how fucking bad and unoptomized does it have to be that even Sup Forums wont talk about it
How fucking bad and unoptomized does it have to be that even Sup Forums wont talk about it
I'm literally playing it right now and enjoying it.
Using stephen russell was cheap. They didn't even give him a good character.
This tbqh. Denuvo kills any discussion after release. I think only D44M and Hitman TM had more or less consistent threads, former because of the hype and subverted expectations, latter because of episodic release.
Sup Forums faggots shill it every day
console babies will eat up any shit
There's nothing to complain about so Sup Forums doesn't talk about it.
This. It's eerie how quickly discussions die when it comes to Denuvo games.
I love how the first one was shit but people liked because you didn't have many games ripping off the basics of Thief.
Then in the second everybody realized how shit this series is.
Arkane are hacks.
It's very uneven on AMD hardware. Runs respectably on consoles and Nvidia hardware, but I swear there's a lot more AMD diehards on Sup Forums than Nvidia fans.
Voices were a mistake.
I have an AMD and can confirm, sometimes I get consistent 60+ FPS and other times the game struggles to maintain 30. The royal conservatory was a nightmare.
They really were. I hate how Emily/Corvo comment on literally everything and explain everything without giving me a chance to figure things out myself.
>kill Paolo
>loot his body
>and undead hand comes out him, Corvo throws it away and steps on it
>wonder if it's not granny rags hand since Paolo was turning into rats just like her when killed
>immediately followed by Corvo saying "Paolo had Granny Rags hand"
Fuck you.
nigga i bought a 1070 to run this shitshow game
and it look like shit and runs at sub 60 fps and always drops to sub 30
this shit is an insult
Doom doesn't have denuvo anymore
Weird. It's pretty stable on my 970/8320. Driver issues with the 1070 maybe?
I'll just leave this here as a friendly reminder.
I think most companies will do this too. Maintain Denuvo long enough to make their initial sales, which is where the real money is, then drop the service after 6 months to a year. That way they make their money, and pirates still get to play the game eventually.
don't have a supercomputer to play this at 60fps, and I don't care enough to suffer through it at 15fps
I liked Dishonored, but just like Dark Souls I never felt like I needed more of it.
No shit, pc mastertards on Sup Forums are underaged fucks with no income needing to resort to piracy.
It's multiplat, though
Yeah but why would you play a first person game on console.
Stop drinking sea water, salty pirate. No one else cares.
fuck me for buying it not on steam
i could refund it
Objectively better gameplay, everything is polished with far more options, especially non-lethal ones. Now you can knock people out in combat, knock them out from above, knock them out with a bottle to the head if they are unaware, knock them out with chloroform bottles etc.
The story and setting feel a lot more bland and barebones than in 1. Karnaca doesn't have that dystopian/apocalyptic feeling Dunwall had, bloodflies infestations here and there are not nearly as climatic as the rat plague in the whole city, nest keepers are shit compared to weepers.
The story is as straightforward as it gets and there are not that many interesting characters, D1 had Daud and the Loyalist betrayal. I have to admit the crown killer twist was pretty cool but it was very minor thing.
The new outsider feels like an edgy anorectic teenager trying to impress you, a huge letdown compared to D1 outsider. I don't like how the void looks like in D2 either.
The engine is shit and the game runs like shit, no way around it. It's really terrible.
I like how the whole game can be played with no powers and the levels are actually designed with no powers in mind. I did no power runs in D1 and they were manageable in the base game but the DLCs were clearly designed around using blink all the time and you couldn't access a lot of places without it.
Black market shops are cool, especially all the clever ways to rob them.
Another minor thing I don't like about D2 is how the pistol have such a huge spread after all upgrades compared to almost pinpoint in D1. Crossbow is pretty much a straight upgrade in D2, rather than a silent alternative like it used to be in D1.
Overall I like D1 better. The imporvements in gameplay don't make up for the shitty performance and all other flaws.
I kinda like their comments when you kill targets
Those are fine but I would rather have them silent that speaking all the fucking time.
