Is there an Action RPG with better combat than Dragon's Dogma?

Is there an Action RPG with better combat than Dragon's Dogma?

Any soulsborne game.



You know it's true.

Dragon's Dogma? You mean Blast Arrow to win the game?

Some people love it, others hate it.

I'd say Morrowind's combat is pretty hit or miss.

Heh, I played both games recently, and while DD has more variety, I'm not a fan of how clumsy your character move, and the climbing mechanic don't get along with how the camera work.

Overall I'd still say DD has the advantage, but I could see how people prefer Souls' combat system.

>"Dragon's Dogma has great combat!"
What people forget to say is "Dragon's Dogma has great combat if you don't pick any casters" because it has the shittiest wizard combat I have ever put up with in a game.

Soulsborn has shit combat


no reply for (you)

your failure to make casters work is your own problem

ah yes, because the game is never the problem.

when did shit get real for you? Or when has shit gotten real for you? Admittedly golems are an enormous pain in the ass when playing Sorc or Mage but then I just unequip weapons and fist their weakpoints.

Also favorite dragon killing tactic? Mine is ruinous sigil and keeping a bunch of elemental weapons on hand.

In BBI fighting Undead Dragons and chained Gore-clops.

Casters are entirely situational awareness. Big slow spells for big slow enemies. fast spells for fast enemies.

If you don't like that its legit but 90% of playing caster is knowing what spell to cast when.

Dark Souls? You mean roll to win the game?


90% of my playtime as caster was spammy as fuck because the spells did fuck all damage.

Kingdom Hearts 2

The core combat mechanics in Souls games aren't as good, but Souls (at least the good ones like DeS and BB) does a much better job of keeping its limited mechanics interesting through level design and enemy design, which DD doesn't do at all.


situational awareness, most monsters have a weakness to certain elements. Then again you might've been underleveled or had shitty gear for the area.

I love it but the game can get a bit grindy.

>Dynasty Warriors combat features shallow movesets against braindead AI, but has a lot of moveset variety and fluid motions and controls
>is considered bad because it doesn't have the moveset depth that games like Ninja Gaiden/Bayonetta/DMC/God Hand do and isn't challenging
>Souls combat features shallow movesets against braindead AI, clunky motions and controls, but has a lot of moveset variety
>doesn't have depth that games like Ninja Gaiden/Bayonetta/DMC/God Hand do
>is only challenging because of the clunky controls and torpid movement, the damage ratio is extremely punishing and the hitboxes are awful
>somehow considered """good"""

dragons dogma 2

it's so good, I love how big it is


>Rolling and blocking are inherently worse than a cheesing item that literally destroys the final boss on the hardest difficulty under 20 seconds
Never change Sup Forums

Dragon's Dogma and Kingdom Hearts are great contenders with their own strengths, but overall I'd have to give it to Bloodborne

Call me when Souls has anything as interesting or well designed as throwing an explosive barrel into a hydra's mouth, then shooting it to make it explode.

There are multiple unique tactics against every single enemy in Dragon's Dogma, whereas in Souls the only tactic is "hit it until it dies".

>a much better job of keeping its limited mechanics interesting through level design and enemy design, which DD doesn't do at all.
What's that supposed to mean? 90% of the boss battles in Souls put you in a big arena of nothing. The only exceptions I can think of is: Ceaseless, O&S and Chariot

Git gud.

there are like 40 ways you can cheese through everything in DD and you can do the same in every souls game. but having a combat system centralized around infinite iframe dodge rolls makes the combat entirely uninteresting

>Souls combat features shallow movesets against braindead AI, clunky motions and controls, but has a lot of moveset variety
Bloodborne has some of the deepest movesets of any ARPG ever released. You ask anyone what the best weapon is and you will always get a different answer

some of these enemies look like saurians
is that fucking DD2 footage or something

I have plat in every souls game and I still think the combat is just as shallow as anything else

can only get so far with AI before the limitations become glaringly apparent really

Dragon's Dogma Online
jap only


Now that's fucking stupid. DD is DaS but improved and with tons of variety and movement impossible in Souls.

