Sup Forums... How do we stop CEMU?
Sup Forums... How do we stop CEMU?
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whats the matter peasant? you feeling insecure again?
That's some really shitty looking 4k
>literally no difference in quality, just higher numbers
>missing particle effecst
>what is aliasing
>what are random particle effects
are you sure you should be on this board?
>that one on the right
It just doesn't feel right. It's missing soul.
No need to stop it. Let people experience the disappointment when they realize it's unplayable and still has game breaking bugs which won't be fixed for years.
are you blind? the 4k side clearly has aliasing and sharper detail.
>OP makes retarded thread
>gets retarded replies
why is Sup Forums so fucking retarded
right has better graphics but left has better art style. nice try sonypony. :)
how is bayo on cemu right now?
Tried it some time ago and was nearly playable but without sound and graphic bugs everywhere
>How do we stop CEMU?
by releasing, after 8 years, another good PC exclusive
Why would we? Hopefully it'll reach maturity as did PCSX2, but that's not in the near future. Remember that by the time fat PS3s stopped being solved PCSX2 was only barely usable if you had average system specs.
What does Sony have to do with a Wii U emulator on PC?
false flagging
Graphics bugs have mostly been fixed. It's now a matter of fixing the audio. It should be fixed within the next few versions.
What a joke.
Most of the people doing the salty shitposting are sonyggers
Most nintoddlers either play on PC or don't give a fuck
>CEMU this time next year
>more than half the games run buttery smooth
>dev even found a way to let players hoist servers
>PC gamers create their own online gaming community
>have programs like Gamespy that lets player scan servers and join others playing the same game
>online Splatoon, Smash and MK8 tournaments
>mfw PC gamers make the Wii-U relevant
I bought a fucking Wii U years ago, why would I be insecure?
i dont give a damn
if people enjoy emulation - good for them
now have some milf
There's not really anything to stop. By the time they get a game to run at a playable framerate and have actual working sound it will have been out for 4 years and anyone who was going to buy it will have bought it long ago.
Don't fall for the emulation meme. You won't be playing BotW on cemu at anything above 10fps for the next 3 years, and the sound most likely won't work for the first year or so.
But hey, don't let that stand in the way of your irrational autistic childish hateboner you have for Nintendo.
>old games that are getting updated replacements before the end of the year
>old versions being relevant because of pc emulation
>never ever the post
its like online on PC its dead after month or two
Capped at different times buddy
problem is not framerate, rather stability and sound/graphics bugs
with a 6700k and 1070 games either hit the 30lock or hover aroud 50-60fps in bayonetta 2
>By the time they get a game to run at a playable framerate
But they already did exactly that, you can play games such as MK8 at 60FPS on current version.
What a fucking idiot
Devs said Soul is coming in the next revision.
Seems entirely not worth it to render at 4k with how blurry it still is.
it's a shame that bayo 2 still has sound issues and horrible flickering in most of the game in CEMU though
>nintendo releases splatoon 2 on steam and the switch at the same time
a year later, which version will have the largest active community?
>Sup Forums actually shills an emulator
I will never stop laughing at this.
Yeah, and when did mk8 and bayonetta come out? How many years ago?
You people are bragging about emulating 3 year old games like you're really ripping nintendo a new one and making all the nintendrones cry
so you did not play bayo2 hah?
like i play skyrim
>mod the fuck out of it for 2-4 hours
>play for 10 mins
There's nothing to be upset about. People who would've cared already played and are done with the good WiiU titles and CEMU is going to be riddled with buggy nonsense for years after release, much like every other emulator breaking into newer gens.
It's a literally nothing problem, unless if you're PC only I guess. It must be rough not being an idort.
It works fine.
a FREE emulator
Oh boy user you are trying real hard to fit in.
>still blurry as shit
Whoa.... so this is the powet of the petition race......
And what about when it doesn't?
delusional fuck. just stop.
that will never happen
slightly old games on steam = dead online
(exept dota,cs,new cod)
Bayo 2 isn't a good example but it helps alot in games like Mario Kart 8 and 3D World. I don't think a simple jpg can show you the massive improvements 4k graphic packs does for this thing. You have to experience it yourself.
When has stability not been an issue of an emulator?
Well, aside from that cycle-accurate SNES emulator. By definition that can't have issues.
Spla2n is a switch exclusive, what the fuck are you even trying to say?
Is this the power of shitposting?
>You people are bragging about emulating 3 year old games
But CEMU doesn't emulate every game separately, it emulates the whole console those games run on. That's quite a difference.
It is still miserable if I need to render at 4k.
Every other emu gets sharp by 1080, just wasteful, needing too much power.
There's only so much you can do with 720p WiiU games.
>slog though first 3 hours, waiting for tutorial to end and real game to begin...
>4 hours, no fun in sight
>5 hours, drop the game and play Severance
I haven't had any issues with it in a long time. I'm not sure if it still chugs on low-end systems, but games seem playable and stable in almost all cases. There aren't even missing particle effects etc.
What about their Patreon builds locked behind DRM?
