You know something... If the Switch is a success...

You know something... If the Switch is a success, I think the odds of Sony releasing their own portable console might be quite high.

Imagine this:

>Switch has seen moderate success, but still has many flaws with battery life and lack of power
>Sony announces new portable console
>running an i5 with x86 architecture making it match the power of the PS4 vanilla
>no gimmicks, just a simple console
>no proprietary hardware
>1080p screen
>it uses an integrated account system across both it and the PS4
>thus it can play any PS4 games you already own on your library, and you PS+ subscription works for both consoles.
>it can also connect with the PS4 to stream from it.
>teases PS5, and connectivity between it and the new portable console
>sold at $299 due to progress decreasing the price of technology

How would you react? Would you buy? How would Nintendo react in the face of fierce new competition.

Having access to the entire PS4 library right from the getgo is nothing to snuff at. And it boasting x86 architecture, and beefy power will make it easy to develop for. Anything made for the PS4, instantly carries over to this.

I know this is purely conjecture, but I can definitely see Sony taking one last crack at the handheld market if the Switch is successful. And seeing as how Nintendo failed to deliver a powerful portable device, instead opting for gimmicky and overpriced joycon controllers, I can see Sony pushing the more "raw power" angle they always have if they were to give it a go. Plus, with how they've set up the new PSN account system, I can definitely see them trying to go for cross platform thing similar to Steam, seeing as how you can already carry your PS4 library and account across multiple PS4's and they'll likely push the similar easy to dev for x86 architecture for the PS5 three years down the line.


>No gimmicks


Yeah, sounds pretty amazing, doesn't it? i5 would make it quite powerful too.

mite be cool

competition is always a good thing

Nah, Sony is out. They are NEVER EVER gonna make a new portable.


Because they don't know how to handle portable platforms and because of mobile gaming.

>no gimmicks
>portable ps4

I'd buy it.

But they'll always ruin it, putting touch screen, accelerator, hd rumble, it would be too expensive because of all this shit and to buy it I'd have to get it used after 10 years.

Fuck I hate Sony man.

What do you mean they don't know how to handle portable platforms?

And if mobile gaming is an issue for Sony, then it's an issue for Nintendo as well.

I said in the OP that we're assuming the Switch is a success. Mobile gaming is the biggest obstacle the Switch has, and why it's likely to flop.

>portable x86
when will they make a device like that which doesn't lead to the owner's spontaneous immolation?

x86 is a garbage architecture anyway, CISC is 90s technology
the sooner we can abandon it the better

I'd buy it. But it'd never happen

But I'd only buy it if it were like:

>don't need the biggest resolution because portable
>Has all the buttons that a ps4 controller has, also can be played with a ps4 controller via bluetooth
>5 hours of battery at least
>buy shit on PSN, download it to your portable console, can play it fine

I'd buy it for 299 dollaridoos.

And then buy Bloodborne lol.

>No gimmicks
So, no sticks, no rear touchpad, no rumble, no touchscreen, no gyroscope, no motion control... Just buttons only?
Some games would be impossible to be ported and go for switch.

To tell the truth, anythig but buttons is already too gimmicy.

whats the point if you cant connect to tv, the streaming from ps4 to vita is bad

Just look at Vita; great hardware, shit software support and no killer app. Memory card prices didn't help either.

Sony themselves said that with mobile gaming, the climate isn't good for a new handheld system.

>Ps4 portable

Enjoy your half hour battery life. Christ you fags complain the switch has a short battery life then you go and dream about shit like this.

why no sticks? sticks aren't gimmicks.

There's no reason to make new hardware the Vita is already more powerful than the Switch undocked

I think they would wait a bit longer to release a V2 or just focus on mobile altogether

>Having access to the entire PS4 library right from the getgo is nothing to snuff at.


>this is what sonyggers actually believe

And yeah, I don't have a PS4, and won't buy one.

But this combo of PC + Portable is always what I go for on every generation.

I have a PC + N3DS + Vita right now, if Sony made something like this I'd buy it day one.

Yes it is.
We should have stay to first Dualshok style, with no rumble.
Even half pressing buttons is something awfully gimmicy.

You might as well buy a fucking ps4

Switch has low battery life because it's running Maxwell. Newer chips do better with energy consumption than older ones. The more you scale down, the better the power consumption becomes.

Switch would have had much better battery life had Nintendo gone with Pascal.

You are a fucking retard.

So is pressing buttons in general.

Spotted the Nintendrone.

indeed the battery life makes it impossible in this time frame unless there is a huge unexpected leap in efficiency or battery tech.
wii u is around 40 watts while switch in portable mode is probably below 10 watts.
ps4 slim is at around 80 watts and you suggest it decreases over 8 times in half the time frame the former decreased aboud 4 times...