>artbook is going to be delivered tomorrow
feels nice, but why didn't bethesda just put it in Collector's edition?
Yeah, mask is nice but still
Just beat it, ending was kinda shitty.
Megan, I mean Billie Lurk, trying to find Daud DLC when?
Fuck Daud and fuck Arkane who are trying to push him so hard after successes of his DLCs
Daud is in kino though.
>Fuck Daud
>been a paid murderer for fucking years
>kills an empress
>"I guess killing is bad after all"
Boo fucking hoo.
it's working well with my 750 except for few drop during the mansion even a use the thing to watch the present/past
and worst of all he is still alive no matter what, but it's really clear form dislodges and actions that Corvo would kill everyone who has been connected to assassination
I think it's canon that Corvo went apeshit at the Golden Cat because all he cared about at the moment was saving Emily.
I'm 100% sure it's canon that he killed lord regent, granny rags and at least few tallboys.
Don't see why he wouldn't kill Daud. He didn't know Daud saved Emilly (and to be be quite honest it wasn't his goal to save her anyways, he learned about Delilah plans at the very end, his only drive was to uncover a mystery Outsider gave him), Daud tries to kill you regardless of your chaos rating and he's the man directly responsible for empress death.
I hate how Arkane tried to justify it in Novel.
I guess their logic was:
>DLCs boomed so hard
>let repeat it again
The game is really good, to be honest
On the PS4
Still have a slight drops tho
>The new outsider feels like an edgy anorectic teenager trying to impress you
I would've actually liked the Outsider essentially being an edgy teenager in the first game as well. I like the idea of this feared supernatural all-seeing boogeyman being an immature angsty brat. But yeah like you said the Outsider from the first is better.
Who's hotter: Corvo or Geralt
They reveled his origin in 2 sentences in D2.
Arkane should have keep it mystery
Sup Forums can't play it
>They reveled his origin in 2 sentences in D2
They reveal fucking everything in 1-2 sentences in D2. Emily being Corvo's daughter, Jessamine being Corvo's lover, Delilah being Jessamine's sister, the heart containing spirit of Jessamine etc.
No mystery, no subtle hints, everything is just laid out on a plate.
It's kinda ironic how Sokolov says "life is better with a hint of mystery" in D2. It's like he's making fun of the game he's in.
Sup Forums will never talk about a good game UNLESS to start a console war...well that or its so shit it's irrelevant.
We're very glad that you were able to browse and post Sup Forums inside of the video in order to tell us, that's actually kind of amazing on the developer's part.
>that book where it was revealed that Jessamine loved Corvo at first sight
>and she was only 12
kinda hot
Corvo is 7 years older than her, that makes him 19 at the time.
You're right, but because of how badly optimised the game is, not because of denuvo.
Sup Forums are mostly poorfag, dumbass
>There are people who did not pick Emily their first playthrough
How can someone be so wrong?
I literally get 40-30 FPS playing on 380x with a i7 and 12gb RAM. Thanks god i played just a few hours of OT thanks to the family sharing.
>there are people who didn't pic no powers Corvo their first playthrough
Emily a shit, Corvo has experience and you lose all his comments about his past in Karnaca.
Also emily crossbow/pistol look worse.
How is the Empress's pussy taste like?
I've picked her for first walkthrough, because on a second one I will know what to do and how to do it right with Corvo.
I was already pretty good after playing D1 way too many times with all kinds of handicaps. No powers, no crossbow, no saving low chaos is my favourite way to play.
As for not knowing the layout of maps, Corvo haven't been to Karnaca in like 35 years.
He still has experiences from his first crusade
but it's not. stop regurgitating shit about games you haven't played.
New patch tomorrow?
coiny salt and milk
maybe on release. I played it post launch patch and had little to no problems.
Never said he didn't, I was just justifying why you don't know the map layouts while playing as him.
Also can we talk about how D2 mask sucks?
D2 mask
>visble shitty welds
>simplistic design
>doesn't even look like a skull anymore
D1 mask
>elegant craftsmanship
>nice curvature
>actually looks like a skull
You again.
