Thoughts on Tales of Berseria?

Thoughts on Tales of Berseria?

Why does she look so mad?
Is she autistic?

>no actual /ss/ in the full game


Combat didn't make sense to me at all during the demo, and seems to be designed purposfully do discourage cool combo strings.

Not good.

Porn might be nice, no comment about the actual game.

Beside supposedly dark edgy heroine who's just a slut and not edgy at all, what's there?

I just don't like tales games in general anymore. they just seem to keep getting worse and more gayvirginweebish

Stop shilling!!!

Does the game keep up the lewd talk with the shota like in the demo?

8 posts and only one about the gameplay. Really says a lot about the state of weebs and jshit games, pathethic

The demo runs like shit for me on PC. Might be forced to play it through in Japanese on PS3.

JRPG aren't for gameplay or fun. it's escapism

I've played through Xillia and realized that I hate the series.

It feels really washed out for some reason. Washed out colors, graphics, combat, designs, everything.

Main girl ends hugging his sister forever in some dimension and shota turns into a dragon? Explain this pls.

demo is proof of it, since it takes place somewhere in the middle of the game with full party. another great party, even better than zesty, and that was one of the few things zesty did well along with the music.

Tales of Censored Shit


>tfw no tales game will reach Vesperia-tier for me ever again

Yeah pretty much.
Got a problem with that?

Can you bench that shitty brat?

Why does that fluid druid have an oversized collar?

Not at all, just enjoying seeing you guys get so angry over something like that.

I thought all that censor talk would amount to something far more serious and in more than one instance in the game.


Is it dual audio?

Can i play this stand alone

i didnt play zestiria

Yes, this is Sup Forums.

any good porn of this game?

You don't appear to be enjoying yourself very much.


I tried the demo and the very first conversation piece felt so super cringey it made me really dislike the premise of playing a game like this.
It didn't help that the drawings and especially the shitty background looked cheap as fuck.

Is 'funny', trope-ladden banter like this reallly stuff the regular weeb looks forward to, which makes the game 'mindless fun' like they defend shit like the Nepgames?

I would be open to trying JRPG stuff, in fact I enjoy the grindan but shit like this... isn't this really substandard?

how so? i got a chuckle replying to the original comment knowing that that one change is what caused so many of you autists to shitpost Berseria threads.

Is the combat good? please don't bring up vespiria and graces f I just want to know how it holds up in general

yes, the very first thing you see when you launch the demo is asking if you want japanese or english voicing.

What makes a grown woman with a fully developed vagina which can only be stimulated by an adult cock want to fuck a child with a pig tail dick?

It's retarded

Using Christ as an expletive and your image make you look frustrated rather than happy.
If you're as happy as you say you are then fine, carry on.

I would also like to know this. Never played a Tales game.

It's none of those things, because tales games do not feature romance for the most part. And the few that do REALLY shouldn't feature it atall.

If you like the story in Berserk you will like this game

Why can't they just make another Yuri?

They just want to see little boy ass, man. Leave them alone.

Anyone else not about long skits? I really didn't like them in the demo, because they were way too long.

Small skits were so much better, usually were either quick character building or a quick bit of humor. I wonder if any long skits will be actually serious or if they are all jokes? If it's the latter, I'm inclined to skip the damn things.

That's a good point, the Christ was more my initial reaction when finding out it was that particular "censoring" behind all the upset is all.

Now I just laugh any time I see someone post "Tales of Censored Shit" or anything of that ilk.

As for the image, it was the only one handy at the moment on my unorganized desktop.

That and I do think most of you are trash.

They did.

She was called Rose.

>mfw Remus stop being a little bitch
Thank you based dead wizard


How far into Zestiria am I if the pope dude just showed me the fire temple? 30%?

Well I've given it some serious thought over these past five minutes but I can't say that your low opinion of me has changed my stance on censorship. I still don't like it. I think it's a negative thing for us as consumers and I don't like rewarding it.
I don't think we can come to an agreement about this, sorry friend.

played the demo. was not impressed. felt like i was playing an awkward butchered version of graces F.

just give us vesperia ps4 already.

I wonder if the combat will be good. Honestly I preferred Xallia 1's combat over 2 but I dropped Zestria completely because I hated it so much

Fuck off Baba

graces is trash...


I wasn't intending to change your stance, though? I mean, you guys are literally still angry over that one scene. What gave you any idea that I had a notion I can change your mind by posting how silly you guys?

I just wanted to poke fun at you, which brings me joy. So thank you for that.

so im not the only one. the skits felt way to long and the voice acting did not help much either.

>Stop being upset at this thing

>Mary Sue who murders politicians and never gets questioned or reflects on it
They're almost exactly the same character.

I'm not telling you to stop, since it's funny as hell to those who aren't autists.

>They did.
>She was called Rose.

except she was not a good character

i understand if people dont like graces gameplay but dont come here and say Berserias is any better.

except Yuri gets called out on his murders

My apologies I thought you were trying to open some kind of discourse where we could exchange news or ideas and possibly reach new conclusions about our previous convictions and grow as people.
I'm still happy to be providing you with some entertainment though if this is really how you wish to be spending your time, laughing at people you've never met on the internet because they have different opinions from you.

I wasn't the other guy though, the fact you think you're above them is just funny to me

It's a shame.

The demo just feels bland and the combat isn't engaging.

