Final Fantasy XIV

Can we talk about this here in a thread without cancerous character posters and gay ERPers?

Just looking at the state of this game's general makes my blood boil with anger. Please save ffxiv Sup Forums

No. When you lie down with dogs, you get fleas.

c'est is FF14

But it's a fun game and the cancer on /vg/ doesn't represent it well. Sup Forums usually has good ffxiv threads.

K, OP.
What did you think of Zurvan? I didn't really like him at all, he looks cool but his theme lacks much impact and his extreme version is easy. Sephirot's still the best warring triad and I like the warring triad theme over Sophia and Zurvan's theme.

i expect much from zurvan
my hope is crushed
at least dun scaith is pretty good

Sorry to crush your dreams. Dun Scaith is my favorite piece of content this patch (which I am really glad since i loved the story beforehand). I knew the patch wouldn't be as great as others since it's an odd patch but i'm still glad it came with a ton of different QOL stuff, mainly the pvp stuff which is really damn fun.

I hate pvp.

I don't like that Scathach didn't get her own theme. However, the raid shortly turning into DBZ made up for it.

Also Revenge Twofold makes everything it plays in 10x better. Best boss song that isn't a primal

>knew they would decrease the price of 205
>buy oshcon set 3 days before patch anyway
>you need the whole 18k set before wins count for the horses
Fuck you

>Please save ffxiv Sup Forums

FF14 is an alternative to WoW. There is no saving it.

Lonely lalafell on balmung here

It's shit
It will always be
MMOs are dead
Deal with it faggot

>yfw yoshi-p was trolling SAMfags with those empty jobsam files

>tfw no cute c@boys avatarfagging
what is even the point

>It ends up being DNC
>Trainer makes a comment about how people sometimes mistake their fluid movements for those of a Samurai

>Please save ffxiv Sup Forums
Your fault for playing on that retarded cancerous datacenter.

Who Chaos master race here?

>mfw positionals

Acquire skill

Why do fags ruin everything?

>when you join the A1S farm as dps but switch back to SCH

fuck off back to WoW

>Acquire skill
I did, by playing a class that doesn't use that trash.

I really hope they make the world seamless now that PS3 is no longer being supported. Biggest annoyance ever is loading between zones.

At least the queues are fast... for now

Best to get that shit out of the way while it's hot

Sure told me, except I never played WoW.

Let me guess, you think doing your shitty rotation down yet another boring linear dungeon with 3 bosses or against primals in circle arenas is good game design? Recycled dungeon design, recycled boss design, recycled boss attacks, recycled assets from ps2 games, recycled shit. This game is creatively DEAD.

I'll finish my GARO set today and only go after the frontline mount. Seems the easiest. Just a shame all of the female gear looks like shit.

Then why are you playing it?

>Raiding without a static; got a gobdip and a microtomestone the same week from Savage, with 1000 scrips in stock
Fuck Zurvan then I guess.

I'm not. Why are you?

XIV did justice to Diabolos in a way that no other FF has.

His story started in Patch 2.2 and was built up for years until it culminated in a giant anime battle atop a wonderland Castle by moonlight. I thought it was just going to be a throwaway fight in Amdapor NM, but they did well on Dun Scaith. I thought the entire 24 man raid in Heavensward was leagues better than Crystal Tower.

Aether's actually not too bad as long as you avoid Balmung groups. If I see a CWP full of them I just nope the fuck out. RP is truly cancerous.

I feel like AST replaced WHM instead of being another option. I'm still gunning for my WHM relic first but AST is just more fun to play, has more flexibility, and generally seems more appreciated implying healers are ever appreciated. There's also Royal Roading Balance cards for sweet, sweet DPS tears. I'm basically playing WHM out of habit at this point.

Are they going to add a healer class to 4.0? What would it even do if they did? WHM does AoE heals/regen, SCH does shields, and AST buffs the party while filling in as lite versions of WHM/SCH. Debuff remover? Remove many at once, one from the party (like Selene), or one "permanent" debuff at a time? Seems like it'd break some mechanics, though. Also way too niche.

>I thought the entire 24 man raid in Heavensward was leagues better than Crystal Tower.
I don't. The bosses were mostly garbage. Ozma, Deathgaze, spider bitch and undead guy were the good ones. Rest sucked.

LOTA is still the best raid. Bring back 6 tanks.

You came into the thread to bitch about the mechanics of a game you don't play?

I don't miss the days of 20-30 minute queues waiting for six tanks to jump in. Also there were too many large trash fights. SE have learned a lot since then, comparing LotA to Dun Scaith. The latter feels like an ultra-refined version of the former.

>haven't really fucked around with shit in a while
>do Scholasticate

who is this semen demon

this game's combat is so shit

now they wasting ivalice on this mess.

