Year of birth

>year of birth
>fondest vidya memory

Finding this under the christmas tree alongside the Super Gameboy and Mario Kart

Other urls found in this thread:

Old ass nigga
Receiving a N64

getting Halo 3 and a xbox 360 for my 12th birthday

I had a Mega Drive, but probably playing Gran Turismo with the smell of christmas tree in the air

Playing fallout 2, dungeon keeper, and a link to the past with my older brother,

>Lemmings on the 486 with mum

Having my babysitter rape me while her boyfriend played Pong.


Coming home from school one day to find a new tv and a Playstation at home. Dad bought it out of nowhere for me and my siblings. Being the youngest I had the least time to play on it but it didn't stop me from sitting down next to my brother and watch him play for hours. One of my fondest memories is him playing Resident Evil 2 with me next to him with a dictionary to look up any words we didn't know in english.

My birthday, my dad picked me up from school which was odd and all the way in the car he kept telling me it was my fault him and mum were getting divorced.

He then poked and jabbed me until I was in tears then happily brought me a bunch of mcdonalds he had in the other room and the original nes with turtles bundle.

He acted all happy after that as I sat there crying and eating the food then shakily taking out the nes.

I was 6.

They didn't get divorced for another 5 years and I have no idea how any of it was my fault, I know I'm his son because we look exactly the same so it still confuses me.

Went on a road trip with family while playing Pokemon Red for the first time. Felt like a great big adventure.

Fuck man, your dad sounds like a sociopath.


Hearing the ending theme of Super Mario Land.

Every time it plays it brings me back to my golden years.

I've never seen this meme before. I must be new.


Best birthday evar :D


Finishing the long questline for my Charger epic paladin mount in WoW

Me and my mates rode all the way from Stratholme to Booty Bay


Playing Ocarina of Time with my Dad. I remember getting scared at Dodongo and Phantom Ganon and handing him the controller. Shit was fun though with both of us trying to figure out where to go next, solving puzzles, and finding secrets.

What the hell, you're as old as me, this shouldn't happen on Sup Forums.

I remember waking up on Christmas Eve after my dad came home and left the newly-bought NES on the couch, I was super happy and went back to sleep on the couch cuddling it.

>coming come from high school my junior year and playing rpgs like persona 4 and FFXII on my ps2 slim and little 13" crt tv all evening while rain pattered on the window

I have a lot, but I remember waking up christmas morning at my dad's house, and unwrapping a gamecube with Smash Bros. Melee, Godzilla Destroy All Monsters, and Metroid Prime. Dad was a broke dude in his 20's so getting a console and that many games was amazing. Putting in Metroid Prime first time and hearing that intimidating music set the mood for a new console so well. Good times.

Playing Mario 64 and trying to get to the roof of the castle without 120 stars, we did it after hours of trial and error

Jesus christ what the fuck. I'm so sorry user...

My dad was huge into Tomb Raider. He played through the first 3 in evenings and we'd help work out the puzzles and cheer Lara on. He still digs them out every so often, even modded the PC version with higher res textures. He prefers the precise side-stepping and lining-up to the exact pixel you had to do to make some jumps in the original games over twin-stick controls, which is why he didn't get into later games and Uncharted - also because of the non-existent puzzles, endless shooting and talky stuff which he has no interest in. He also dragged my mother to see the Tomb Raider movie, which she only went to because of U2.

what the hell


Getting a PS2 slim for Christmas when I was 11, it was my first console.

Got head inside a Pole Position 2 arcade cabinet. when I was 16. Also Phantasy star 2.

WTF hamburgers are not for 6yo! Your dad tried to kill you.

All of you are old as fuck. Have you no shame being here still? Good god.

Growing up in rural as fuck England, my first two consoles were a sega genesis and a gamecube, along with the shittest PC you have ever seen.

I think playing Republic Commando with my brother for the first time and being SPOOKED as fuck in the ghost ship is up there

Little big planet with friends

Playing on Intellivision with my father

Been here 11 years now, why stop?

>22 is old

Are you underage?

Is there anything going on one should be ashamed of partaking in, user? Surely you're too good for such things to be here right?

