Charles Martinet hates the President

I can't believe THIS is the voice of Super Mario.

Other urls found in this thread:

Mario has like five voice clips that they just reuse every game


So why do these faggots think Trump hates women, again?



Trump is tired of taxpayers having to pay for whore's abortions and they are all assmad. How hard is it to use birth control, the plan b pill, or make the guy wear a condom if you don't want to get knocked up? I'm 100% fine with women getting an abortion, but I shouldn't have to pay due to your negligence.

Super Mario told me Hillary is kind and inclusive and Trump is divisive and fearful and will take away my Civil Rights!


Forgot the pic. The Meloetta retweet inbetween these gave me a chuckle.

Good for him to stand up for what he believes in. And good on those women for protesting.

What do you expect? Every voice actor is liberal as fuck because they've never worked a real job.


why do you faggots all feel like in order to appreciate someone's output you have to see eye-to-eye with them on a sociopolitical level

Here's another guy who doesn't seem to like Trump much. I wonder if Sup Forums will still send him cards.

Not all of them.

Because if you use 4cahn , then you're probably not a well adjusted person.

Because they're literal teenagers. They'd probably hate you because you listen to a band they don't like.

>Taxpayers paying for abortions

lmao. citation needed hombre.

All of the older VAs are either nuts, or act like hos. Something goes wrong in their brains after years of funny voices.

>How hard is it to use birth control, the plan b pill
Covered by obamacare, which was gutted day 1. That's part of why they're so assmad. They have to pay for their slutting around again

Good job ignoring the fact that rape exists.

>People have opinions

Stop the presses.

>they claim they don't want to divide the people
>they cause the division
Even in video games, it's annoying

>see someone interview him
>he does some voices
>sounds nothing like the games
>sounds like your grandpa doing REALLY bad impersonations

into the bin you go


thats yoshi


I thought about adding the addendum about rape and incest, but didn't think it was necessary considering the vast, vast majority of abortions don't fit those 2 categories. Also, abortions to save the mother's life. I'm fine with those being exceptions, but there are women who literally do not give a fuck about abortions and are flippant about getting them, all under the guise of "it's my body bruh, I can't do it as much as I want".

>They have to pay for their slutting around again

Here's the thing: they won't. They'll just collect more welfare checks. To a mother of 7 kids who all live in poverty earning 5 dollars a day, one more kid makes little difference.

What's even more baffling is that one day alt right dumbasses are complaining about how the white man is becoming a minority but the next day they want to gut planned parenthood and let blacks, latinos and muslims reproduce unchecked. Make up your mind guys.

Bring a voice actor is one of the most thankless and underpaid obs in TV.
Even Nolan North or Rob Paulson probably spend their day doing dozens of small jobs for peanuts instead one big paycheck.

Twitter needs to be nuked. I can't believe so many of my heroes are braindead idiots.



At least he became president you old lib fart

Oh no, how dare people have different opinions than yours! Did your feefees get hurt? The only place that deserves to get nuked is your parents house for shitting an imbecile like you out in the world.

So wait, are women marching literally because they want free shit? That's it?

I've been asking around and never got a straight answer. This shit makes no sense.

It is a complex issue like points out. One one head you have legit reasoning for abortion, on the other you have niggers getting multiple abortions because they never learned responsibility from their father

>established system works
>people protest anyway as if it changes who the 45th President is

it's times like these where I wish I was European but it's probably not much better over there either

>acting like a manchild
It would suck to nuke yours, considering you still live it in

And what makes you think they'll learn responsibility once you take free abortions from them?

Did you even read the article? It clearly mentions the Hyde Amendment and how it's not an absolute ban on the taxpayers paying for abortions.

>the plan b pill
You take it the morning after sexual contact.

They won't. That's the problem

>Ian McKellen using Patrick Stewart memes
Bromance of the decade.

>acting like a manchild
The irony is palpable. Even posted a reaction pic. Fucking hilarious.

Right. So why are you against Planned Parenthood again?

By which time, I've seen everything.

god forbid that someone has a different opinion from you hiveminded faggots
>clickbait title
further into the cesspool we go

He grew up in France. You do realise that is one of the most left wing countries in the world right?

I didn't say I was, but that it's a complex issue

doesnt matter where you go in the end its shit everywhere


I just wish Captain Lou Albano was still alive to play Mario.

>Someone hates the president
Yawn, but it's Trump so we must feel offended.

Whelp, time to boycott Mario games

Who's with me Sup Forumsros?

>Sup Forums - Twitter Screencaps and e-Celebrities

Yes. Did you read it?

There are very extreme circumstances where federal funding applies but its pretty damn rare compared to state funding.

Bitch at your state government if abortions make you irritable.

Odds of them removing this color in the next Smash?

>the ricky gervais tweet is real

Something about pussy grabbing you vacant twat

How do you think these leftists would act if you disagree with them? I can guarantee they won't be nice. And a lot of what their saying is based on misinformation from the media.

Is it even an issue for the non-spiritual? Scientifically a fetus isn't alive until it starts having thought processes, right? So what's the issue with terminating the developing cells before that point?

why would they?

No, it's a stark simple issue. There's no opting out of paying. It's either abortions now or welfare checks/prison costs later. This is about efficiency.

