Just finished it

Just finished it.
It was k, last fight and that goddamn double-syringe injecting cutscene made it for me.

Thinking of getting 1 and HD collection for 2, are they better? thoughts?

fuck Otacon

Other urls found in this thread:


1's a great game but it shows its age, the controls are a bit archaic.

2 is repetitive garbage with terrible levels, its one redeeming factor is great enemy combat AI which you'll never experience if you play properly and is otherwise spoiled by Raiden's massive health pool.

>Thinking of getting 1 and HD collection for 2, are they better? thoughts?
they have more gameplay for sure, 2 has amazing story as long as you get past the "muh snake is not the mc!!!!" syndrome. 1 is dated today I guess, unless you get twin snakes (the GC version), which plays like 2.
also user did you REALLY start a vidya game series with game number FOUR?

...so wait wait, you played the END of the series, without finishing the first games ??

If so... what kind of gigantic moron are you?!
You play MGS games in RELEASE order, or not at all.

>also user did you REALLY start a vidya game series with game number FOUR?
This, how the fuck did you even know what was happening?

My first MGS game was MGS 2, which was manageable, but how the hell do you dive into the series at MGS 4? The game is literally just fanservice for everyone who has played the earlier games in the series.

>Doesn't know what foxdie is
>Doesn't know who Liquid is
>Doesn't know what the Patriots/Philosophers are
>Doesn't know the history of Big Boss

How can you even enjoy the game with all of that factored in?

I played 3, PW and a lil bit of PO, read some stuff about the first ones and now 4.
I don't have the money for the legacy edition right now so, yeah

I think 2 is the series best with 3 being an extreme close second. 4 is a real mixed bag.


This. OP fucked up. After playing the previous games, it is a great game desu.

>I played 3, PW and a lil bit of PO, read some stuff about the first ones and now 4.
jesus fucking christ... I'm not even mad. This is pure sorrow I'm feeling.

Emulate MGS1. It's THE most important game for the whole series, and still one of the best games, ever. However, now that you've spoiled the plot of the whole series and yourself with the more modern controls etc, you probably will hate it.

3 = 1 > PW > 4 > MG2 > 2 > GZ > TPP > MG1

This thread is a mess.

Story fags should just drown themselves. If the gameplay is good enough, it shouldn't need the narrative as a vehicle to prop it up.

So are you arguing that MGS is actually a shit game, but has a good story? Or is it a good game.

>starting with 4
why the fuck people do things like these, holy shit

A lot of people did in 2008

>want to play skyrim
>load up dos and play arena
>load up dos and play daggerfall
>install morrowind
>install oblivion
>6000 hours later I can finally play skyrim

>I played 3, PW and a lil bit of PO, read some stuff about the first ones and now 4.

You should drown yourself, moron. And maybe play the games for once before you go shitposting.

Excuse me that some game series are actual SERIES, with everything progressing and being connected linearly.

no, they really did not. Where the fuck you get this idea.

Completely irrelevant and different matter altogether. I just can't understand why some people think every game is similar to another and thus should apply to same "rules".

Not to mention what kind of moron would want to play Skyrim?

Also otacon is fucking superb

Why do you place so much importance on the story if they gameplay can hold its weight all the same? Why does it make you mad that I started with MGS4, GZ, or 5?

The gameplay is literally strong enough to carry through a contextually disjointed/irrelevant narrative. Why does good gameplay bother you? You sound absurd.

Nice loaded questions and attempts at fallacies, mate.

>Why do you place so much importance on the story if they gameplay can hold its weight all the same?
Because the story is fascinating and one of the whole series biggest attraction.

>Why does it make you mad that I started with MGS4, GZ, or 5?
Because you're literally ruining the whole experience for yourself, and then act like an arrogant, shallow prick who doesn't even want to try and understand why that is he case.
The matter that you call the "narrative" of the series "irrelevant" is enough to make me sick.

Good story and good gameplay do not need to be separated matters. MGS games are perfect examples how to have engaging, surprising and memorable EXPERIENCES, but apparently you are one of those people who'd rather have the games stay at their 1980s barebone form, and not even try to be anything more than children's toys.