>this fanfiction

Come on. Nintendo is already dying, you dont need to come up with bonus scenarios.

>sticks are gimmicks

Your troll would have worked if not for this

Not at all.
I would need some of those gimmics for better aiming.
FPS on controller is just awful and mouse for portable game is kind of... I will need to find a desk.

>Switch would have had much better battery life had Nintendo gone with Pascal.
it would've been more expensive though

>killer app

You don't play video games

So... its not gonna happen then?

This whole post is sonygger autism.

Pack it in Tyrone, vita is dead.

pascal isnt even released yet

Not if it dropped the gimmicky joycons and came with a regular controller. Those things are 90$ and NOT being sold at a loss. It's been confirmed that the Switch won't be sold at a loss. So you're paying 90$ extra for HDR and motion controls rather than better battery life and more power.

>x86 ever being replaced

I will be very surprised if that happens.

>x86 with decent GPU

It would be awesome but impossible to do in that form factor.

we dont know exactly how nintendo account works on switch it could be the same.

>running an i5 with x86 architecture making it match the power of the PS4 vanilla
I'm sorry but are you just plain retarded? No handheld manufacturer these days uses anything but SoCs, intel's simply dont have the graphical power they'd need, they would never go that route.

>no gimmicks, just a simple console
>no proprietary hardware
I am going to need you to be more specific. This won't happen either way. It will at the very least be like the Vita if not more than that. They might be able to cram in HD rumble and such aswell.

i5 thing makes no sense since PS4 doesn't use intel CPU's. Trying to get an intel CPU in a handheld seems quite stupid and bothersome. Trying to match PS4 specs with a handheld on the other hand now that seems fucking exciting. Imagine being able to play bloodborne on the go natively on the handheld device. Damn that would be sick.

>no gimmicks, just a simple console
Well... Playing overwatch would be pain in the ass.
This problem would be solved by syncing PS move or dualshock 4 or mouse on it but it would turn vita2 less portable.
Rear pad would help a lot for aiming stuff, better than the sticks.

Same here. But I might buy a PS4, and it'd be perfect.

Touch screen, accelerometer/gyro and HD rumble doesn't cost that much to put into any one device. Do you think your iphone is expensive because of any of that? That shit costs at best $19.99 per unit AT MOST.
The only thing that costs something is the R&D that is needed for it. You can buy all 3 of those things for like $30 at consumer prices and use it with a raspberry pi or something.

you need to let go user
the vita had potential, but it failed

But the switch is running Pascal

>it could be the same

How would that even work? Switch would be the first to integrate it, and it wouldn't be compatible with your previous Nintendo accounts, which has already been confirmed.

If you bought something on Wii, 3DS, WiiU, you're gonna have to rebuy it for Switch. Plus, WiiU/Wii architecture is incompatible with Switch.

Part of the reason I said x86 is cause that's what PS4 is, thus, making porting seamless.

[citation needed]

its running a customized tegra and therefore its neither pascal nor maxwell

I'd like a vita 2 that was just a straight up serious console
>l2 and r2
>l3 and r3
>better analog sticks
>no touch pad gimmicks
>no camera

It just needs to match the PS3, be a bit more powerful honestly

I'd also be ok with a 720p screen if it's a handheld wit ha 5 inch screen.

Have the standard controller buttons, 4 face 4 shoulder buttons, then a touchscreen (like it or not it's better for searching for stuff) and basic gyro would probably be there aswell.

I think hoping for an affordable portable PS4 by 2019 is optimistic.

>Hurr he said app
I have a Vita, It's just a term. Pokemon is a killer app, Monster Hunter is a killer app, however great it is, Gravity Rush wasn't a killer app.

That name was a mistake though.

I thought even Intel has given up on low-power x86 technology.
It just not going to happen mate.

>I think hoping for an affordable portable PS4 by 2019 is optimistic

These are the people that shitpost our threads.

p screen
>>PS4 level
Oh boy I sure do love handhelds that both last an hour and a half between charges while also having a good choice to explode in my hand from the build up of heat

You're retarded as fuck OP

You can bet your ass sony will copy whatever's popular. Also I hope this happens and that it costs like 500$ just to hear the same sonyggers who are shitting on the switch price tag claim that it's worth it. Also history will repeat itself and the more expensive more powerful handheld will fail like they always have.

Pokemon is the only thing that can be considered a killer app. Monster hunter is 3rd party and Capcom can always switch allegiances.