Just kill the game and try again in a few years.

She lusts after schoolboy Jesus's dick, don't get too attached.

They'll tell you down the quest chain.

Would you join?

So all it takes is crystals and faith to summon a primal, right? Primals aren't actually special beings and can actually take on different traits like the Titan we fought that behaved like a child.

So what's stopping the beastmen from summoning multiple versions of their God? Two different tribes with two different caches of Crystals should both be able to summon Garuda, right?

>Primals aren't actually special beings
>the Titan we fought that behaved like a child
What what?

Potentially, you could have different versions of primals, but it practice it probably wouldn't happen. Beast tribes aren't fractured enough to have two factions capable of summoning their own version of a primals. Most splinter tribes we've seen are usually small and either are against their original tribe summoning their primal or don't actually mind the original tribe doing it, they have a problem with something else they're doing.

Different people trying to summon different versions of the same thing would probably deplete the faith pool as well.

>"Son of man, murderer of my children!"
>Titan acts like a child

The fuck are you on, user.

He's talking about the Titan that Ga Bu summoned

Coke for the furnace, dipshits.
Play further into the story.

Ya'll are forgetting the 3.4 questline I think where Titan was summoned by a grieving kobold child and when you go into a Titan (Hard) queue to face it with the quest active his voice lines are replaced with the child calling for its dead parents

>Queue levelling roulette as tank
>It's another run of Dzemael Darkhold
I loathe this place.

Special beings as in they're not actually gods themselves. They're just manifestations of people's faith. Like how Iceheart wasn't actually summoning Saint Shiva, just the idea of Shiva that she had in her own head based on the legend of Halone. The real Shiva that fucked Hraesvelgr had no ice powers of any kind. Or how the Ixal summon "Garuda" though that's only because they were originally Allagan creations who were part of a "Garuda Division" that was led by a female Allagan captain. The Garuda you fight in the game never actually existed.

And I was talking about the Titan you fight in 2.4's story mode that talks like Gu Bu. The one that screams for his parents to wake up during the fight.

Is there a more blatant current disrespect of content than Syrcus Tower?

A1s light farm.

Garuda Extreme

Void Ark comes close. Same with Singularity Reactor.

Nothing tops Cape Westwind though. It may as well not exist.

If both tribes are thinking of the same Garuda then only one copy can be summoned. Only if it's a different idea of "Garuda" could there be another one. This was behind the Allagan logic when they imprisoned Bahamut, so that he couldn't be summoned again.

Zurvan Ex just because it's so recent.

The castrum.

Alright, my bad, but that part of the story was kind of weird. The whole damn "Warriors of Darkness" plot felt like a diversion until they finished the real plot line or some shit.

All the old EX primals. I remember the sheer joy of clearing Titan EX for the first time in the dark days of 2.3. Now I kind of feel bad for steamrolling him for WT. Same with Ifrit and Garuda.

>Ex Primal farm party
>Everything goes smoothly for 2-3 clears
>Suddenly people start fucking up and can't get another clear at all
>Leads to disband
Why does this happen every time? I don't get it, why do people start able to do the shit but slowly get worse?

They're gods, they're just "essences" stuck into another plane of existence, their manifestation may differ depending on the summoning but the being behind it remains the same, think pic related
As such I do not think another tribe could summon another manifestation while one is already active, it would only reinforce the first manifestation

>comparing LotA to Dun Scaith. The latter feels like an ultra-refined version of the former.
Okay. One is a raid, the other is a generic dungeon.

Hey, quick question. Is the last part of 3.5 main story you talking to Alisaie in that Rising Stones? It felt like such and abrupt ending and I can't find the next quest marker.

Whats the best way to farm the sand needed for the Umbrite step of the relic?

Once you get the "Papalymo's Final Witness" title that's the end of it. It was kind of abrupt.

Yeah, the rest will be in 3.55 in march

yoshi said it ends with some sort of cliffhanger

Gather blue scripts.

started a few days ago, just beat ifrit
i'm absolutely loving it, i wish i'd started playing it sooner
it's so much better than world of warcraft in every way possible

When I was on that I would use my leve allowances to take a levequest in the Hinterlands, start it, fly around looking for a silver chest, open it if it appeared, end the levequest regardless, restart it, then repeat. It was tedious but effective. I had nothing else I was using them for anyway.

Let me know when every patch isn't the same as the ones before.

Cool, thanks.

Be aware, you're about to enter the most boring stretch of the main story which will continue until you hit level 35. Then a big happening will happen. Then it will taper off again until you hit 44. Luckily the main story gives you a shitload of exp noe so it's easy to power through it.

>just beat ifrit
I'm so sorry, have ""fun"" until Titan.


