Please give me a hard mode from the start

Please give me a hard mode from the start.
That's all thanks.

Losing four hearts in a single attack is unfair.

I haven't played a Zelda in a while, but I don't remember any of them having difficulty selection.

Thats a normie game.

Don't play it if you feel special

He means "Hero Mode", which puts various handicaps on the game.

play the game naked and it will be hard enough (you will be too -_^)

Last Zelda I played was Twilight and my main problem with the difficulty tuning was the lack of a death penalty.
When you hit zero hearts you just pop back up in the same room.

That's the key thing here, you need to be punished for failure unless you have a fairy. Get your ass kicked to the door of the dungeon at the very minimum.

Nigga why you dyin in a Zelda game anyway

nah m8

Here we go again with the "make Zelda like Dark Souls." Windwake sold 4.6 million on a system with 22 million units. Bloodborne sold 2.55 million as the main exclusive of a system with 49 million units. Souls difficulty hurts its sales.

Video games should still be challenging. Still demand the player think about their attack before committing.

I'm not asking for 'drop all of your rupees on death' or anything that harsh.
Just something.
If I reappear in the same room I died and lost zero progress then why even have a health bar?
What's the purpose without a penalty?

>low sample correlation equals cause and effect

Stop user.

Getting a punishment for dying =/= dark souls clone.

Let's take OoT for example, it wasn't really hard itself, but you could prepare for dungeon by stocking up on items and catching fairies which was easy as fuck to do with that you literally had to be fucking retarded to die in a dungeon.

Recent Zeldas however barely even let you solve the puzzles on your own (hello fi) asking for a more difficult game =/= asking for dark souls.

But he's right.

Games should have options between murder-inducing frustrating and relaxation inducing.

Do a 3 hearts challenge. There's your hard mode.

Yeah that's what I was trying to say, thanks.

I hope there will be enough porn of her.

Judging by the gameplay we've seen, there will be plenty of enemies that can kill you in one hit.

No. There should just be different types of games. It's not a games fault if you suck ass at it

You know while that might be a viable way to do it, I think it's wrong.

Why can't it be challenging enough if I only pick up the heart container I get by beating bosses?
I mean the people that suck could just start farming heart pieces until they get enough hearts to win or do you think I'm wrong?

Don't equip clothes and skip heart pieces.
There's your hard mode.

you can say what you want but Skyward sword had excellent dungeon and puzzle design. Fi didn´t help you that much in the dungeons tbqh.

Also yeah it would be better if you die in a dungeon you need to do the dungeon from the beginning. But wasn´t this always the case with zelda? 2D zeldas did this, OoT, MM did this. But i forgot about WW and TP.

And if death is meaningless and you respawn on the spot, how does that make the game harder?

Top kek

Zelda is challenge enough for normies, though

So its fine that they don't understand our Gamer Standard.

Have you been watching the new gameplay videos? Game already looks like it have some real challenge to it.

There is one where Link gets one shotted by a guardian. This Hyrule is looking to be quite dangerous

You will have a to play a game fine tuned in difficulty for little children that can't sit still for a second. You will not die once, because Nintendo does not want you to start things over.
There will be dozens of mechanics and items that are completely worthless, because there is no challenge.

You know this to be true.

>target audiences are 9 years old kids

I hope someone makes an undub version for Wii U.

If it requires more effort to get past each encounter then the game overall requires more effort, and is therefore harder user wtf



If every language track and setting is on the cart, then hopefully Nintendo can release a patch that can allow for mixing and matching of subtitles and voices.

Twilight Princess HD had Hero Mode from the start.
Why wouldn't this?

>Nintendo doing what the fans want


We heard your complaints, and worked together with Aonuma to help our fans as much as possible.

Just buy our special edition Hard Mode ugly-ass Bokoblin amiibo for the low low price of nine ninety nine ninety nine ninety nine.

>That's the key thing here, you need to be punished for failure

In BotW, you die and respawn on the last time you saved.

Just play in your starting gear and don't use the food buffs. I know that doesn't seem like much a difference from the traditional 3-heart runs, but when common enemies can hit you now for over 6 points of damage, the difficulty racks up far quicker than it would in traditional LoZ games.

>You know this to be true.
Yes I do and it hurts.

Yeah user I don't know but I was almost throwing my wiimote against the wall sometimes cause the handholding made me so mad.

I really want to know if this is just a Zelda thing or if multi-language based on system region works for all games.
If Switch gives you all versions of a game with one copy of the disc that's actually amazing. Only PC has done this so far.

Here. It's pretty much like Skyrim.
You die, you respawn on the last time you saved.
So you better be saving frequently. It's not going to be like before that you die and then you just reappear in the same room.

With TPHD you could assume the player might've already played the original game before, hence you would want to offer returning players a new challenge on things.

BOTW on the other hand is a new game, so there's no real incentive to provide this new mode right away, especially if they want to keep players entertained longer (as a player might be interested in doing 2 consecutive playthroughs if the mode's an unlockable).

>not hacking your Wii U
>not waiting for the undub USB loader versions for CFW

I shiggy diggy doo

>Skyrim is too easy lmao
>What do you mean maybe I shouldn't wear daedric armor and abuse the enchanting loop?

>Go into a dungeon
>Get to the boss
>Forget to save and realize I have to restart the entire dungeon

Can't wait tbqh

But user I can read Japanese. Their current solution is perfect for me if it works as described.

most of the handholding was in the overworld. Afaik in the dungeons I never heard her or I forgot. I mean there were some times I didn´t know what exactly to do. But most shit was in the overworld not in the actual dungeons.

Don't wear clothes. Don't eat food. After a few hours you should be getting one-shotted by random enemies. There's your difficulty.

Strange because this is what you do to make Dark Souls easy.

I never actually died in TP to know that.

I remember that in OOT if you managed to die you would get booted all the way back to your last save and if adult in the temple of time, if kid in kokiri house and if squid no wait.

>nintendrones will defend thi-

well not quite. I played the game 2 years ago so I could just forget about this shit.

In my memory there wasn´t much things except stupid things like "if you press this shit some other shit will happen". Most things were in the overworld with the "let me scann this" and other shit.

there is autosave.

It's not that simple. The English subs wouldn't be automatically synced with the Japanese audio. They'd basically have to redo the entire thing.

Some people, like me, like that type of struggle.

All they really need for an effective hard mode is to further limit the amount of food and weapons you can carry.


Petition when?
If they don't know it won't happen.

How the fuck would difficulty selection alienate players? People are just asking for option like what Skyward Sword had to be available right from the start, they like being challenged by the game by means other than self-imposed limitations.

Have you never played games with multiple audio and subtitle tracks? Subtitles are just based on English dub if it exists, nobody redoes the subtitles in one language to match others.