I present to you the worst map in OW


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Eichenwalde and Hanamura are way worse.

Volskaya is also pretty bad.

I actually like Anubis and Hanamura.

Point B is hard to take, but if you have a cohesive and competent team it's possible.

>point B is retarded, but if you're better than the other team it's possible

Words of wisdom.

>eichenwalde is bad

nigger you just gotta flank with pharah on the right side and rape their torb/bastion/healers

also for defense symm is beyond broken

i've lost like 15 out of 100 games there, i've almost forgot how it is to play beyond the first point

hanam00ra is cancer tho

Two capture point attack and defend maps are ass in general

All the cart maps are worse.

>he still plays OW instead of the superior Paladins
It's like you hate fun, user

You can't flank the last point because it's a pure chokepoint sitting next to defender spawn xD

He means the first corridor in the castle I assume. Last inches you just have to save up ults and pray.

All the OW maps suck

lol no

as pharah u just turn right after spawn point, keep going forward and jump into the abyss and glide>jump boost until you're behind the castle walls

no one sees you coming

You're in every single overwatch thread, what are you trying to accomplish?

>tfw pharah flank works every time even in 3500 mmr
Pharah opens hanamura too up if youre not trash at her. Although point B is probably the hardest to take in the game along with Eichenwald last point.

KotH is the best game mode fuck what anyone says.

he's desperately trying to convince people who actually have acquisitive power to play a free overwatch clone

i never fell for the memes and actually tried Paladins, the reason why one of those games is free is painfully obvious

OW might be cancer in some aspects but god damn it's gameplay feels buttery smooth compared to paladins

All the maps in Overwatch are garbage.
The game is cancer and so are you

im plat therefore im shit but when i play attack pharah on hanam00ra i always walk up the stairs from the right side, jump boost myself and fly over the wooden structure's ceiling and then use grenade on the right side building to get me in the widow spot right above the first point

am i a shitter or is there any other optimal route

it won't work if they have a soldier who can aim.

he'll hear your PWSHHHHH PWSHHHHH PWSHHHHH as you try to fly across and shoot you out of the air.


Usually i go right to the bridge where torbs set up sometimes, or rush left and get behind the house a bit so i have some cover then just do whatever from there.

I don't think I've ever lost Defense on Anubis unless it was a stomp, and I've never seen an Eichenwalde match that reaches the last point NOT go Overtime. Hanamura is just a middle finger the size of China, pointing at Defense on Point A and at Attack on Point B.


Also, all my matches on Volskaya are a struggle for A followed by a mad dash for B, and then it's over. Haven't seen a proper drawn out B push in ages.

So many heroes could be viable if they just toned down the 'accessibility' of OW by making stuff like that silent. Imagine a silent genji, reaper, sombra, tracer. Their ability to kill without being pounded instantly by a team who hears it coming literally from a mile away wouldn't be hampered. It's like if, in Titanfall, the reeling sound was increased by 10 times, or in TF2 there was a loud special explosion sound everytime a Soldier rocket jumped or if Scout has a "I'M HERE" line when he gets within 20 yards of an enemy.

>both teams instantly capture point A and then spend 6 minutes failing to cap point B

Just spreading the good word that Paladins is literally goodoverwatch


That's adorable.

Overwatch doesn't have a minimap and it doesn't have names for different areas. Situational awareness is already a lot harder than other shooters.

What? Maps in OW are tiny and funneled with the majority of heroes incapable of advanced movement. They didn't need a minimap in the first place.

You have to use your momentum. A lot of times on capture points I've found that if you cap A and still have some ults left, you can just make a mad dash for B, pick someone off, then burn two ults and kill the people one at a time as they trickle spawn back in.

They can't wait and group up because you're capping the point, so they have to contest as individuals. As long as you're quick about killing anyone who comes to contest very quickly, they can't organize.

Community maps would make overwatch so much better.


>All the OW maps suck
>Route 66

>Missing and incorrect health packs

What the fuck is this image ree

R66 is the WORST map in the entire game

maybe he's not just one singular poster but actually there are multiple people enjoying this game? ever thought of that?

Vote now, fags.

>I like the more obscure game because then I won't run into the good players who actually play the popular, competitive games
Sorry you couldn't get any higher than Diamond in overwatch, must be validating for you to pub stomp in paladins though

What a shit opinion.

no user, YOUR shit!

>lucio main
>its not koth

And? Literally must pick anywhere.

dust_2 looks great from above

>shit heals
>pubs don't know how to use speed properly

Lucio is a shit support and if you pick lucio you are sub 3k SR

Been playing at just about 3k SR for a while now and there is always a lucio. And people know how to play with and around him. You're full of shit.

90% of the overwatch maps are terrible

only ones that are fun and don't make me want to tear my hair out are nepal, oasis, the greek one, gibralter and dorado

>we will never have custom maps and get to play goldrush, dustbowl, steel or granary

its not fair

3600sr here. Have not had a game without a lucio on at least one team

What a bunch of retarded ass callouts.

Could just be poor translation but damn.

I hate the fact that OW was made deliberately with E-sports in mind anyway, ruined what little fun I had with the game up to a month after release. Haven't picked it up in a long ass time.

>accurately predicted you are SUB 3k SR
>accurately predicted you are surrounded by shit players who constantly pick lucio
>full of shit

Have you played it?

>2.5k is where people start playing meta
>over 50% of the pop is in plat anyway
>anything plat or higher has a lucio or loses
>insists it's a bad character
Yes, you are full of shit.

Yeah lets bring scoutknivez and fy_snow cancer.

>5h on lucio 2nd most played char this season
>just hit 4k sr
nigga what

>not using Lucio for speed boost and his ult to save the team from getting wiped out from ults or strong pushes
>not using the armor/speed boost to make a push onto the objective
How mush of an autist are you?

but you already have garbage maps like goldrush and dustbowl in the game. Why would you want more?

>The maps are designed by one, maybe 2 people at most
>8 other people have the job of filling it with garbage like plushies and wacky signs
>Blizz apparently "loves to start a map around a choke point or two"

What the FUCK happened? I get they want to make their own maps, but they're clearly awful and come out far too slow. Why not hire actual map designers instead of 8 """""artists""""? Or even let another company design some, like Splash Damage? How can maps be this objectively inferior to maps 18 years old?

I was expecting oasis to be better. the rooms where you fight are so cramped.


Overwatch is the absolute meme game and a waste of money.
All it's good for is the fap material and you don't even need to buy the game to browse porn.
Don't make the mistake i did and just play Paladins.

>playing a fps moba
normie-tier tbqh famalamadingdong