>Playing WWF No Mercy with Dad and big bro
>My dad is sitting cross legged on the floor
>I'm sitting on the couch behind him
>He's pissing me off with cheap moves
>Using the "low blow" move to punch my nuts
>Keeps using it
>Getting really pissed off
>I stand up and kick him really hard
>Right in the kidneys
>He screams louder than I've ever heard
>Tells us to call 911
>EMTs come to check him out
>Take him to the hospital
>Mom takes away our N64
>I'm grounded for months

There was no real damage done to him, looking back on it we all laugh at it, was funny as fuck how heated those games got.

I know Sup Forums's for children, but I don't spend all my time here. Go fuck yourself if you can tear yourself away from today's ADHD trap.

don't bully kthx

Why are you here?

finishing sonic 3 & knucles on holidays on a bungalow
>remember my father fixing a nintendo and playing before we owned any console

>Hours of Street Fighter 2 with cousin

>kicking his dad

Getting a SNES on Christmas with Yoshi's Island



are you 12?

NES action set on Christmas day after watching my older brother get one on Christmas eve.

I thought the OP said "Year of fondest memory" WWF No Mercy came out in 2000, I kicked my dad in 2001, was born in 1995

>pulling the master sword out of the stone in OoT

>talks of shame after spending his teenage Saturday talking to traps on an anime image board

Time to kys child.

nice survey of 94+ years
i should leave this site with me 86'


you better get out of here while you still can.


shit taste confirmed

I have a lot but one of my favorites is catching up in skill with my older brother ( and now surpassing him these days ) I still remember one of the first big moments we noticed it was when twilight princess had came out he got it on release day and started his file first but I got to the end first and when I was standing in front of the throne room in hyrule castle he got kind of butthurt and told me I couldn't beat it first, so he sat there and finished it that night

playing serious sam with my dad over LAN before we got internet

not as shameful as wasting your best years on Sup Forums, loser kid.


My fondest memory is the day I left boyhood behind.

>high school neighbor girl babysitting me, my older sister and her friend that was staying the night
>remember playing Contra Hard Corps on Genesis
>cousin let me borrow it and I thought the werewolf with robot arms was the coolest shit
>older sister started secretly tossing Legos at me since she and her friend wanted to watch TV
>guess she left the main room, baby sitter started cleaning up
>hear noise behind me, guess I thought it was my sister about to ambush me
>grab Lego near me, stand up quickly, turn and swing to throw
>it was the baby sitter behind me
>didn't realize in time
>just stood up, turned and slapped her in the tit
>she gets confused and angry
>freeze then apologize and tell her what was going on
>sister and her friend get scolded instead which means more Genesis time for me

Later that same evening once my parents were back my sister and her friend were playing dress up or some shit and using the main bathroom in turns to change. I didn't know, had to take a dump and bolted for the door. It was unlocked, I opened it and immediately saw my sister's friend fully nude and she started screaming. Got the door slammed in my face.

That day I discovered that boobs felt fantastic, what girl's privates looked like and thst Contra Hard Corps was awesome.


>prefering a soulless, emotionless toilet seat like Rei who had gendos dick inside her many times

>1997 i got my big sisters used sega genesis, super nintendo and gameboy
>sonic, mario and pokemon
My fate was sealed that day.


Playing Tomba, my first videogame, for the first time.

I'd just like to drink with Misato, honestly.

Man that is one 10/10 day for an adolescent boy in the 90s.

She's a dick. She treated Shinji like shit many times just because she has authority.

Women with authority are always a big red flag.


Dad getting me and my twin brothers an N64 with 3 extra controllers and Super Smash Bros for our 11th birthday


Playing Grandia during winter, bundled in blankets with my feet being warmed by a bar heater.

Getting a Nintendo DS

The old big one, most of you teenagers probably don't remember. It always amuses me when youngsters think they know something about gaming when they didn't even have a DS when they were 5.


was stuck on a level in Croc on the PS1 and i asked my mom to help me even though she has zero experience playing video games but she still managed to help me through the level

still find that to be the coolest thing my mom has done

That's because gaming is piss-easy and kids suck at it. Probably most grandpas could beat most kids.

Wednesday after Christmas '01, my brother showed me what the save feature on Pokemon Silver does. It was the first thing I ever took an interest in.

Amen, Misato is the kind of chick you fuck and then dump she's a fucking mess.

skipping school to play FF IX

Minus the Super Gameboy, that was my fondest memory, too.
One Christmas morning there was a SNES with Mario Kart.
Second place is Nintendo Powerfest in 94 where I was a finalist in my city, but ended up losing out to a future me- a guy in his 30's.
I still have the t-shirt and hat.