Try not to make DaS fanbase look even worse.

It's really easy to play with a VPN, look up guides

That's why I said Souls. Bloodborne is actually good. It has some of the same problems, but it's vastly improved in a lot of areas.

Sounds like an MMO, which means that player interaction is crucial, and it probably won't be easy to find non-moonrune speakers in a game that only got officially released in Japan
also playing on Japanese servers doesn't sound like a lag-free experience

Dragon's Dogma has a class that has a parry with a fuck huge parry window, iframe dodges, and a shield. Are you seriously going to ignore that and shit on Souls for the same shit?

>You ask anyone what the best weapon is and you will always get a different answer


thought you were still talking soulsborne

I want Action RPG with monster designs that follow the old ass woodcut deceptions of the monsters with focus on the uncanniness and creepiness of them
There is nothing scary about Lion with snake for a tail. Imagine seeing what looks like some dude's head behind a rock or something then you walk up to him and turns out he is Chronenberg tier monster straight form your nightmares with 6 rows of teeth

holy shit why is Dark Souls 3 a step back in so fucking many ways

mcgangbang town

I have to say that Souls and Bloodborne are entirely different beasts in many ways.

I know people who hate Dark Souls but love Bloodborne and vice versa. They're similar but subtle changes completely alter the focus and rhythm of combat so much.

The harpies in DD actually look like that if you get a close look at their faces.

>DD is DaS but improved

So true! I really love the fact that dodge is locked to a specific class! Having to actually avoid hits in DaS was so tedious.

Fuck steel golems
>Put one medal in the place where melee character can't reach
>3 ranged pawns yelling at me to target the medal can't fucking aim at the one RIGHT ABOVE THE FUCKING BOSS HEAD
>have to climb up to the golem's head, fight against the retarded character, and do severals leap of faith while swinging my sword to destroy it myself.

2 classes aren't centralizing the combat of the game dipshit

KH's combat is wasted on shitty harmless enemies that aren't fun to fight against.
Humanoid bosses are fine though.

There are more non jap players than you'd think. There's a discord server for finding people to play with. Lag isn't really a problem.

>doing second playthrough of BBI
>Playing as Mystic Archer because that second form is a mofo
>get to sunken cassardis
>descending into level 2 Eliminators pop up
>I got this shit
>suddenly spells out of nowhere
>start panicking and running around trying to figure out what the fuck is going on
>there's two thunder wyverns on the roof tops casting spells without LoS somehow
>have to deal with eight or so eliminators sometimes in duos or trios while doging spells
>one of my pawns goes off a fucking cliff
>manage to arrow my way through the horde of undead hammer men
>make it into the village now that the frontline is dealt with
>proceed to kill two dragons, knocking one out of the sky and killing it near the cliff where one of my pawns died
>the second one is a fucking coward and retreats to the rooftops to cast spells at me so I have to climb up there myself and finish him off 1v1 because my pawns figure out how to follow me too late to be of any use

So yeah the lead up to the second bossfight is fucking harrowing in and off itself.

All ARPGs are massively flawed gems but out of all of them DD has the most potential by far.

If I had to pick one type of ARPG and have it made properly (i.e. not Capcom or From) then I would pick DD over anything else.

Play as a mage
>Need to roll around while casting
>Need to stand far away to prepare your spell
Pick one

well that looks like fun, monster design aside

Every class has defensive abilities what are you bitching about?

Having your melee/ranged/mages all rolling in circles isnt better than having specific defensive methods for each class. Honestly though Vindictus shits all over DD and Souls in this regard.


>positioning? what is that? i want to be invulnerable whenever i want
also you have 3 fucking teammates, what else do you want

Why do people suck DD's cock so hard? The combat system is awful and relies solely on grinding and stats. Your best skills and combos will do nothing against certain base enemies until you've grinded enough and then you can simply kill them with your light attack.