People fail to understand that when plenty of people are either out of work or losing their jobs because they going overseas. That's why rural areas voted the way they did. Keep doing Women Marches, social issue this and that, blah blah blah. That isn't going to help people get back to work. Honestly, rural areas for the most part don't always give a shit about social politics, work is what they want.

On a side note, is it even possible to work a non blue collar job and be outspokenly conservative? All these fake job faggots just go so overboard with it.

Then again, I doubt anyone with views like that and was even mildly famous would spend time virtue signaling on social media like these fucknuts do.

Most famous people hate the president. You are surprised by this?

>"Oh no, how dare people have different opinions than yours!"
>people with different opinions than mine should be nuked

>And a lot of what their saying is based on misinformation from the media.
As opposed to misinformation from rightwinger blogs and twitter?

Hoo boy, maybe you're both retarded and childish?
>muh leftist
>muh nazis
Kill each other, please, for the love of god. Stop pussyfooting around and just take some weapons and kill each other.

>Kill each other, please, for the love of god

sadly, police always steps in to prevent that

>And a lot of what their saying is based on misinformation from the media

You seriously don't think both sides don't have heavy bias media with misinformation. FOX news to CNN. Same shit, different day.

Donald Trump: You know and I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach.

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump. No, no, Nancy. This was— And I moved on her very heavily in fact. I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture. I took her out furniture. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there, and she was married.

Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big, phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

[The men spot Arianne Zucker waiting for them outside the bus]

Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Yes! Whoa!

Unknown: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!

Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.

[crosstalk as the bus doors open and close - Trump is still on the bus]

Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s her. It’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful - I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.

And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Yeah those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on, shorty.

Trump: Oh, nice legs, huh?

Bush: Oof, get out of the way, honey. Oh, that’s goo legs. Go ahead.

Trump: It’s always good if you don’t fall out of the bus. Like Ford, Gerald Ford, remember?

Pic related has cringe written all of it

Here's a radical idea.
Maybe people with a different opinion, left OR right don't deserve to die just based on something you agree with.

If your metric for, "deserves to live" or, "value to life" is how much you agree with them, then your morals are internally inconsistent as the two are not related.

This is not a sad thing and I'm disappointed you think that.

People protested Obama. It's just there isca lot more coverage of this year's protests.

I went to film school for four years and am attempting to get into both voice acting and screenwriting. Conservatives just tend to keep their opinions to themselves. It's a personality thing.

What did she mean by this?

Sounds like he loves them to me.

They aren't classified as "alive" for just a few weeks. I have no issue with terminating in that period, but it's more of the culture that gets people into the situation

The answer to it doesn't lie in defunding or keeping it, but to eradicate this hookup culture and to have people actually be responsible for their actions and fuck-ups instead of "knocked up? we'll take care of that with a coat hanger or gibs me dats"

But this shows he loves women.

And what kind of work does Trump promise them? Chinese sweatshop labor, glueing together iPhones? What a great future for those workers.

> As opposed to misinformation from rightwinger blogs and twitter?

I read multiple news sources thanks. And I have seen the media tell half truths and full truths time and time again.

> Hoo boy, maybe you're both retarded and childish?

Immature insult, not an argument.

>muh leftist
>muh nazis

No on said anything about Nazi's you retard.

> Kill each other, please, for the love of god. Stop pussyfooting around and just take some weapons and kill each other.

Kill who? Me and the other guy or the righwingers and leftwingers?

Can "progressives" ever be happy with the present, even if the present is good?
Do they all see themselves as heroes to save others who do not need saving, rebels to fight against a tyranny that is a democracy?
Can they ever be comfortable with all of their comfort?

>one network with rep bias
>thousands upon thousands of networks with dem bias

mainstream media all across the western wirld is firmly in the hands of one side, and one side alone
FOX in america is pretty much the only exceptionto this, but all of western europe literally doesn't have anything that isn't controlled by the left (unless you count the RT meme lmao)

>Maybe people with a different opinion, left OR right don't deserve to die just based on something you agree with.
Nazis: We should kill everyone who isn't straight, white, and able-bodied.
Leftists: Nazis want to kill a lot of my friends and family. Maybe we should kill Nazis.

>Unknown: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!
>Trump: Look at you. You are a pussy.

This never fails to crack me up for some reason

>film school
I'm so sorry user, have you recovered any of the lost money?

>tfw Hiro replaced Sup Forums's weebshit ads with fake news ads since Sup Forums took over
Sup Forums has jumped the shark.

Feels great being apolitical.

Are you fucks getting welfare razors and nobody told me? How do I sign up for that? I keep using shitty disposable razors long after I should throw them away because I'm too jew to buy them, but if we are getting them free I'll sign up.

Unless you got a grant you wasted your money

damn look at this reflex

Entitled millenials like you don't deserve a job, there is millions of people without jobs who would take factory jobs rather than being a useless art degree fag who gets paid for doing nothing

You have got to be joking me. I can google 10 websites right now with right side bias right now and I guarentee those will have more than enough of a following.

Google republican blogs/websites, anything. Do you believe the left really controls all of media. Give me a break.

might as well buy tampons, fags

Because he said something that literally any man with a drop of testosterone has said.

Not that guy, but major television newswork channels/stations do lean left

We get free razors?

It wasn't expensive due to it being run through a community college, and I left in three years and got my degree through a university.

But let me tell you I think I was the only conservative there. Everyone else was such a loudmouth about politics and I never brought them up once.