>"fire" temple
>is actually full of lava
"fire" temple
Other urls found in this thread:
But Lava Temple just doesn't sounds as good.
But lava is liquid fire
you got it wrong OP, it's called fire temple because DAYUM DAT SHIT'S FIRE YO
How is there a wooden bridge in there?
Lava is literally liquefied fire, you fucking retard.
>"forest" temple
>is actually a haunted mansion
you are what is wrong with this website. Please end your life for the better of man kind.
That's magma you fool.
There's a shitton of fire traps in there dude, and enemies on fire.
Also, if you switch clothes you'll be on fire
Temple of Light has a shitton of stone
just bantz its cool man
>water temple
>is actually full of spooky spiders
>"Shadow" Temple
>It's too dark for any shadows to appear
What's solid fire like?
It's in the forest, though.
which temple had the best music and why is it forest
>"lava" temple
>is actually full of magma
So why isn't the "Spirit" Temple called the Desert Temple?
Seriously, kill yourself. Everyone will be better off.
It's in the middle of a forest.
Forest mansion would make more sense.
Do you mean sarias song?
>"magma" temple
>is actually full of pixels
y u such a meanie beanie
>"magma" temple
>is actually full of molten rock
Go back to school, junior.
Why are they called temples when I never see anyone praying in there?
>calls it lava
>posts beef and cheese pizza
They don't have to be named after where they are. It's just that the Forest Temple is and the Spirit Temple isn't.
Stop saving memes and go outside more often. You need it.
>spirit temple
>no spirits to drink
lava is made of fire you retard
user i said stop
>liquefied fire
my sides
Why is she wearing Marisa's hat
We all agree Bolero of Fire was the best temple song right?
>3ds """""""""""""""remake"""""""""""
>solid fire
my latest mix tape
Are you a fucking retard? There was no lava in that temple it was magma.
>fire in the screenshot
Try again.
It hurts to go back and playhe N64 one after 3DS. The 3DS port isn't 100% better, but I'd say it's a genuine improvement just from the framerate alone.
That is objective fact
So you're about 20 years old at most. You can leave now.
Volvagia was such a joke after Phantom Ganon
yeah but you know, it doesn't FEEL right.
>he thinks I was serious
Were the emojis not a giveaway?
Well I know many people over 40-50 that like Eminem so I fail to see your contrarian retarded opinion.
That has nothing to do with anything. You picked your favorite album based on what clicked with you most as a child, when it was released; not based on what his most fire material was.
Not helping your case to use the faggy kid word for emoticon.
>"Water" temple
>It's actually full of dihydrogen monoxide
>Shadow Temple
>it's actually pretty well illuminated
>dodongo's cavern
>it's actually a cave
Well you can't have shadows without a light source
Otherwise it would just be the darkness temple
>forest temple
>music has an upbeat strange funkish forest feel
>Air temple
>Is actually in clouds
>Clouds are water
>Who is this game for, children?
That's a rock you fagtron. The Earth's inner core is true solid fire
Lava is plasma just like our sun.staring at lava too long will cause you to go blind.
It would cost too much to keep fire burning all over the place, you would need some kind of fuel in a large pool, which technically would make it the Fuel Temple or Fluid Temple instead of Fire Temple.
Lava makes more sense.
Fire is plasma, lava is a liquid that is at a high enough temperature to emit visible thermal radiation.
>Water Temple
WTF kind of name is that. It's only got water in some of the rooms some of the time. Fucking Nintendo are fucking retarded. It should be called Sometimes Water But Sometimes Dry Temple. You know I'm right.
lmao aboo aboo
back to your hugbox at reddit you cuckold
There's no fire, so it shouldn't be a problem.
If you did not switch back to green and instead stuck with blue or red I shame you
You're looking for problems that don't exist, mate.
darkness is just one really big shadow
>is actually a haunted mansion
One of the coolest things about that temple.
Who wants to ditch this construction job and go spy on those Gerudo girls?
Stop being a faggot, how new are you
>shit up a thread people are actively attempting to discuss within
>get called out for being a fucking idiot
>"Hurr faggots how nu r u?"
No. Go play in traffic. The only "new" one here is you.
But you're trying to apply humor that is most effective when OP is being serious
Doesn't anybody understand comedy anymore?
Just fucking ignore them instead of sperging out with "KYS KYS KYS" you nigger
Holy fuck what a butthurt
>Joins meme thread
>Gets angry at memes in the thread
Top fuckerino kino
Lava is rocks on fire.
>Gorons eat rock
>Obtained Goron Ruby
>Rubies are rock
>They never ate it even when they were both starving and a madman wanted it, making removing it from the picture entirely i.e. eating it a good idea
Rubies are minerals, not rocks.
t. mineralfag
>not instantly suffocating in that environment
Hylians can breathe smog and fire retard.
>Temple of time
>Not Temple of sword, gems, and ocarinas
Get it together, nintendo
>darkness is just one really big shadow
Really makes you think.
>"the third temple is a blessing."
>it actually summons the anti-christ and destroys the world
Fucking Israel
what game is that from?
There is dialogue that they wanted to, making Darunia hide it to prevent them.
Glad the guy died againt volvagia, then.
>that image
Is it trying to somehow make fun of reddit, the 10th most visited website on the Internet that is frequented by celebrities, presidents, and scientists, and is probably full of the smartest people on the Internet right now?
bu-but Taylor Swift went to Sup Forums once!!
ocarina of time you double nigger, go play it now