Enjoy your big pancake ob forehead
The pancake serves a purpose, you can clearly see the gears inside it.
What purpose od the shitty welds serve? So the enemies can laugh about it?
Literally every time I see a thread for this game, some Sup Forums faggot comes in and shits it up and makes it all about SJWs.
Looks like this is safe though. Literally perfect sequel to the last game. Have a few minor complaints but that's it.
Oh, almost forgot about SJW propaganda here
They just replaced Samuel with some no name BISEXUAL, CRIPPLE and most of all TRANSGENDER black dude
Also, you can restore her arm and eye. So that only leaves us with black and bisexual.
fuck off shill
>what are dual monitors
It's a great game, so Sup Forums can't shit on it
>turn corvo into the guy from TLoU
>get rid of any defining characteristics barring "muh emily, muh jessamine"
>turn corvo/emily to stone so as to avoid having to write interactions between the two through the game
>go lazy as shit on the coding and release a alpha-tier build as the final product
>add denuvo because why not
How to bomb your reputation: 101
So is her lover a dude or a woman now?
They don't mention a gender at all in game.
My first playthrough was Corvo without powers. Emily high chaos afterwards.
Considering that in one of the letters you can read that Callista wants Emily to marry Wyman, it's safe to assume it's a man.
Same. Mt Corvo run was also no kills, no detection
GOTY 2016 tbqhwyf
Are you me?
I'm thinking Emily is the intended protag of the game but they added Corvo to be playable again for the fans.
I still haven't finished the first one
Corvo gets more lore thanks to his comments about his past in Karnaca though. Like finding his old apartament in dust district.
Wyman has no official gender, because they want the fans to make up what they want about Emily and what she is into. Even the novel goes out of it's way not to mention any type of gender. Though Wyman also comes off as a bit feminin here and there.
Bullshit, I have a 1070 and a 6700k and move it at 60fps with almost everything on high and some things in ultra, just without AA, this on a 21:9 1080p display
Anyone doing Iron Mode run after new update?
I'm going for all the achievements, I'm at 80% and only have to do the collectible shit a no powers run. I'm dreading the 60% of all money trophy, is it easier to get when you do a no powers run? Since I heard the runes turn into money.
That's probably the flavor to justify playing him. Emily was announced from the get go to be playable, the tutorial is you playing as her and the intro is from her perspective until you pick a character.
>Wyman has no official gender, because they want the fans to make up what they want about Emily and what she is into
What kind of wankery is this
Sup Forums doesnt talk about denuvo games because its full of underage kids and neets who cant afford shit
Callista wanting Emily to marry a woman doesn't make much sense though, it would kill her line.
Girls look like dudes in this game. Fuck western games and their designs
Not worth shitposting about :^)
I liked it a lot. Started a Corvo run after finishing it with Emliy.
Emily is a bastard herself. So clearly they don't really care about stuff like that. She could just let herself get knocked up by someone else and that's it.
Game itself is alright but not as good as Dishonored 1. The optimization is kind of ruining it though, although for me it runs a lot better now than it did at launch.
I didn't use the pistol/crossbow once
>>get rid of any defining characteristics barring "muh emily, muh jessamine"
This isn't true. He clearly has a connection to Serkonos, his homeland and his backstory there.
Also, lets not pretend he had any kind of "character" in the first game.
Yeah, I wish the playable character was still mute.
How many runs did you do Sup Forums? I find the game very replayable, every time I discover new shit and there are a lot of paths to take to finish missions.
>Emily, low chaos first run
>Corvo, ghost, non-lethal
>Emily NG+, high chaos
>Corvo, no powers run right now and trying to keep it low chaos
Well last I checked word from one of the devs was that Emily is bi.
The whole Wyman thing is probably to just choose yourself if it's a dude or chick she's banging.
Could be figuratively speaking not literally. Like it's not proper for the Empress to dally around in general.
He's an old man and more experienced, he can resolve shit without getting spotted and killing anyone.
>word from one of the devs
If it was Harvey Smith, you can safely ignore everything he says