>want to play FF15
>have to go to garage sales nationwide looking for a NES/SNES
>end up having to import FF1
fucksakes i just wanted to play games

can a community be any more toxic and non-inclusive? how do u expect to make friends and make gaming bigger when its out of reach of people who werent super affluent/white/males as adolescense?

I dunno, maybe 'cos you're talking about characters and you're such a fucking moron that you didn't even bothered to enjoy the plot. These games has wonderful both gameplay and plot.

>OP trying this hard to justify his major fuckup
wew lad, off yourself. For this planet.

are all of them related?

But FF's aren't connected by plot like mgs is.
You can watch Von Trier's depression trilogy in any order you want, but that's probably isn't good idea for nolan's trilogy, etc.

Exactly, the gameplay is wonderful. It doesn't need a plot to simply be ENJOYED and to have fun. The plot would simply enhance it, but not make or break the gameplay from being good, or good enough to have fun with.

ain't me tho


anyway how the fuck did you manage to sit through 15 hours of cutscenes without knowing anything about the story

The only thing related are his parents by the look of his post.

is the Xbox generation really this used to unrelated yearly sequel trash, that they can't even comprehend the existence of completely different kind of "series"?

>It doesn't need a plot to simply be ENJOYED and to have fun
many people love the story and characters of the MGS series, with many scenes being hailed as highlight of the entire industry. MGS2 fags are perhaps the best / worst examples of this, since they hail their clunkiest to play "postmodern art" to heavenly levels all the time.

you almost got that wrong way around.

k den
>load up dos to play metal gear
>load up dos to play metal gear 2
>play metal gear solid 1
>play metal gear solid 2
>play metal gear solid 3
>buy a psp and play metal gear acid
>play metal gear acid 2
>play portable ops
>play portable ops +
>now i'm ready for 4


to everyone bickering:
there are series where the new installments are completely unrelated, there are series where they're related, but they do a good job of filling you in, but MGS4 is a game that consists almost entirely of tying up a million loose ends from the entire series' plot, and culminates in a series of bittersweet love-letters to the franchise and its fans

It's a weird pick to jump right in, but then, I figure OP absorbed a lot of the series through cultural osmosis, and it's a pretty cool game anyway. You're a strange one, OP, but I'm not mad at you

>MGS3 > PW > MPO > MGS4
It's like one of those meme suggestions that shitposters make when someone asks in which order to play the franchise.

Acid games aren't part of MG canon, so you can ignore them. Other wise yes, you should play all games in chronological order.

MG1 and MG2 are included in MGS3 in MGS HD Collection.

OP literally admitted that he didn't have enough money for HD collection till now so that's why he started with 4. Jesus christ no need to sperg.

Since he liked it he'll probably buy the other games when he has time and he can still replay 4 once he has played the other games, no need to shit on him like this.

OP just play release order once you got the collection. The MGS games are all worth playing at least once.

Nobody in the thread is shitting on him, we asked why he would skip to the end of a franchise if he had never played a game in the franchise before. If you think we're shitting on him you need to see some of the other shit posted on this webzone

Much better, and not casual as fuck, but AC!D games have nothing to do with the main-series.

Also, MG1-2 were never released on DOS, but MSX. Not to mention unless you're a bloody idiot, you'd just get MGS Legacy Collection for PS3, and have it over and done with.

>OP literally admitted that he didn't have enough money for HD collection till now so that's why he started with 4. Jesus christ no need to sperg.
Not an excuse. Fuckoff.
Anyone could piss easily emulate MGS1 if they wanted to. PC port of 2 exist as well.

Legacy Collection's literally 30€.

could you chill out
you're so amped

>starting mgs with 4
this is entire new level

i guess playing 1 and 2 as prequels should still be fun though.

Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agre that 2 was the best and most important game in the series.

No, you get a fucking hold of yourself, stop doing things half-assedly, and being an enabler for such bullshit.

No. Fuck off.
MGS1 was miles better and more important. 2 was a total fuckoff with terrible gameplay to boot.

2 was the best story wise
V was the best gameplay wise

3 or V are best overall for me

1 was a sloppy transition of MSX games into 3D.

MGS1 is the best

you know there's people on the other end of the computer that you're yelling at, right
people who even go to the same websites as you and like the same video games as you do (and, apparently, quite a lot)

don't be so abrasive

What's wrong with playing the last game first? Even Star Wars started halfway through the story, and they didn't even try to hide it!

