Which console should I buy? I'm really not sure which is better. Also should I just invest the money into upgrading my pc?
Which console should I buy? I'm really not sure which is better...
1. Regardless of what Sup Forums says, Ignore Nintendo consoles; the WiiU has a very scarce library and it's already dead, the Switch isn't out.
2. Check the games available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
3. Choose the platform with the biggest amount of games you want to play.
Is your PC too dated? Can your post your specs? If the upgrade investment is too high and you just want to play videogames a console would be a better option.
If I were you I would upgrade my PC; PC has the biggest library.
definitely xbox
Yeah I think my pc is kinda dated, I have:
GeForce GTX 450 Ti
Core i3-530
It's my brother's old pc but still works well.
why? doesn't ps4 have more games?
He's shitposting of course. The Xbox One has worse versions of multiplats and its really only worth it for the MS exclusives if you're too cheap to upgrade your PC, so it depends on how much you like your Halo and Gears of War.
Yup; it's pretty dated. In your case the investment would be too high to be worth the trouble, if you are going to use the machine only for gaming. As I said before, check a list of all games available for every platform, and choose the one with the most games you genuinely want to play.
Jesus bro
Can you even boot up modern games on that thing?
I'd go with the PS4 if i were you.
Here's what any normal person would do.
>look at a list of games for both systems
>decide if those are enough to warrant a purchase of said platform
>if there's any doubt left then think about upgrading your PC if you need to
Why the fuck is it so hard for people on Sup Forums to act like normal fucking people?
Buy PS4 if you like Japanese games, upgrade PC if you hate them, stay away from Xbone.
>Why the fuck is it so hard for people on Sup Forums to act like normal fucking people?
Autism. Also people on Sup Forums aren't very smart or they would have better jobs where they could just buy them all and build a dank pc.
It depends. If you're getting a console, buy the PS4. As for upgrading your rig, ask yourself if you want any of the exclusives on the PS4. If you're a weeb, you'll almost certainly want the PS4. Persona 5 is shaping up to be good.
I''d suggest upgrading your rig though, famalam.
This is coming from a guy who keeps spamming images of based Anne all over the board
Stop tricking people
Idort here.
PS4 is a better investment at this point and time. There's several exclusives for it coming out soon, and overall, it has the larger playerbases.
There's not much reason to own an Xbone, unless you just can't miss out on the new Halo, Gears of War, and Forza. Xbox Live however is much, MUCH better than PSN.
Wii U's dead in the water but with some pretty solid exclusives at the very least. If you do buy one, buy a refurbished one for $200.
But PC is better than the ps4
You can get all worth while xbone games on pc, so get a ps4 for BB, Nioh, Nier, Persona 5, horizon if it turns out to be good, etc.
It's actually a non brainer
>But PC is better than the ps4
There's very little reason to upgrade in you already own office-tier PC.
But he already has a pc, so why not get a ps4 it is the strongest console every created, might as well enjoy it.
And the only exclusives coming out are for PS4.
PC all the way. Specially if you live in Brazil.
It's prohibitive buying an piece of shit what can only play videogames.
>t. favela monkey
Colombian here; I can confirm.
PC is the poorfag platform.
>implying I'm in rio de janeiro
The correct answer is
>t. countryside monkey.
You'll have to build a new PC if you want to play any demanding games. That rig is good enough for 2d games like Stardew Valley, Shovel Knight, Binding of Isaac, Castle Crashers, Battleblock Theater, etc.
PS4 only has a handful of good games. I own one and all I own for it is Bloodborne, Last of us, and the Uncharted remasters. If you can find enough good games for the ps4 to warrant buying it go for that since it will be cheaper than a new pc.
Xbone has no games so it's not worth messing with and the wii-u is garbage and dead. The switch is coming out but unless you preordered one you're going to be paying 500-600 for one on ebay.
>For poorfags
Get a PC and a switch when it comes out
PS4 does have non japanese games though. Just nothing that Sup Forums loves.
