Why did they stop making home consoles with aesthetics?
Why did they stop making home consoles with aesthetics?
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PS4 is aesthetic as fuck, and the 360 last gen looked alright.
I think it's pretty.
if it has colors then it is too kid-friendly
>family computer
Now that's a lie if I ever saw one. It's neither a computer, nor particularly family.
What do you think a computer is
You could download games through it with internet.
And some JP only attachements turned it into a computer
The Famicom is an ugly piece of shit.
how do you go from this
Famicom is cute!
Uh gee I don't know user, do you want all your consoles to look like boxes you'd find on the wall of a hospital?
The original PS3 is one of the most aesthetic, best looking consoles of all time, user.
to THIS?
Get that george foreman piece of shit out of here
Whoever made the call to ditch the controllers being hardwired into the console for the international release deserves a pat on the back.
user, do you know what a computer even is?
Why don't you go ahead and post what you think looks good, then, dipshit
What an awkward console generation that was.
They didn't
This underage...
GameCube was fabulously purple cube and still had more asthetic then this modern taticool shit
Dont kid yourself. It ended here.
>only two layers
How primitive.
Family - Meant to be used and enjoyed by everybody in the house
Computer - It takes input from the user and returns output back to them
Hence, Family Computer or FamiCom
No one is going to argue that the PS4 Pro is aesthetic.
The Famicom is a pretty aesthetic system. I think the SuperFami and Mega Drive are as well. PC Engine was neat too. Same with the Saturn and the Dreamcast, the PS looks okay but the N64 looks like shit. It was all downhill from there, the only consoles post 2000 I really liked the look of were the PS2 and the original Xbox 360.
>there are tasteless faggots out there who unironically believe that shit like this looks nice
Just because you're too poor to even afford a Playstation 4 doesn't mean you get to talk out of your fucking ass about it.
everyone bitched about how the gamecube looked and maybe purple wasn't the best color for the mainline look, but it had some really solid design. How the controller/memory card input area was extruded in a small arc, or how every button on top had a different visual cue. And that constant glowing orange light. I used the handle all the fucking time, too, so I could never get the complaints
But i do have one. Now what?
New 3DS is pretty aesthetic
Because the 80s and 90s are over. The general populace is now scared for their lives when it comes to standing out. This partly due to the people who try to stand out these days being liberal college kids who all dye their hair blue, some of the unappealing trannies in existence, "nerdy girls" who swim in button pins of their favorite anime and video games, etc.
As a result, you get Sup Forums severely conscious about the fucking SWITCH, a console that just looks any other tablet with matching 3rd party controller add-ons.
Everything has to be subdued and minimal these days as to prevent triggering some odd social anxiety.
My nigga I hope you realize that's just a modded iPhone 4
I consider the Gamecube to be so memorable because of the purple. When I think of my childhood spent playing Nintendo games, I think of purple and clear plastic.
Why are they putting that iphone in that george foreman
The switch and Wii is aesthetic as fuck tbqhwyf
going to wait for the inevitable hardware revision
trim off the side bezels
fill in those gaps at the top
also make the damn thing smaller
Just like cyberpunk, THAT kind of aesthetic in the OP picture is regarded as cheesy by a lot of people now. Aesthetic is more on innovative, sleek, formal design now. Hence why cyberpunk is kill and scifi is still more alive compared to cyberpunk.
All they had to do was pump out a shitload of the USB arcade sticks, but instead they sank their money on a fucking garbage emulator
Staple of the white trash household
>It's not a computer unless it has Microsoft Word on it!
Spice Orange is pretty tight too
Hell, they could have thrown the basic emulator into the fight stick unit
Fuc kyou
How the fuck did I ever enjoy using that thing?
It looks fine in my opinion in aesthetics.
But it's by far the most uncomfortable fragile piece of shit
I don't think any of my friends that had theirs for a year had working shoulder buttons by that point. The screens were shitx the 3d is shit without stabilization, the buttons and d pad material is horrible, the home start and select are a cool idea and look good but don't feel as good as the n3ds xl's setup, the volume slider was terrible, the lack of a second hinge click like the xl had sucked, and it was a dust magnet
Looked real futurey though
Looks like a blue plastic box. Not futurey.
muh galaxy blue
It's turquoise though
>not xxX_Dildo_Darkness_Xxx
you faggot
It looks like someone chewed on an original DS.
Finally someone with taste in this thread