Xinput controllers now configurable through Steam

Is Gabe /our guy/ now?


>still can't use steam controller properly in offline mode
Nah, fuck him.

>he fell for the Steam controller meme

I'm going to snitch on Gabe to Microsoft.

>People actually bought Steam controllers

Steam controller

i think i made the right choice anons

into the trash

Honest question: what the fuck is a xinput?

How can I configure it?

Xbox 360 and Xbox One input. Basically proprietary Microsoft input.

API for using xbox controller on pc i guess

Delete these.

It's a controller API for Windows which has supplanted DirectInput. If a controller is Xinput compatible, then you can just connect it to your PC and it will automatically work in all Xinput games.

If Xbox uses xinput, what does dualshock 4 use?

>Tfw managed to get my DS4 controller working on my PC
>Playing through Xenoblade Chronicles with it

Steam Controller is fantastic. Sorry you can't get good


>O U R

>G U Y

only when he stops bein a lazy dingus and makes more vidya

currently using a 360 gamepad on my PC. but was thing about grabbing a XBone gamepad and use it through bluetooth

can i run both controllers or would there be a conflict where the XB1 wont work because of the 360 gamepad

Don't care. Call me when I can natively use a DS3/4 desu

didn't try through bluetooth since i didn't have a receiver handy, but both types of controllers worked fine together wired. don't see how that would change by connecting via bluetooth.

Did he confirm any real games during his ama, or just more VR garbage?

He didn't confirm anything directly, but as far as I remember he said new IP's are in development.


>using malwareinjoy

oh shit nigger what are you doing

>he said new IP's are in development.
IIRC, he only said unannounced projects, never mentioned new IPs

Uh, user, you can. Not that I'd actually use it because the Xbone beats the shit out of it, but the option is there.

What do you use for playing your ps2 games and such? I tried SCP but it doesn't work at all.

DS4Windows has yet to let me down.