>2 classes
Correct me if i'm wrong but except mage and sorcerer, every other class can BLOCK and DODGE

Dragon's Dogma combat is pretty fucking trash though. Climbing big enemies is the only good part of it.

There is literally no grinding in DD if you dont want to. Absolutely zilch.

Main quest alone is enough to finish the game, side quests are just that, side quests, you dont have to do them at all.

What the fuck are you smoking. Maybe the only thing you would have to grind for is daimon

yep that's BBI alright

>clunky motions
>clunky controls
>cites god hand as good example
So what you're saying is that you like to eat shit?

no thats right. I /think/ the argument though is that there are more involving options than just dodging and blocking, which would be positioning around your party and using certain skills at certain times.

That sounds like a lot of fun, my BBI playthrough wasn't that good

>Start BBI
>Stop when I realize how fucking painful this is

>the game is a shallow chunk of shit
>hm, have you done side quests?
>well, of course it would seem shit without side content, get to it!

>what a shitty game that relies on grinding
>wow, side content is just that: side content -- main game doesn't require you to grind!

Like clockwork.

>i have plat
>but the game is shit
Fucking retard. Kill yourself.
captcha: die autist

>monster hunter
I just installed DD and am about to uninstall, shit sucks

games like MH make me wish I owned a console

Maybe vindictus, i liked that
cant climb tho so id defer to DD

who are you quoting?

>wah I hate grind!
>there is no grind
>wah i hate grind still!
Thats great kid.

I tried vindictus
The combat might be good, but I've never seen a game with worse optimisation

Agreed. Having to roll around as a mage is bullshit. Fuck in DD you can just jump to avoid attacks. Sorc has that Necromancy thing also

>he doesn't like fish-man Jesus

>hm, I've played the game for 3 hours, it's shit
>wow, how can you judge the game after playing it for just 3 hours?!

>I've completed the game, hoping it would get better towards the end, but it really didn't
>lol, you put 60 hours into the game and claim not to like it?!

Like clockwork x2.

he tooks bits and pieces from two different issues and combined them into something that actually doesn't make sense

Warrior can't.

>Dark Messiah
>0 results
Getting sloppy Sup Forumsirgins.

>implying better is better
No one wants better, do you seriously just want 100 games all recycled like DD? Fuck no.

Souls, DD, MH, its good these games are different and have strengths and flaws. Souls has some boring as shit circle strafe combat most of the time but at least it can be punishingly hard. DD has more impact than an unstoppable force hitting a immovable object but holy shit is it a casual fest 100% of the time relying entirely on that feedback for fun. And MH is just the most grindy god damn game you'll ever play but its godlike at making fights feel like long fights without being tedious.

They all have advantages and flaws and its better for us that no game is better than the others.

>what is exodus slash

Yeah, they can't but without Exodus

>deliberately being retarded
Nice nu/v/, very original of you.

yeah the base game isnt really that punishing. You can run all ad or magic or melee or ranged and be fine for the most part. cept for bitterblack. bbi will fuck you

fun game though, wish it has a sequel

not him but you're a complete fag if you got plat after 60 hours, that just means you used a walkthrough all the way through the game, from beginning to end
so not only are you retarded, you're also a liar

Yeah, I completely forgot what it is.

Warrior only get 3 skill slots so I must've dismissed it for something else.

like as in a 3ds? you can play the older monster hunters through emulators and i think the wii u emu can play 3U?

good point. In that case you have to sacrifice either utility or damage for a dodge. and it isn't a core skill which is what the discussion is about, so it doesn't really count in that regard

Restricting warrior to just 3 slots was, by far, one of the most retarded decisions.

Pick one and only one.

This, i-frames fucking remove any need for positioning.

Nothing wrong with changing up classes

download ppsspp for FU and P3rd. You can actually play the p3rd ps3 port with it

you're the one that took it to that extreme you dumb fucking nigger. never did I call the games shit

>Nothing wrong with changing up classes
Except they put in one of the worst stat systems of any RPG ever

Its hard to switch from warrior to anything else when all you've played is fighter/warrior