>Ratchet and clank
>The last of us
>God of war
>Tearaway unfolded
>PSVR worlds
>Crash bandicoot nsane trilogy
>and switch
For what purpose when he'll be able to emulate zelda on PC?
Xbot here.
Xbox has nice ecosystem. Live Gold is better than PSN. Backward Compatibility opens up lots of nice games. EA Access is dirty cheap way to fill your library with decent titles.
But, besides from multiplats there are not that many games to play. Halo MCC is good first-time experience with Halo. halo Wars 2 is awesome. Gears are Gears. Forza is sickly good. Recore, Quabtum Break, Ryze and Sunset Overdrive are ok/meh games.
All of these games have huge online mode and/or longevity. But they are not offering good story etc.
Remember that some genres are underrepresented on Xbone. There are very few jRPGs. Even less weeb games.
then you have Playstation. Lots of weeb games, lots of jRPGs and single-player oriented exclusives with focus on story and presentation.
It all depends on your taste. I chose Xbox One S and can't really complain. It's a good vidya/media box.
Again, why are you trying to sneak in unreleased game into the list?
There are two good titles in this list: Uncharted and TLOU. Both are cinematic experiences focused on story over gameplay.
this desu
Unless you really want Halo, Gears, and Forza right NOW, the Xbone shouldn't even be in the running. MS has already shown signs they want out of the console business with the cancellation of Scalebound and the announcement of streaming Xbone games on Win10.
With your choice narrowed down somewhat go ahead and check if the titles on PS4/Wii U/Switch are interesting to you. If not, upgrade your PC
get the xbox one and ps4 for the price of getting a new PC
The gameplay in both those games are good tho? Uncharted shooting, climbing, and hand combat is perfect. Last of us has that perfect "survival" feel gameplay.
If you want a console definitely get a PS4, it has many good games and even more good games are releasing this year.
>Even the poorest household needs to allow itself a computer so the kids can do their homework.
>Even the poorest college student needs a computer for its academic needs
>People with the lowest income will buy a machine that does many things (a PC) instead of buying machines that do only one thing (a console)
>Thanks to things like GOG or regional pricing on Steam, Digital PC games are far cheaper than console games
>Free to play games
PC is the definitive poorfag platform. Why do you think PC gaming is big in poor countries or countries where the inequality reigns, like the Asian countries, Russia or Brazil?
Didn't sneak in anything. I was just talking about the games on that platform.
I even forgot days gone.
It's well done apparently. But is not the selling point of the game nor it main focus.
People don't replay TLOU because they miss its gameplay. It's once in a time experience.
Xbox games are more... gamey. Yes, it's dudebro but you can play them over and over.
Days Gone is in dev hell.
Crash Bandicoot Remaster was not released, right?
That's what I mean by sneaking in.
If you like weebshit, Hollywood movie shit and remasters get a PS4.
If not just upgrade your PC for multiplats. Most Xbone games get released on PC anyways.
The switch version of BOTW has better LOD, better colors, better sound, probably some better textures here and there. Also the other games for the Switch look pretty good.
No idea about Uncharted, but after playing The Last of Us I can't recommend it in good conscience.
It's a fucking movie with some heavily scripted shooting / stealth sections (and you have Arkham-esque "see through walls" vision). It even does the shitty cliche "let's replace zombies with human enemies halfway into the story because MAN IS THE WORST MONSTER OF ALL OOOOOHHHH".
Because imported consoles get huge tax. An xbone or PS4 is like 700 dollars in Brazil
>What are gaming pc's
>Implying poorfags dont play f2p shovelware
PC and PS4. Switch will be good enough it it survive 2 years. Xbox is a dead console with exclusives in Windows so no need to buy it.
How big is your budget?
Do this OP.
Everyone else is talking out of his ass.
>Even the poorest household needs to allow itself a computer so the kids can do their homework.
In third word they usually share a PC toaster with the entire village. That's why you see a dozen monkeys playing like shit on a single Steam account and you always hear loud background noise on their mic.
