone virus
after the 87253th time its a chore
>posting opinions as fact
That's just you, user.
>Aside from the heavy focus on the batmobile, this game wasn't bad at all.
It actually is the best Batman game to date. It's just that it has dissapointing aspects about it.
Yes the older games have great things about them, but Knight is so much better designed and polished. It's not like the older games are perfect either.
>posting opinions as fact
0/10, no bane boss
>replying in the first place to a post about opinion replying to a post of an opinion and stating that the reply is being stated as a fact thus being hypocritical as all fuck
>not retarded
That's just you, user.
Tank fights are objectively shit.
PS Not hard either.
>Scarecrow is a playable cinematic that rehashes Asylum in a weaker way
What? Scarecrow in AA is not even a fucking character. AK Scarecrow is well written in comparison and actual plays into Batman's character/the themes of Jason's death. That was the whole point of him in AK, to use Jason because he knows that Batman is only scared of losing people he cares about.
>Arkham Knight rescues you and then just kind of leaves.
Because he didn't need to stay. Just like the comics when Jason gets closure he doesn't stay around. It's not like he goes back to being robin again.
In your opinion.
There you go using words incorrectly again, retard.
I don't expect you to understand what makes games good or bad, lil man.
>alright to time to finally punch some mooks
>stop right there player, its time to use the batmobile's remote control feature!
>>Joker shoehornd in
Interesting and well done. Joker also played a big part in the prior games so his presence makes sense.
Overused, but not bad.
>>Arkham Knight is an underwhelming villian
He's not the villain. But sure they could've done more with the character.
>>ending was trying too hard to be Nolan and failed
They wanted something different and interesting. Not some big Joker on titan that that summons fodder.
The ending was actually really good.
Literally too big of a guy
>batman is all fighting and no problem solving
There's plenty of punching tho.
Go play Origins then, you get tons of Bane there. Something that is closer to the real Bane as well.
Origins is the best one. The rest are meh.
>Interesting and well done.
>turning around to see statue faces change
everything like that was a great little touch
>They wanted something different and interesting.
>pull a literal Nolan
You're either stupid or just shitposting.
Is all you have literally just
>it's Nolan LOL!
Well I guess I shouldn't expect intelligence from someone that browses Sup Forums all day.
>can't see that he contradicts himself
>gets bootyblasted
Also, please refer to
to see further reasons as to why the game is shit.
My favourite part was the Joker cremation on NG+
Admit it, they got you too.
>100% to see true ending in a day and age where people can just go to Youtube to see anything
So what? Game devs should just stop trying more than they have already these days? Fuck that. Maybe all these neo-millenial faggots youtube everything but unlike them, most of us like to work for our rewards.
I liked the batmobile, fuck you.
>dat verticality
>those graphics
>map filled with stuff to do
>dat part in the zepellins where you can move them to their sides and make all of what's inside move from one side to the other
>that part where everything is covered in that firey smoke
I still think Arkham Knight is one of the few games that really feel like they are a generation above PS360 games.
>replayed Asylum previously
>now gonna replay City
I'm so glad the PC version comes with all the skin. Hopefully this time I can get most of the achievements I wanted.
Knight > Origins > City > Asylum
Knight > City > Asylum > Origins
City > Knight > Asylum > Origins
Level design
City > Asylum > Knight > Origins
City = Origins > Knight > Asylum
Origins > City > Knight > Asylum
City > Knight > Asylum > Origins
I wish Knight had better designed sidequests and better bossfights, 'cause i loved the main story (including the tank battles) but fuck the "do the same thing three times" system (Firefly, Two Face, Penguin, Man-Bat).
Really don't get why people be hatin on the Batmobile. It was done so fucking well. Great franchise finally and has gone down in history as the most gorgeous UE3 game.
And I'll fight everyone of your wife's children that talk shit about it.
Loved it aside from the jump scares
Come on Rocksteady what the fuck I don't wana be scared;~;
I agree and I also want Tara Strong's milk.
There are a lot of them, and actually like 'em.
>Joker at Ace Chemicals
>Batman at the Panessa Studios
>Man-Bat (there's even a secret jumpscare with him)
>Joker parodying Man-Bat
>Joker at the Batmobile window
>Joker at the cell in the Panessa Studios
>The Batman statues at the end
>New Game + intro
I loved it.
ng+ intro has a jumpscare? wat