I really did want to pre-order Berseria, but the demo convinced me not to buy it.

He doesn't, one of the main criticism the game receives is how undeveloped and flawless he was portrayed as

>vigilante who plays by her own rules
>despite being an assassin, everyone she kills deserves it in some way so she's never portrayed as evil and there aren't any repercussions for her actions
>whenever she has an idea or something to say she's always right and no one ever contradicts or disagrees with her
>anyone who isn't instantly on board with her is portrayed as outright wrong or evil

They were the exact same type of character. It was just more obnoxious with Rose because she wasn't in the MC spot.

Cool, so at least we're both having a good laugh.

>He doesn't

dude, Flynn calls him out on it a few times

What, you wanna make out or something?

i maybe buy it cheep someday. there so many other games i have on my to buy list.

Only by Flynn and Sodia, and in Flynn's case he even admits that the people Yuri killed deserved to die but you can't just go around murdering people because of the law. Sodia was just portrayed as crazy for ironically being the only one to realize how dangerous Yuri was.

Don't get me wrong, I like Yuri, but he suffers absolutely no consequences for his actions. Even his little moment of self reflection doesn't add much because the world is objectively better off with the people he killed gone, so there's nothing to actually angst about.

It interested me at the start, but the demo is just so fucking spammy I can't imagine playing it for so long. It doesn't help that my PC's xbox drivers might actually be mentally ill.

>Only by Flynn and Sodia

which means that 's post is lying

Angsting about killing in a setting with monsters and wars and other dangerous shit, where people die en masse every day, is senseless anyway. Shit happens

how much of pirate shit is there in the game. do we have eternia levels of pirate shit? Treasure hunting for arts, secret locations, underwater treasure hunting/dungeons/secret. Can the valtia be upgraded like in eternia? beign able to make one of its rooms a inn was amazing

Flynn Calls him out Sodia calls him out and tries to murder him and if I remember right Estelle does as well but shes conflicted because he saved more lives killing them then letting them live

He's still portrayed as flawless despite those two, which is what that user is saying.

Flynn, for all his moralfaggotry, outright says that Yuri was justified in doing what he did and only opposes him because he's a knight and that's his job.
Sodia is literally shown to be crazy for wanting to take Yuri out, again portraying him as having done nothing wrong.

Flynn should had been a really good foil to Yuri but he even recedes on that because of "muh laws", just making him another dickrider.

Unf Unf

Berserk will never ever beat Guin Saga, Miura is a jealous cuck and had to base Berserk on it.

>eurotrash language on the back

Thanks for censoring everyone's versions faggots

If you played one Tales you played them all. The only reason I still get these games is because there's no jrpg with top banter like this series. I love a game that doesn't take itself too seriously.

>in more than one instance in the game
Of which we know of retard i can guarantee you once people get their hands on the game they'll find more butchering. Inb4 your an even bigger retard that believes damage control on twitter.


>13GB install
is the PS4 completly incapable of playing anything from the blu ray itself?
what the fuck is up with that. why does EVERYTHING need to install.

There is an entire pivotal scene where Flynn condemns him for his murders and has to wince in place at his futility for working within the law and yet having no freedom to influence the current affair other than call Yuri out on it for his rash actions.

Was interested in it at first, but it's censored, so I was going to pirate it, but then it has Denuvo. So now I don't care anymore.

Would buy it used it I had a Playstation 4.

The way they model her tits is weird.

From the front they look pretty large and tightly bound, but if you look at her from the side she looks like a pancake. It's like they textured large breasts and forgot to actually apply the volume to the model.

The cooldown timer is the only real problem with it, but it's still barely above Vesperia, which is nearly a decade old.

This is the standard for JRPGs. This is what "average" JRPG writing is like.

Big dick series like Dragon Quest and weird niche shit tend to be a lot better.

I played the demo and Berseria didn't feel all that different from Symphonia which is the only other Tales game I played so take that as you will.

Why is she a slut?

i have Zestria in my steam backlog

whats so terrible about it?

Man Vesperia was so damn good, it's probably the only Tales game that I'm comfortable saying had a semblance of a good narrative.

At least until the last fourth of the game.

Next Kloah doujin when?

A few things. When you run into a enemy to start combat the combat area is just where you started battle. Which is fine but you don't have any camera control so in tight hallways you can't see anything.

Weapons has special stats that you can fuse with other weapons to get nice gear. But sadly gear is RNG and to really benefit you will have to grind them since they all have levels.

As for characters the only two that honestly has any real impact is Sorey and Mikleo since it's basically their story. The rest are either doesn't really matter much or Rose who honestly makes a plot hole the size of the fucking world.

it's weeb trash

She's not mad. She's horny.

Short for the horned reaper?

Why would she be horny though? There's only a little boy resting on her shoulder.

Post tummy

Exactly. Yuri is shown to be entirely in the right while Flynn is portrayed as a complete fucking idiot. The only other person who calls him out, Sodia, is literally insane (because no mentally stable person would oppose Gary Stu protagonist!)

Abyss shits on it in every way as far as narrative goes.

Look man, I played Abyss and all I can say is I do not agree.

What exactly has been censored?


>Abyss shits on it in every way

I like Abyss, I think it's a fun romp...

But I can't get over why they NEVER JUST FUCKING KILL VAAN. They have so many chances, and they just let him walk away and carry on with his master plan.