>What are gaming pc's
Expensive gaming hardware and PC being the poorfag platform aren't mutually exclusive.
PC is for both the rich and the poor.
>Implying poorfags dont play f2p shovelware
Uh, yes? That's what I'm saying. Poor people will play anything they can find, specially f2p games.
>PC is for both the rich and the poor.
Then why are you calling it a "poorfag" platform?
>Which console should I buy?
PlayStation. There is nothing else like it.
>Also should I just invest the money into upgrading my pc?
No, better put that money towards a better smartphone or laptop.
Also upgrading PC is not an "investment", it's consumption.
I doubt that's enough of an upgrade to warrant the purchase of a Switch. If anything wait until the holiday bundles they'll put out next Christmas. Then it will have a couple more games other than Zelda
Because it is.
I said it is the definitive poorfag platform, not a platform only for poorfags.
>No, better put that money towards a better smartphone or laptop. Also upgrading PC is not an "investment", it's consumption.
t. Sonygger
I faced this same choice. I bought a vita. It has games. If it were a couple years in the future, I might have bought a ps4 but right now it has only the possibility of games.
>Also upgrading PC is not an "investment", it's consumption.
Oh, sorry i misunderstood your post. Sorry for wasting your time.
OP if you are a "normie" get a PC, it's not even a question.
>Cheapest (once online is considered, and most people play online)
>Best games for the average guy (going by what people actually play)
>Best version of multiplats
>KB+M (trillions of times better for FPSs, which most people play)
If you like Japanese games get a ps4 (but you sound like a "normie", and for most people PC games are better)
PC Gaming is in breddy bad shape nowadays. It did the full circle with bad ports and stuff.
Combo: Pc + 1 console is really good.
Idk, consoles are pretty normie as well.
Who would buy a xbone in this day and age, there's less exclusive than the fucking wii U and an upgraded version of it is supposed to be coming out not so far in the future.
Don't worry about that. Challenging everyone's points is how discussion is made
And posting on Sup Forums is still wasted time
How about you stop making this thread every fucking day
They're both normie now, but the consoles sell because of peoples lack of knowledge (the ps4 pro being marketed as 4k is a good example of this), or just being flat out retarded (thinking a $500 PC is more expensive then a $250 ps4 when they intend to play cod on it).
Very few people actually buy them for the right reason (exclusives), and I'm guessing OP is like the average person who prefers PC exclusives (or doesn't really care about them).
>Gaming is in breddy bad shape nowadays
Also bad ports are nowhere near as horrendous as they used to be back in the day. Most ports still run better than the console version, you can't say the same about ports from +10 years ago.
Because Scorpio maintains full compatibility with Xbone and BC?
That was my plan at least. I mostly buy digital games these days and I don't plan to jump into Scorpio day1. Instead I'll wait for a good bundle or price drop (M$ tends to drop prices during first hot season).
Meanwhile I build large library of games.
Lol there's you thinking about wasting your hard earned on a console and this pc fag the just found an xbox one in sweet condition. I can now buy the exclusives that don't get window ten support for the still til I get power brick the xbox one white will make comfy mouse pad
I can't get into FPS. What am I doing wrong?
>dev hell
No its not
It was just announced last E3 and it already had a gameplay demo to show.
I didn't sneak anythign in. Spider-man isn't out yet either. I never intended to make it a list of games already out. I was just pointing out non weeb exclusives for PS4.
Good to see another xbone bro here. I bought one on the black Friday sale and I'm actually happy with my purchase. I prefer the xbone controller to the DS4. Something about the layout of the joysticks make the most sense when compared to the PS4 Dual shock
I don't know, maybe you just don't enjoy them?
My favourite is bf4, bf one is also great.
For less "colourful"/cartoony games overwatch is good, and Paladins: Champions of the Realm is apparently very good (and free), although I haven't played it.
Daily Reminder
If you support console, a hardware denuvo
Then you support cancer for game industry, and kill yourself.
