. .
i know that girl
>Fetch me 10 rat eyes
>Kill X Monster
Cant wait for the Zelda gangrape/torture doujins.
Do devs know how to do anything but fetch quests these days?
Ocarina of Time, considered the best Zelda game ever, only had like 30 quests. And most of them was boring shit like "return my dog to me"
It had a much smaller world though.
>fetch quests are the norm
When will this nightmare timeline end? Can we go back to 2000 mid-budget games again please?
>And most of them was boring shit like "return my dog to me"
That shit was interesting because nothing about it is marked as a quest, you have to figure out how interacting with dogs work, that it's even possible to get them to follow you at night, that you can bring them into the lady's house and get her to comment on which one is hers etc.
They're nothing like meme tier 'open world' quests involving bringing Timmy back from the well [map opens and marks location of well].
So is it ok for a game to have less than 100 quests if none of them are simplistic Skyrim quest like
>150 side missions
Killing x monster(s) and fetch quests are the only two ways to implement side objectives in an RPG. It's not the format you have a problem with, it's the execution. They can be done right, you just don't notice when they are.
I dare you fucks to name 3 games where there aren't fetch quests/kill x monsters.
those eyebrows are not nearly thiq enough
not canon
I don't want to. I want to squeeze blood from a stone. When I enjoy a gameworld, I don't want it to end because it's hard to find a new game to play that will pull me in the same way.
>when you realize single player MMOs are made for lonelies
>and we have more disposable income since we aren't out spending money with friends
We own the gaming market senpaichi
How do you get that backwards "b"?
I want to put this down to a bad drawing but it isn't BOTW zelda's face is that fucking fat
I wanna fuck that reincarnated goddess.
How'd you get that dackwards d?
But that's wrong. Other possible side quests include:
-minigames: ingame theme parks like Golden Saucer, shooting range, card game(FF VIII) or dice games (Witcher)
-new combat modes like tavern brawling in Witcher, optional pokemon-style pet battles
-weakening and capturing monsters instead of killing them
-puzzles, interacting with objects in a specific way or in a specific order, moving around objects
-investigation quests (ie. the game doesn't tell you to talk to X person and come back, but you have to find out who to talk to, what to say and so on, for example by gathering clues from people in town)
that drawing looks better than her in game model desu
( •̀ ᴗ •́ )
Woah... how u do dat user? Teach me pl0x!!
What the fuck? I thought non ASCII text was danned from 4 channel
Do i need to repot you? Are you one of those 4 chan hackers that nbc is always talking about ??
>only two ways
You're dead wrong. See Also GTA3 for example was filled with good, relevant side quests like assassinating a target, but you wouldn't just kill them like a "kill X quest", you'd have to find a way to construct a car bomb, and not be seen while doing it, etc. Not just "walk up to monster and hit it til it dies, deliver 5 monster teeth to guy"
I know it's supposedly ironic but this thread and its content still make me cringe to my innermost depths
Oh, let us pretend we're not in 2017 where fun is "cringe" and everything must be political and cynical
^^ yea right xd
Shit taste. It's also "senpaitachi" you fucking weeb.
>actually knows the word
>calls someone who doesn't a "weeb"
Autismic dysfunction
I like that.
it's cute
Don't do this, it produces chlorine gas.
How retarded can you be? I was obviously being sarcastic.
>MacGuyver theme intensifies.
I once shared an IRC with a Japanese girl and saved these from that time. Sadly that was years ago.
>total confused for almost 2 minutes
>"oh, it's for masturbating with"
I bet you ironically agreed to an open relationship too
( ゚∀゚)o彡°
Google Japanese IME has like 400 of these in its database.
Dang, that's cool. ( ̄~ ̄)
Yes, your mother is very open minded.
>this thread
(* ^ ω ^)
(¬‿¬ )