Wait until you reach level 50 and have to run 100 (A FUCKING HUNDRED) boring and retarded fetch quests before joining Heavensward

sent :)

The story gets quite good at 2.3. Even the ramp up to Levi in 2.2 is pretty decent.


I wish you'd have started playing it sooner too. It's a huge shame that very little of the game is challenging anymore. You'll never get to actually struggle through World of Darkness. Coil is something you'll only see unsynched and over before you know it. The big dungeons of ARR are always done as speed runs where you have to skip cutscenes.

It's to the point where i'd honestly recommend using the Party Finder and the "min ilvl" option so you can actually enjoy the fights the way they were intended.

Just upgraded to Heavensward so I can maybe someday clear that content as well. I've put somewhat 45 hours this week into this game and damn do I like it.

Too bad I suck at this game and there's not much new players to learn with.

Agreed. Wiping City is my favorite FF dungeon of all time

I'd be shocked if no one has sent you an invite to the novice network. Ask for help there, you can chat with all the other newbies and ask "mentors" for "advice"

Dun Scaith is great.

>"mentors" for "advice"

I get it.

You say this, but I bet you have a static or something; and that if I were to attempt Zurvan EX via RF/PF I'd get partied with the with the most cretinous mongoloids that play this game and suffer similar torture to what I endured when trying to clear Sophia EX- another "apparently" piss-easy primal.

I attempted A11S last night via Raid Finder (complete/completion) and I can't believe we hit the enrage twice before clearing.

BLM 60 is more fun to me than DRG at 60.

It's more lazy I guess. Despite having to move around in like every boss encounter and BLM sucking at that, the rotation is way easier to keep up imo.

BLM is very easy once you get over the initial shock of having to keep Enochian up. It's still pretty unforgiving though, especially if you play a cuck race with low piety like a suncat.

>t. suncat.

blm is probably the most aesthetic job but I couldn't imagine being rooted in place like that

it's a smn life for me

Do you at least have Nuhn in your name?

I'm pretty sure the Novice Networking is 10% newbie questions and 90% mentor shitposting. Whenever it's not full and I get in, that's pretty much all I see. That said, questions usually do get answered so I guess it manages to fulfill its intended purpose.

DRG is actually one of the easiest classes in the game once you figure out how to use Jumps without landing in AoE or mechanics (and most of that is just knowing the fight). I find BLM to be hard but I suck at managing Enochian so that's probably my own goddamn fault.

If you want easy, play BRD. Literally "press all the buttons on CD" with a DoT refresh every ~20 seconds. Maybe sing if you have mages or someone needs mana.

>DRG is actually one of the easiest classes in the game once you figure out how to use Jumps without landing in AoE
Fuck off. This is only true for lvl 50 content.

I think DRG is more difficult than BLM because:

More buttons
More buffs to manage
50/50 ender of the combo

When I went from DRG to BLM I thought it would be the same, just Enochian instead of BotD, but I find it way easier to manage. I find my eyes don't have to nurse my status bar as much. I can look once at the number on my astral fire and enochian stat icons and know what to do for the next like 6 GCDs.

What's the best thing to do as DRG against shit adds like say Meteor targets or anything else that isn't worth putting dots on?


Just do your usual rotation but skip Phlebo after Chaos. If you can't get an angle to hit Chaos, skip to Full Thrust after Disembowel.

So this is what PvPfags are like. I'd only heard about them in stories.

It's not the easiest, just one of. I'm a healslut but I have all the classes at 60 and play them in casual raid when I'm too full of cum to suck dicks. DRG has a predictable, set rotation even with Blood of the Dragon to manage. MNK is pretty much the same way but there are more types of buttons in the combo chain so it's just a shade more difficult.

A friend of mine was actually really disappointed in MNK and DRG since they were so easy. He's been enjoying BLM and MCH a lot more, is somewhat neutral about NIN, falls asleep playing BRD, and has yet to get SMN/SCH job crystals. He was hoping for an analog of that Shaman build with crazy amounts of buttons and micro from WoW though so I think his expectations were a little high. None of the combat classes in FFXIV are even close to being that complicated. I don't think they ever will be, either.

>pvp in xiv

I hope that you're only doing it for the meme armor

Will Papalymo survive? Will any of the big Scions actually ever die for real?

Even if he does "die" they will find some way to bring him back for sure. It's some Grade A story.

We never saw the body, he's still alive.

>just tried PvP for the first time
>on PS4

Never have I felt more useless.

Zurvan's pretty DoA.
>most weapons are lackluster as always, to be expected from primals
>raiders already have their BiS 270/275 weapons
>lots of people spamming a1s for ze licht for a step that really doesn't take very long, so actually attempting to learn zurvan for them is kind of redundant
>fight that isn't exciting at all with mechanics that are annoying, combined with people that still can't fucking do goddamn soars correctly

But hey, at least you got bird faggots joining.