Get fucked Bizz shill.

mop had good lore faggot

>April fools panda joke
>good lore


You mean Lovecraft?

>April fools panda joke

>implying that MoP wasn't better than both Cata and WoD

Literal cherry atop a shitcake that was post-wotlk WoW.

The only good thing about retail lore is the black empire/void lord stuff

why do you post best expansion

Best post cata expansion and gr12 lore

Do you love warcraft that much that you have to announce your love for it? That's really gay.

you need to go back to pandiarrhea and stay there kill yourself you furfagging pandaren furry fag fuck

Are the wow expansions considered canon?

lore was fucked way back to TFT: half of the undead campaign is Sylvanas coming out of nowhere and founding a faction of "good" undead so people could play them in WoW

WotLK > Legion > Vanilla > Burning Crusade > WoD > Cata > Panda

>WoD and Cata better than Panda
>Legion better than Vanilla and BC
>Vanilla being better than BC

Shit list kys.

In what way?

nice bait

>people still think MoP wasn't the undisputed best expansion

if you're not going to admit it like a wrathbabby at least admit post-wrath, they knew you spergs would hate pandaren so they put maximum effort in every other area, only dungeons were arguably week but you still had CMs

>only dungeons were arguably week but you still had CMs

Don't forget one of the worst levelling zones in history, Jade fucking Forest. What a shitfest and a slog.

you could easily leave it half way through at 86, and it was pretty much an entire zone with the faction conflict shoehorned in because krasarang had to be revamped by 5.1 to portray it

>mfw a single patch in pandaria captured the human vs orc feel better than WoD and it's movie-banking nostalgia pandering ever did