Watch Dogs 2

Now that I pirated it and played it, what went so right? It's actually pretty fun.

It's barely adequate.

>Dropped the standard Ubisoft open world formula
>Focused on making the world as interactive as possible
>Writing is self aware, and while it indulges in shitty memes, it also makes fun of them at the same time
>Game looks decent, and doesn't run like hot shit

Basically, Ubisoft decided to actually put some effort into a game for once.

Ubisoft is really a mixed company. When they put effort into something, it's usually pretty fun. When they don't, then we get shit like the first Watch_Dogs, Asscreed 3, and Asscreed Unity.

I liked when they killed that other nig

>Doesn't run like hot shit

My GTX 1080 and 6700k disagree with this.

No matter what setting I put it on, the game struggles to stay at 60 FPS at 1080p.

I'm glad they got rid of that tower bullshit. The next AC better not have it either.


It's OK.

>Game looks decent, and doesn't run like hot shit
So did the first one, after patches.

>drone makes shit too easy
>so does the Eagle Vision that can see through walls
>driving isn't improved in the slightest
>can only carry 2 lethal weapons at a time
>running requires that you hold down and keep pressure on the left analog stick (What was wrong with the previous control scheme?)

>Ubisoft is really a mixed company. When they put effort into something, it's usually pretty fun

AssCreed II was a pretty damn good improvement. TOo bad they always stick to formulaic gameplay nowadays.

>Watchdogs 2

I read that the city was pretty sparse though.

Wish I could just play a blank character though.

>running requires that you hold down and keep pressure on the left analog stick

Except it isn't. I've tried just clicking it and holding it forward.

Wat controller? It just click it and I sprint. Ps4.

They put effort in Unity though. They just forgot to test it.

It'll probably have the towers but maybe they can be optional.

PS4, too. Did they patch that in? I haven't played since the last one.

Lethal gets you killed anyway, stun gun and stealth, after using the shit out of your drones, is the only way to get through some parts

WD2 is okay; a 7 out of 10 but I think the series is dead. WD2 is what WD1 should have been. People would have accepted it's shortcommings as an honest attempt at a new franchise that should have improved in the sequel. But WD1 was such a letdown not many people paid attention to WD2.

Nah, don't think so. You just gotta click it in and Marcus starts sprinting. Same with running.

Ubi tends to put effort into the 2nd entry of a series. Watch Dogs has been pretty succesful for them but it won't be surprising to see the next entries be total shit.

>I read that the city was pretty sparse though

If you're talking about pedestrians, then it is on console. Peds are much more numerous on PC.

If you're talking about the world itself, I'd say it's well enough packed. It's not super dense, but it's not lifeless and empty either. I especially love how NPCs actually interact with one another, instead of just being there for the player to mess around with.

Seriously. I saw one NPC call this guitar playing NPC's music shit, which caused them both to get in a fight, which then resulted in other NPCs around them calling in the cops, which resulted in the guitar player being arrested. You even see shit like one NPC carjacking another one.

P'shaw. I got through almost the entire game with a machine gun and shotgun. The only part that really gave me trouble was the Wrench segment.

It's the best Deus Ex that came out in 2016.

I'll stand by that.

Its pretty shit.
The only character that would pass as a hacker would be Josh who is le autstic white boi, while the main character and the other nigger WUZ HACKAS N SHIEEEET.
The gameplay also boils down to
>go to spot
>"stealth" your way to some "hackable" thingy
>connect some nodes
>get out of the area
Its legit garbage.

Huh. It could be my controller, I guess.

I'm surprised by how much I liked the main crew so far. Well, half of them at least.

Marcus, Wrench, and Josh are especially great. Their dynamic feels like they've known each other since forever, which is kinda weird now that I think about it, but eh.

Sitara on the other hand, I'm not a big fan She's all about the cause this the cause that. Reminds me of some 4th person the teacher told you to be part of your 3 man group with set dynamics, and she just goes on about assignments and is friendly in a "we're gonna have to work together for 6 months so might as well make it easier for ourselves" way. I don't know if it's her writing or her VA, but whenever she interacts with the guys, there's this air of forced enthusiasm and amusement, I dunno. Really not feeling her right now. Hope she gets better.

And the other black dude is just a nothing character. Don't even remember his name. Looks plain as fuck too compared to the other members, which doesn't help.

Check your settings. You can set toggle/hold for walk and run for KB/M, so I'm guessing you can do it for pads too.

Yeah killing all those white people sure is fun, the power of diversity huh?

WD2 was a disappointment. Instead of going full modern AC, they decided to make GTA V.

I don't think you ever have to kill anyone in Watch Dogs 2. The only time where I found it hard to avoid it involved a mexican gang.

Oh, fuck. I didn't think to check for that specifically. Thanks.

>Not going for a non lethal hacking run

You're playing this game wrong.

>not feeling an obligation to gun down homosexuals in San Francisco
It's half the reason I played it.

the sjw shit is cancer, but unisoft seemed to actually experiment a bit and i paid off somewhat when it comes to a few things

>SJW shit

Besides the fat lesbo, and maybe Sitara, I really haven't seen any blatant SJW shit.

Hell, from some of the random ped conversations I've heard, they seem to poke fun at it more than anything.

Too bad you can't kill either of the trannies you meet in the game. Or is "Lenni" just a bulldyke?

Upgraded stun gun takes down any enemy in one hit, shoots across the map and reloads almost instantly, takes down even heavys.

Why bother with lethal?

>could've been an ok game if they didn't design it for non-existant teenagers

>liking the worst character in the game
>thinking that abomination is even remotely attractive

not previous user.
She doesn't do anything for me personality wise but she is cute.

Oh thanks. I am glad to know this.

My main issue with Watch Dogs 2-- story is kinda whack. The missions feel tacked on and disconnected from anything meaningful. You need followers to boost computing power so you can hack bloom. So you do stuff to get attention to get followers. But you also get followers for doing stuff no one could know about. But that isn't really a narrative.

And then the game... kinda unintentionally punishes people who want to shoot-- money is kinda hard to come by, so you have to be very careful using your 3d printer and swapping guns. You'll be stuck using the same gun for long stretches of time. Kinda annoying.

Reasonably fun game if you grab on sale.

>I pirated the game
>It's actually good

So are you going to buy it now, user?