Kek. Do some research, bucko.

i researched a lot but did not find much about how the account works besides that it can use the existing one.
especially they did not say anything about if you have to rebuy.
also from wii to wii u it was rebuying but at a much lower price.


I guess the 3DS did too, and so will the Switch considering both sold less than it.

Top fucking kek,PS4 portable 1 hour of battery life

Sony isn't retarded like Nintendo though. I guess newfags forget how everyone was initially excited for the Vita when it was announced with a $250 price tag because the 3DS was the same price yet had inferior cumbersome hardware.

>And seeing as how Nintendo failed to deliver a powerful portable device

Why can't Sup Forums understand basic competition?

>my competitor is dominating the handheld market, and I'm dominating the console market
>better make a handheld so I can have a brand new device to compete with the dedicated fanbase of the competitor's handheld!

None of Nintendo's portables have ever been powerful

Well compared to the DS it sure as hell failed. Nintendo always has the weaker handheld, yet they always come out on top.

Even in 2019, a portable with a i5 and 1080p screens will struggle with battery life. At $300 it would probably be literally half the battery life of the Switch.

He's right tho.

Yet it still outperformed. How pathetic the vita is.

And the 3ds sold 60 million units while the vita struggled to do 10.

Except for the Switch. And I'm laughing if he thinks Sony will make the exact same mistake twice.

>compared to
Yeah, that's not how it works buck-o

Compared to every Sony console Nintendo has failed for 2 decades straight then, if that's the case.

That didn't stop Sony from releasing the PSP when the game boy had the market cornered with 50+ million units sold.

There can be a market for portables but to compete with Nintendo, Sony has to be willing to fully support it by enticing the biggest 3rd parties to port some games over to their portable. But at this point in time, the only way portables will truly survive is if they are integrated into the existing mobile market like Android.

Nope the Wii outsold the ps3.

>muh 3ds sold gangbusters

After a heavy $80 price cut months after launch, you retarded mongs.


Switch is the most powerful portable tho

obviously the wii u software will not work automatically on switch just like ps3 software wont work on ps4. nonetheless both use the same account












Regardless, it's still the better console compared to the vita. Don't be so salty that yours is collecting dust while millions upon millions still play their 3ds.

And had the worst attachment rate. Yeah, good job.

My point is taht the success/failure of a console isn't subjective. You'd be a fool to suggest that the PS3 failed because the Wii sold better, when in truth, both were very successful consoles, AND the PSP outsold every Nintendo home console ever.

But still sold more :^(

This is the gayest thing I've ever seen. You're such a pathetic fanboy that you're daydreaming of situations where Sony pulls a surprise turnaround in a market where they fuck up time and time again.

Sony fans, though.

>wii u 2.0
nice bait

Yet no one bought Wii games outside of Mario and bundled shit like Mario Kart and Wii sports.

The whole point of a console isn't just to profit from selling them but to also sell games to the consumers. Can you really say that Nintendo won after their fanbase abandoned it and let the Wii u die out a miserable death?

>AND the PSP outsold every Nintendo home console ever.
Wow a handheld outselling home consoles, such an achievement. It always gets a laugh out of me when retards say that the Vita sold more than the Wii U like it's an achievement.

>sold at $299 due to progress decreasing the price of technology
Keep dreaming user.

>Sony isn't retarded

They're plenty retarded. This is the same company that dropped a 600 dollar console and used DISKS in a portable device. I don't think nintendo has ever been as retarded as Sony truly has with some shit. In fact, most of the things people praise them for are their correction of how retarded they were in the past.

Your bait is nicer, junior. :3

>AND the PSP outsold every Nintendo home console ever.
...No it didn't.

>i5 in a handheld
Yeah not gonna happen.
>no gimmicks
>no proprietary hardware
Sony can't make anything without doing these two things.
>sold at $299
Not possible for the hardware needed or for the R&D if it were possible to get the powerful specs into that form factor. The battery life would also be garbage because x86 is not that great when it comes to energy efficiency. This is why ARM is in handhelds/tablets/phones and not x86. ARM chips also run a lot cooler.

TL;DR: OP knows absolutely nothing about tech, how business works, or what a jew sony and intel are. Basically this thread is all hopes, dreams, rainbows, butterflies, pussy farts. It's bullshit.

You're the one calling the PSP a failure.

The Wii U has nothing to do with the success of the Wii, you're grasping.

do you realize the switch is more powerful in docked mode and not too far away in portable mode?

It was a failure from a software sales point of view.

>$600 for a semi-powerful console with integrated blu ray that would have been hundreds of dollars as a stand alone blu ray players

You have to be 18 to post here.