>He doesn't play games in borderless windowed mode
He doesn't play games in borderless windowed mode
that depends on the game
What are the pros?
most games just run worse then
Ah yes i love to convenience of being able to other things than game while i game, and it only costs me some of my frame rate!
maybe you shouldn't be playing on 15 year old laptops
some engines run better on borderless windowed like source
others not so much like gamebryo
All games run better for me that way.
Windowed borderless doesn't make the game run worse, it just requires more resources from your computer. When you run full screen applications, Windows will optimize turning its desktop gui and some services off. When you run in windowed mode, Windows will not do this. But I run windowed borderless every game I can because I'm not a peasant and I have a good PC.
>wasting processing on rendering the desktop
>Having such a shit PC you can't manage it.
>borderless windowed mode
Enjoy your inferior framerate.
>he doesn't play games on his home-installed cinema screen
I want to put my tongue/dick in that fat ass. If you know what I mean.
Meanwhile, on park avenue!
I don't follow
But I already run everything about my monitor's refresh rate.
Yeah I need Sup Forums on my second monitor so I can shit post between and during games.
I can supersample so need all the processing power I can get for maximum graphixxxx
Borderless window mode literally introduces input lag, no buts about it. If that's not an issue, fine. But it's the truth. For something like cs or overwatch, it's really really bad.
>just get money out of thin air and get better shit
gee whizz would i not have done that already if i COULD?
ya god damn hekin fanny
>he cannot make a thread without insulting people
>the kid in the movie finally gets a friend
>she dies
Lmao fucking terabithia
Do you have some source to cite on how borderless windowed mode affects input lag?
I only use a single screen, what's the point?
>he didn't get damned to hell by god
lmao casuals
I think I cried because of that. It pissed me off so much, even more so because she was really cute too.
ikr what the hell was that all about it was a nice ol kosher family adventure then blindsided by that shit
Yeah because you have Aero turned on like a retard you dummy.
>tfw will never have a autistic qt childhood gf
Windows uses vsync when rendering the desktop, so using borderless window mode introduces as much, if not usually more, input lag than the ingame vsync option would. So if that's not a problem, go ahead. But as I said, for games like counter strike, it can make them nigh on unplayable.
Seriously, go load up a game of counter strike in windowed mode, it feels so bad.
With windows 7 you could change to the classic theme, which didn't have vsync. But on 10 you can't disable it anymore, so on 10 borderless window will always have vsync on.
Also for a source you could just google "borderless window mode vsync input lag"
tfw w10
oh well, its not like I'm going to want to play with screen tearing
your fault stupid
As I said, doesn't really matter unless you are playing a twitch shooter.
My fault that Microsoft decided to automatically update? Yes.
Alt+Tab works better afaik
This. I had games where certain key combinations messed up the game when it was borderless and not full screen.
I hope you disabled aero or your shit will lag like crazy.
That just means you had something running using the same key combos.
>he plays video games
>he plays
Unless you're using recording software, you're a fucking idiot. Here's your (you)
I do if it's set up for it but the third-party programs that attempt to do it are usually clunky as fuck so I don't bother.
>play game in borderless window
>it still bugs out with the mouse and you have to double click the window after alt-tabbing
>the cursor stays on the window the entire time
>PCSX2 forces Borderless windowed mode now as apparently it's better for compatibility.
>No option for dedicated fullscreen anymore.
>Have to now choose between Input lag or Screen tearing.
It's not fair lads
>willing lowering your framerate just so you can switch windows easier
Except it still adds framerate drops regardless. I built my PC a couple months ago, and the difference between between these 2 modes is running this game maxed out at 90fps or maxed out at 150fps.
wat u mean?
i use borderless windowed on every game i can unless i feel like i need more performance.
is there any REAL evidence that it introduces any other problems?
>switch to borderless windowed mode
>suddenly get capped at 60fps
This, most games nowadays can't handle borderless windowed well, it's a simple fact.
Who's the qt?
not him but I have a 3.5 memecard and don't get any FPS drops at all. I play everything in borderless
>My fault that Microsoft decided to automatically update?
Actually, yes.
>less framerate than fullscreen
>why the fuck would I want to alt tab if i'm playing a game? what am I, a fucking kid with ADHD?
Also, self-afirmation strikes again on Sup Forums
Windows is vsync'd by default so you don't get screen tearing. Sometimes this means the game will be locked to your monitor's refresh rate as well (I think it depends on the game).
Because your monitor is set to 60Hz, user. If you have a 60Hz monitor you can't get more than 60fps, no matter what the fps counter says in fullscreen applications.
>self-afirmation strikes again
>he runs games in borderless windowed and throws away performance instead of full screen to alt tab slightly quicker
>turns on borderless windowed, loses performance
>alt-tab and covers up game with another window or windows
>can't see the game
>can't play the game
What exactly is the point of borderless windowed again?
>only having one monitor
Because it uses the framerate of your monitor as its limit. It's fine since it's literally impossible for the fps to be seen beyond that.
>If you have a 60Hz monitor you can't get more than 60fps, no matter what the fps counter says in fullscreen applications
That's not true at all. The game will still render/process frames above 60, you just can't actually see it. That's why running old as fuck games like DOOM at 400 FPS, even if it visually makes no difference, can literally kill your GPU.
>The game will still render/process frames above 60, you just can't actually see it.
That's what I was trying to say.
Testing with Deus Ex and Crysis it didn't seem to make much of a difference. Although those games are GPU-heavy, maybe it's CPU-heavy games like Planet Coaster and Cities: Skylines where it can have a performance impact.
Jesus what a mondongo.