>these controls
>this camera
Jesus fuck, kill me now
These controls
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if you're having trouble with SOTC do not play TLG.
the controls are tight and the self-directing camera is literally the game's greatest technical accomplishment and one of the greatest technical accomplishments of its generation.
that being said the framerate is often horrendously low and shitty. recommend playing the PS3 version instead.
I lik thed gyme. Meke me fill like im 15 a gan
It annoys me when people say SOTCs camera is bad when you're actually killing the bosses. It's pretty fucking obvious where it's going and how you can control it.
The only complaint I have for it is when riding the horse if I wanted to look around.
its actually pretty simple and easy fun, quit complaining. end of thread
Go into the options and uninvert the horizontal camera controls you big baby. And enable camera climb autocorrect.
>having the reorientate the camera every 10 seconds isn't bad
The goddamn horse riding camera is even worse
I bet this scrub is holding forward while riding Agro and is baffled as to why things are awkward.
PROTIP OP hold L1.
oh yeah I forgot this . the camera controls are backwards by default and it's awful that way.
the only time camera gave me trouble in SotC was when bumping up against a wall and trying to look horizontally, or when swimming and trying to look upwards.
rip yourself faget
I don't get how people still think SOTC is one of the GOAT's when they're not teens anymore
>or when swimming and trying to look upwards.
Yeah not sure why they did this with Avion. I really loved the suspense when you're approaching him but you can barely look at him without plunging the camera into the water... wait... was that intentional? Fug
Exactly. Keep up with the times, gramps! It's all about The Witcher 3 now.
What was your favorite fight Sup Forums?
Mine was Avion. For sure. Mounting it for the first time is such a thrill. One that I haven't seen replicated before. A perfect mix of scripted and unscripted. When I hear "cinematic" I pine for that sensation of mounting it as it flys down at you, but devs keep mucking it up!
Well, several reasons.
1: It was fun to play.
2: It was very pretty to look at (ran like shit at some points, granted)
3: Had a lot of TECHNOLOGY
4: It did something new.
5: Had a lot of secrets.
Plenty of reasons. It is a very good game, and you should really not dismiss it just because of the somewhat pretentious story or nostalgia.
Every PS2 game except Ace Combat series had somehow twerky and awkward controls. PS1 had excellent controls that are still fun today, but PS2 as a whole is total rubbish, and they only managed to introduce smooth controls in the following generation.
Definitely Phalanx. I had certainly been in awe of how large the colossi were up to that point, but when I wandered into the desert and watched it rise up out of the sand, I actually thought to myself "okay this thing is too fucking big there's no way I can kill it".
I love jumping onto it. Makes me wish there was a Bison-type colossi that just ran away from you, and you had to chase it but it kept being elusive. That and I wish they didn't scrap some of the other flying colossi.
I-is he okay?
>Had a lot of secrets
like what, the lizards?
its the most empty overworld in any game ever
The lizards, the secret area atop the tower, different colors for Aggro, all the different animals you can actually find, different moves you can do on Aggro...
the bird because it's the first sky fight and i liked that you had to swim to it, it was creepy
the lizard in that underground collosseum type structure, again half the fun is reaching it
least favourite goes to that fucking sandsnake you have to shoot backwards on your horse
I thought the Lizard was the weakest fight. It climbs, you shoot it. It's hardly a puzzle at all. At least it was over quickly.
The different swords, arrows, masks, the parachute.
Mute the video
Either Avion or Phalanx. Shit was just so thrilling.
I still have dreams about finding new areas in this game.
I don't even know way, I never played it until a few years ago, and I wasn't autistically dedicated to it like a lot of the hackers and lorefags.
Gid gut and stop bitching casual.
sonyggers accept inferior gameplay as a trade off for muh graphics this shouldnt surprise you
Up until the sand snake, I hated riding the horse. It made no sense and felt like I couldn't control it. I walked everywhere. When I fought the snake, I learned I can let the horse ride on its own, and it works. After that, I started using the horse to travel around.
I'm usually looking forward to Phalanx when I play it. Avion too, but that fight is over too quick.
So what you're saying is:
>was fun
>was pretty
>had a lof of technology
>it did
How about you try playing the game again and then state that it's GOTY, nigger fag? It doesn't hold up anymore.
>lizards and secret area on top of tower
Literallly the ONLY secrets in the overworld in your post. The other stuff doesn't have anything to do with the overworld.
Lizards were found on save shrines for the most part, and they're marked on the map, so the only thing the overworld is for is traveling from one boss to the next.
It's completely empty.
None of those are unlocked in the overworld fag.