Can we all agree that Zero Mission set the standard how Samus should be portrayed in all future Metroid games?
Can we all agree that Zero Mission set the standard how Samus should be portrayed in all future Metroid games?
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no, but this is
Zero Mission did nothing.
It was Sakurai sexualizing her in Brawl that did the damage.
Hey Sup Forums, since this is yet another GF_Sybb autism about Nintendo butts thread, what do you want me to post? How about a video game magazine?
Post samus butt
Very well! This time we're going to the other side of the pond for a rare treat- Super Play magazine!
What was a young British weeb to do when both the markets for Japanimation and Japanese video games were so small and hard to use? Why, journey along with me and we'll find out!
What? First I think it's clear to everyone that 2004 is way more sexualized than 2008.
Second no damage has been done.
Those hips are perfect.
I know right? Zero Mission nailed her looks.
Zero Mission did set the standard, its just too bad that Retro, Game Freak, Team Ninja, and Namco didn't follow it.
>Other M
zero mission couldn't set a course to mcdonalds
Prime games never showed her ass, did they?
What has Game Freak to do with Metroid?
And she does have a big butt in both Other M and Wii U Smash, although it's not as fat as it was in ZM.
Prime 2 & 3 SJW'd her up, Game Freak model her after her shitty Prime 3 model, Team Ninja made her look like a DOA bitch, and Namco made her look like a SC bitch. None of them actually have a good design. Westerners make her look like dyke, Easterners make her look like waifu bait. The 2D games are the only games in the series that get her design right.
>Killer Instinct will be a futuristic 3D beat-'em-up in the Virtua Fighters vein
>an early indication of the Project Reality engine
Looking at the past like this always makes me feel fuzzy and giggly inside. Perhaps this is what
>the path to heavenly enlightenment and the key to the third soul
feels like?
This ad gives me a slight hope for the future by just how bad it is
>Prime 2 & 3 SJW'd her up
You're being cheeky. And by this, I'm referring to the fact that you're talking out of your arse.
>80's anime Samus
that's actually pretty cool
Seeing speculation and whispers about upcoming games is the best.
She looks like a man in Prime 1, she is ugly as sin in Prime 2, I forgot to mention NST which made her look bland in Hunters, and in Prime 3 she has no tits or ass and looks like a fucking twig, thus she's SJW bait.
>She looks like a man in Prime 1
Prime 1 had the most realistic of Samus' looks I thought, Prime 2 and onward animed her up. If you think she looks like a man I guess you just haven't been outside that much.
This clearly shows the difference between Zero Mission and the rest.
Zero Mission is in its own league when it comes to her ass and thighs.
Never noticed how much lower the ponytail is in Other M.
I didn't know realistic look like a man, Samus is supposed to be hot and at the same time competent, something every 3D iteration of her failed to do. The only 3D model that got Samus design right was Smash Melee.
Shut the fuck up Sybb.
Oh, my mistake. We're calling it anime now. Guess we realized Japanimation just doesn't flow well.
But she doesn't have helmet hair. Not realistic at all
There's something incredibly erotic with her huge, bulky armour, and yet you know she hides an uncharacteristally fat ass underneath it.
What I'm saying is real women don't look like your japanese animes.
Aw, this final fantasy speculation is cute
Stop spamming this shit. Report and hide.
Sybb, shut the fuck up.
So are you trying to say that the only women that are hot are anime women, because if you are then you are wrong.
No, this did
>less ass
SJW shilling bastards
Not them but in what fucking sector does that look like a man to you?
No wait, I'm stupid and didn't read the filename. Never mind.
So draw it bigger, then you will be OK with that?
Yeah, no one care about her fucking game
She looks like a credible and capable woman in Prime, and like a sexed-up animu doll in LITERALLY everything after.
This was regarding vidya
>Ass half the size.
What the shit?
all you waifufaggots need to be hung by the neck until dead.
>Prime fans think this looks beautiful
This is what happens when you start the series late.
Her appearance in the zero suit in Hunter was good.
>Kate Upton
Look at this fucking plebian.
Priemfags are literal SJWs.
For enduring all those pages of footy, your reward:
Blanka riding a dinosaur.
Thank god the Metroid franchise is dead.
If it weren't I'd have to share it with people like you.
And now we return to video games people actually care about.
>That looks like a man
Pardon me?
Have you been taking some LSD there dude? Because that's a pretty fucking average looking woman.
Also why do you assume that they must be new to the community when Zero Suit Samus was around when Prime came out?
For all you know these could be people that liked Green Hair Samus.
Compared to 2D it's still shit.
Hey, I'm just grabbing pics of hot looking women online, I'm not looking for some personal hot chick.
I know right
They removed all the fat.
>tfw report a shit, reported ad infinitum thread and the mods do nothing
I don't understand how there's people on Sup Forums who act like they've never seen a GF_Sybb thread either.
He only makes them every day.
>average looking woman
That's the problem, Samus isn't an average looking women, she's suppsed to look like a young Kim Basinger
Can I just get r63 fox in something that isn't a zero suit?
Now that's just projecting my man.
woman* supposed*
Didn't realize I was speaking to the designer.
No it's not
"Director Mr. Sakamoto got his image of Samus Aran from actress Kim Bassinger."