3ds hacked, now what?

Need some help.

>be poorfag
>hacked 3ds via 3ds.guide
>everything worked no problems

Not sure what to do now. I think I'm supposed to use some cfw to play backups but no idea which is best to use. Any help?

Other urls found in this thread:



Use 3ds.guide

Where the fuck can I find a new 3ds or 3ds xl?

dead link


just get freeshop you dolt and download everything from there. you already have cfw (custom firmware) since you finished the guide all the way through

Just get freeshop or ciangel now. Download any games you want


You already have a cfw 3ds. with luma3ds.
Open up FBI and install freeshop.pw

All these games are pretty shitty, I hacked my 3ds for no reason


I loaded up freeshop and there's only like 2 shitty games in there. Where's the good stuffs?

>no save editing
>no overclocking in n3ds
>no save states
>no streaming
>no snapshots without miiverse
>no mods
>no injecting your own SNES/GBA games
>hacking only means free games

what the fuck does "I don't know which is best to use" mean
Please don't tell me you just installed the HBL and think you are done

How do I take screenshots of games with CFW?

how do you install emulators and such?


use that

which one are you looking for? if you are on o3ds like me and want a snes emultaor then check out this one.

nes, gba, gbc can all be injected and you dont need an emulator for any of those.

the wii was pretty much like this. you installed HBL then could use a launcher to play your games. it's not that unreasonable to ask.

> gbatemp.net/threads/tutorial-convert-3ds-to-cia-easy-and-fast.433047/

This is the easiest way to download and install your games. Not sure why everyone is being such an ass about this.

You don't need anything after you use the guide other than FBI.

But this is not the Wii, and if he followed the 3ds.guide he would be, like, halfway through page 1 out of the five of the whole procedure

pretty neat, but what do you mean by injecting? Do you just download and install the CIA files, is that it?

yup just install those cia like normal 3ds games. heres some gba if you wanted some


thanks user

I have an old 3dsxl which I want to use. Do I update it? It's Ver. 10.1.0-27U right now.
Also, what size of sd card should I get?

16 if you don't mind swapping games all the time
32 is decent
I have a 64 right now