This is Todd "Godd" Howard (Director of the critically acclaimed games: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind...

This is Todd "Godd" Howard (Director of the critically acclaimed games: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 3 and Fallout 4) say something nice about him!

Other urls found in this thread:

a cute

I unironically find enjoyment with his games.

I would nod at Todd.

Did he also direct New Vegas?
If not he's shit

Todd, why my battleborn shilling doesn't work? What I do wrong?

There is nothing wrong about being short

He tried his best.

He has the balls to make games he likes

It was kind of you to try and save Obsidian.

Reminder that Toddposting just went mainstream
It's not cool to Toddpost anymore

He is a good lier.

Zenimax/Bethesda had the sole intention of performing a hostile takeover of Obsidian, just like they tried with Human Head Studios.

Fallout 4 sucks

That's the intention though, user.
Everybody must know how shitty Todd and his games are.

>implying i'm not in this thread for spicy todd memes to repost on reddit for epic upboats

Boring and empty? With each new being more shallow than the previous?

He sounds like a 14 year-old

Casuals had Fallout 4 please do something deeper for Fallout 5 :(

no its good

It sucks your mom's engorged clit while your dad cries and masturbates in the corner.

Is todd the godhead?

Todd has got the bodd and he's like totally not a manlet or something

Hardcores don't give 70m of sales, user.

Obsidian has nothing of value though.

[Per] "So you fight the good fight with your autism."

Memes put a president in the chair. Memes can probably take down Todd.
Do not mess with our memes, silly boys.

No Todd it sucks, you need to fire your current development team and get a new one before their faggotry takes you down with them

Preorder The Elder Scrolls™ V: Skyrim™ for the Nintendo Switch or there is about to be a Fallout™ on this sub.

Promise me it will be 60fps with no downgrade and all mods support, I don't want Switch version to lose to PC.


He inspired a good parody song

What the fuck, Todd. The lies have damaged your brain so much you think you are in reddit.

He's a big guy

W-What do you mean you haven't preordered Skyrim™ for the Nintendo Switch yet?

Pre orders aren't even out Todd.
Seriously you have severe brain damage tonight.

Nigga, I already had to buy Skyrim on X360, Xbone, and Steam.

see that noose? you can use it.

That's quite alright, you can buy the Remastered version in the meantime, it's available on PS4, Xbox One and PC, how can you resist?

That's good, that's very good, you can still get the PS3 and PS4 versions though, you have all the others, so it's a good idea.


i-it's probably the camera angle h-...haha...


Trying to use meme magic to take down Todd.
All it has done is make him stronger.

If you do not cease playing with fire he will buy the Planescape IP and Todd the fuck out of Torment.

You have been warned.

Fuck off, Todd. You're sold your game FOUR times now.
>2011 vanilla game
>2013 "Legendary edition"
>2016 "Special edition"
>201? "Switch edition"

At this rate, you're destined to surpass even Capcom with their RE4 strategy in re-releasing the same fucking game over and over again.

>Why do you fight? let yourself be buttfucked by Todd, slave
Nice try.

You fu-!

... But we've added all those features you asked for, you'll love it, just go ahead and buy it, you won't regret it.