>first movie
>already the fourth episode

How the hell did you even know what was going on without at least playing MGS2?

>1 was a sloppy transition of MSX games into 3D.
Nope. It was superb.

>you know there's people on the other end of the computer that you're yelling at, right
Yes, and I certainly hope they have opened their ears and gotten a bit shaken by my words. Total savage idiocy should not be tolerated.

MGS4 actually is a shit game once the level design becomes more restrictive and drops the concept of sneaking in the middle of a battle. The first two hours of gameplay however are fucking amazing and I keep a save file just for them.

Bad thread

Skyrim wasn't made specifically because of fans sending Todd death threats over an ambiguous ending in Oblivion.

>MG1-2 were never released on DOS

The NES version of MG1 did get a port on DOS and it sucked.


Mgs4 was it's own story
I pieced it together. Some guy called Liquid made a bunch of PMCs and he was planning to invade America. You're Snake, and you're out to stop him. That's the story.
This is a good thread.

>Some guy called Liquid made a bunch of PMCs and he was planning to invade America. You're Snake, and you're out to stop him. That's the story.

That's the framework to the story but the bulk of the story itself was wrapping up the fuckload of loose ends MGS2 had that were never meant to be resolved.

game name?

Here we go...

>MGS1 Posted so low in all these rankings

I'm not to boast the underage meme but you niggers can't be serious.

MGS1 had the most memorable bosses,codec and atmosphere.
Sure the controls have their flaws,but the game was built around them so that all flows tight and well.

Yea but that attitude probably made on of the best game endings meaningless.

That's true but most of its sequels have surpassed it in terms of gameplay

I'd agree, user, but nowadays I'm not sure if it is just nostalgia for me.

And as far as pure stealth gameplay, I wouldn't even consider 1 a proper "stealth" game.

If it was all about gameplay,Phantom pain would take the cake easily.

The most important aspect about MGS to rate them (In my opinion to be honest family member)Is level design. All the games have responsive SNEAKING mechanics,so to compare them on that aspect is somewhat bliss.And honestly,I believe MGS1 should always be head to head with Metal Gear 3:Slav Beater and above Metal Gear 2:Sons of Bitches because the plant's livid orange and linearity makes me want to puke.Also,It had to be the map with the shittiest design that made you backtrack the most for fuck's sake.

It Is important to establish this post as a fact and not an opinion.

Last time I tried to make that argument about the bosses I just got swarmed with people claiming the bosses in MGS were always the weakest aspect in the franchise.

>bosses in MGS were always the weakest aspect in the franchise.
jesus fuck, what's next? Old MGS games were "too gamey" as well?

Funny how people can bitch about EVERYTHING about MGS: too cinematic, too videogame-like, too much plot, shit gameplay, author is a "hack"... shit tastes and casuals, everywhere.

>If it was all about gameplay,Phantom pain would take the cake easily.

I disagree. PP had fantastic mechanics but the actual game was severely lacking in stuff that took advantage of them. If it were just multiple levels with the size and detail of Camp Omega it would've been fucking amazing but instead we got an empty open world with a few outposts and a couple of bases. Perfect example of what I'd wanna see more of would be that mission where you gotta blow up the oil plant in Africa, it really nailed the infiltration aspect the series has always tried to convey.

Time to turn this into an autism thread

My friend and I loved MGS4, and we liked to reenact the game's final fight between Snake and Ocelot in public. He was always Ocelot, I was always Snake. This one time, we walked into the middle of the school canteen and he shouted "BROTHEEEEEEEER", so I responded with "LIQUIDDDDDDD", and then we faced each other and started strafing left and right while trying to emulate the game's retarded CQC (two punches and a kick) while loudly grunting. We also did the part where Snake and Ocelot went on their knees and injected each other with the syringes, all the way until the final "You're pretty good" at the very end.

This was high school.

sounds like you had fun user, good for you

>Mgs4 was it's own story
yeah, just like Return Of The Jedi was... rit?

You really made a big mistake, my man. MGS4 is without a doubt the worst entry in the series.

4 may be shit but it at least had a second half.