>large library of games
They never did that cliche though. There are even sequences with both zombies and people. If anything, the zombies are too easy to fight so putting people in is an excuse for fighting enemies that are a bit harder. Even then there are zombie sequences up until the end.
Not really. After you meet the cannibals you rarely see infected, or even see them at all.
Dominican here. I have all the consoles because my family is well off, but my cousins just play Counter Strike, Age of Empires 3, and League on laptops. A PS4 is easily $600-$700 bucks here because of taxes. A decent laptop that you can use for school work too is a better investment.
Pretty sure you do, although I played it years ago so I might be wrong. I remember them in the final stretch of the game in the highway tunnel, a few basements, things like that.
Either way, I liked it. Definitely more than Uncharted 4 and 3, although that was ok too.
PS4 for games
Wii U for some games
Xbone for first partys
PeeCee for no games and you can jerk off about your rig while signing petitions.
Honestly just go PS/Nintendo combo
I own the PS4, Xbox One, and a 1070/i7 gayman PC
Definitely get the PS4 over the Xbox One unless you just have to have the worst Halo game ever released (Halo 5) or a decent Gears game.
You see them in Utah before the water scene and have to fight a bunch of runners, clickers, and a few bloaters.
Upgrade your PC. The PC library is far more diverse than consoles.
Consoles might have a couple killer app exclusives, but they only entertain for a very short while and you'll feel ripped off with nothing to do after you beat those games.
PC has so many options for games that I never have enough time to play them. You can even just use your shitty old pc and play low spec games.
Right now pc gaming is bigger than ever because consoles are shit, and pc games are inexpensive so people have tons of money to buy parts, and the platform is still open.
But PC has by far the most Japanese games.
Be it emulation or obscure titles.
And many of the former console exclusives are not on PC.
>The PC library is far more diverse than consoles.
>far more diverse
Pc has all the genres consoles have + FPS RTS MOBA and F2P and you also forgot Citty builders Tycoons Point and click adventures and Classic style RPGs.
>controller based
>controller, keyboard, mouse, joystick
Way more diverse.
>Pc has all the genres consoles have + FPS RTS MOBA and F2P and you also forgot Citty builders Tycoons Point and click adventures and Classic style RPGs.
most of these genres are dead tbqh
>dayz gone by
>massive horde of zombies filling up screen
>shoot one in the toe and they die
>opportunity for zombie game where shit is dangerous
>instead it's just aim at 3/4s of the screen and accomplish something
That game is going to be so shit that literal pieces of shit will look at it and say, "that's shitty."
>keyboard, mouse
Sucks balls for playing video games. Only underages who can't even afford a wireless controller use that.
>controller support
Like half of the games don't properly support controllers, even if their console counterpart does.
The 90s have called and want their joystick back!
Joystick games are a completely dead genre.
>Pc has all the genres consoles have
You mean PC has online petitions for those genres.
>Citty builders
>Point and click adventures
>Classic style RPGs
If by made by Big AAA American Publishers then yes they are dead.
But if you levee your AAA comfort zone you realize all of them are more alive right now than ever.
But i guess unless a publisher spends billions on game commercials they officially don't exist for you.
Any toaster can emulate those 2d games, he doesnt need to upgrade for that. Same thing for eroge.
>>keyboard, mouse
>Sucks balls for playing video games.
Stopped reading there. It's universally agreed that keyboard and mouse wreck controllers when going head to head.
OP here, I dont trust lyars
>It's universally agreed that keyboard and mouse wreck controllers
>unironically using a typewriter to play video games
OP here, please don't impersonate me.
>All of the genres i don't play or care about are dead even thou new games are coming out in those genres because i only care about and play the next Bethesda,EA,Sony,Square,Activation,Ubisoft... big hype train game so as far as i am convinced those games dont exist for me.
OP here, please dont make people confused about who the OP is.
>But if you levee your AAA comfort zone you realize all of them are more alive right now than ever.
That something has only hobbyist games left, is confirmation of a dead genre.
OP here i love all of you and hope you have a good time playing games you like and live a long life and find happiness.