Yeah, 4k seems to be shilled around here but the 1080p graphics packs do a good job too. Wayy better than native resolution for sure.
-world at war
-modern warfare 2
old multiplat games that are still going strong on the PC, but dead on the console.
and your point is? that you wasted your time on emulation?
good PC user.
>4K has aliasing
it doesn't. It just looks sharper because it's 4K downscaled to 1080p, which is better than any form of washed out AA.
>Implying any fan of these games wouldn't download cemu, plug their PC into their 4k TV and re-experience their games all over again in much better quality.
It's like you're some faggot who doesn't like vidya user. I have the actual games and a Wii U, I am still excited with Cemu progress. Because I'm not a faggot, like you.
Yeah, you've never touched bayo2. Try again, kiddo.
>being poor
Fuck off and go play with your nintenbaby tablet, kid.
>slightly old games on steam = dead online
Said the consolefag from his laptop?
Nearly every last fucking online game has active servers on PC.
Free mods have a ton.
Not saying "tournaments" would happen because the same thing that lets you emulate lets you very easily cheat too and theres no way there would be anti-cheat in something like an emu, but casual play is more than possible.
This is actually a containment board for people to pretend to know anything about anything.
Video game discussion is in the next board over.
>gaming on a pc
I wanna see some 4K Mario Kart 8.
Not sure if they already fixed graphical glitches in most of the games while playing in hardware rendering mode, however I know for sure that audio in Klonoa 2 is still not fixed even after all of those years.
You got proof?
Why would I play through games I've put over a hundred hours into that don't work as well just for better graphics? I'm already moving on to new games like Nioh and Horizon and BotW on release, I have no interest reliving games I played 3 years ago. Maybe 20 years from now when wiiu games are 200 dollars I might look into cemu.
what a fucking idiots
active online is 10x times less then console player base
>Said the consolefag from his laptop?
oh wow dat projection
even in my shithole of a country i can afford owning pc with 1070 and few consoles
and i realy dont give a fuck about multiplayer and i know that you do the same and just shitposting here for some weird reason
>Bayo on PS3
>2 COD games on Wii U
>Shantae not on Wii U
It triggers me just a little.
There's a set of games that do not work at all, and seem to be unfixable - they haven't changed much.
Bayo 2 on Cemu doesn't even have proper audio.
Its ok user, I'm sure you can ask for a PC next christmas.
who actually has a 4k monitor?
wouldn't some games/programs be microscopic?
>picture of an empty shelf with a floating 2DS
Why contain it?
>cemu will probably run breath of the wild not too long after it comes out
wow I literally missed nothing by skipping the wii u
>Most of the people doing the salty shitposting are sonyggers
The countless daily Xbone/Switch/PC bait threads and Uncharted/Bloodborne shill threads.
Why would you want to play the inferior version of multiplat games?
Why would a 960X1080 pic look better than another 960x1080 pic?
>Will probably look and run better than the Switch version
Really makes you think
I'll never stop laughing if we get comparison screenshots and the Cemu does look better.
>The countless daily Xbone/Switch/PC bait threads
Prove these are created by Sonyggers.
>Uncharted/Bloodborne shill threads
Prove these aren't created by false flaggers.
>4k comparison
>1920x1080 picture
OP, you are fucking retarded? Also, I can see that Youtube compression hard. Come back to me with a DIRECT 4K screenshot from CEMU and then there will be a REAL comparison, here. It's fucking baffling how many retards are in this thread not noticing that.
>What is downsampling
>No Difference
it's either you're ocular defect or you're just denying it. if this was a game from other platform you'd go CSI on that it like you have some MIT degree on computer science. I guess it's true when it's only okay when Nintendo does it
But he's comparing a fucking 720p image as well. If you're gonna do that, you might as well do the whole thing. It doesn't help that he also took a shitty compressed image from Youtube. This definitely does not represent a real comparison of both.
>active online is 10x times less then console player base
>he seriously believes this
>hoarders are now cool ?
It will so stock up on those gold faces they're going to be in high demand.
I only care if it's playable at a decent framerate.
Don't you have to go through a bunch of hoops for this shit to work?
Call me when it's as stable as Dolphin.
>Implying Nintoddlers, Pkeks and Xboners have the time/can be bothered to actively create anti-Sonygger threads
>When vast majority of Sup Forums are butthurt weebs who own a PS4
It's blatantly obvious.
ITT : Sonyggers falseflagging as PCbros to try and make Nintenbros mad
>I *literally* cannot wait 7 days to play a game
Downsampling may improve image quality, but since it's still outputting at a lower resolution, you still don't get the full quality of the actual native resolution in a 4K picture.
Is it possible to get good scores without learning dodge offset?
If we waited 10 years for Dolphin to get where it is now, we can wait fucking 7 days for an update on Cemu.
Why the absolute fuck do you have 2 copies of Black Ops 2 for Wii U?
>this is what nintentoddlers actually believe
99% are falseflagging reddit shitter memelords who are trying extremely hard to fit in by being le ebin troll mastermind.
Stop being so retarded.
go back to your horizon thread thank you