Beating Majora's Mask after months of playing that fucker. I wasn't good at vidya before that, but I certainly was afterwards. It also came at just the right time in my life to get the most out of it.


Playing some Go with my dinosaur buddies

Every time I lost they ate a limb

1992. Mario Kart 64 with my mum and dad on christmas morning

It was one of those hot, moist and never ending nights of Finland, when the sun goes down only for an hour or two.
Me and my little brother speny the whole summer downloading batches of One Piece, and whlist waiting, playing with our other brother, and a friend of ours.
We had some cheap knock-off orange soda, and we were cramped around the 17 inch monitor with the window open behind our backs, giving us a breeze.
We only cared about useless things back them, but had no other sources of interest to turn to. It was truly the best.


Playing melee at high school with my friend

Item spawn high
Bombombs only
Final destination

>Year 2000
>5 years old, wake up for school step out of bed into a foot of water
>House flooded, claims all my toys and my N64
>Go stay with grandma for a week
>Get back home, there is a brand new Playstation (My parents still refer to it as a SONY) with Crash, Spyro, Ready 2 Rumble and Frogger
>Parents let me play for the next few days STRAIGHT
>Only kid at school who wasn't some n64 owning pleb

Beating Omega Pirate in Metroid Prime while suffering through a fever and sipping orange juice.

Another one is playing Goldeneye with my Uncle and brother. My brother always used to put proximity mines on everything, and my Uncle would always try to go for the body armor and die. Every time it happened, he'd always say "STOP RIGGING THE BODY ARMOR."

>Only kid at school who wasn't some n64 owning pleb
This. I'm proud to say I was a PSX fag before Sony became mainstream. Many of my "friends" had fucking game boys and N64s. You automatically knew who was cool and who was a faggot just by looking at their console.


Probably my aunt giving my sister and I a copy of Final Fantasy 3(6) for no real reason other than she saw a copy of it at a store and she knew we both wanted it for a few months. My family wasn't poor but my parents were just frugal as fuck so we often didn't get games until they were in the Sale and/or Clearance Rack.

We had a completed save file, a perfect save file and a glitched save file when we stumbled upon the Vanish/Sketch glitch that Relm could do.


mega man 2 and 3 codes are ripped out of the game genie booklet


You either made this shit up or you mixed up the year numbers. I remember the release of the super gameboy and this was way later than 1983. More like 1993.

>reading comprehension


Perfect Dark on N64 in high school was pretty fun.

Plattsburgh High School - 1999


Playing Scorched Earth: The Mother of All Games with 9 of my buddies off a floppy disc I brought into school on a rainy day.


Mechwarrior Living Legends


I have many great vidya memories but my fondest one at the moment is when I got The Phantom Pain a day early; it was the first day of a new term in uni, but I literally ran out of the lecture the moment I got a message from post office that I could pick up the game. I got home and played like 18 hours straight.

>Opened all xmas presents, mostly clothes
>Just have the stocking that's usually just cards from relatives
>There's a small box in there this time
>It's Ocarina of Time


I remember opening a massive present on Christmas when I was like 6. It was a Sega Genesis with 2 controllers, and pretty much every quality game it had.

I don't have it anymore, but Genesis is still my favorite console.

Getting a PS1 because I payed for it with my on money, plus RE was so much fun.

>playing Burnout 3 with my dad

My parents pulling out a SNES from under their bed one night just randomly as a gift. Played Super Mario World for about 24 hours.

Defeating my friends 3v1 on some old fighting game

Come back in a year.

1999 was 18 (eighteen) years ago, user.

early birthday?

Finally going back and playing Okami after dropping it years ago at the sunken ship and finishing it.
The time it had taken for me to get there and the brilliantly satisfying ending to that game felt great.

He COULD be younger than 18 today if his birthday is still ahead. This only means that he was less than 1 year old when he played the game. This is totally possible. Some gifted kids even know math by age 3.


best memories are cutting class to play a new game

getting viewtiful joe or planescape torment 2003-2006

the sheer terror of playing Metroid 2 as a child. I had that, mario land, killer instinct and tetris for the longest time. Despite the fact that I would only advance in the game on biannual visits to illinois when my older cousin would beat sequences of it, it was still the only thing I played. Donkey Kong 95 and Pokemon changed this of course.

Some other fond memories include early emulation. Prolly put 100 hours into secret of mana 2 in the fifth grade.