Get in here, fellow Yakuzafags. 0 comes out in 2 days, who is hype? I hope you all have already preordered, I know I have. What are you most excited about in Yakuza 0?
Yakuza Thread
My order was dispatched two days ago, I'm hoping it will arrive tomorrow.
Is it not available to preorder on Euro PSN or is it just my shit country?
Majima looks so badass in 0
Have a picture of best girl
My copy is going out tomorrow. Can't wait.
Europe only gets a physical edition afaik.
Not technically RIP but she was ripped from the story way too hard
>goes to America and gags on gaijin dicks every day
>best girl
Haruka is still the best girl since she is still pu-fuck. Damn, I guess every girl in Yakuza is a massive slut now. I guess it was inevitable with how many JAV girls they kept featuring in every game.
>Amazon still hasn't shipped my copy even though I ordered for getting it on Tuesday
Also, I heard the game requires downloading GB of the game, is this true?
Wait, what? Why?
That's retarded.
Well Yakuza 5 didn't have preorder on euro PSN either but it launched on the same day with a 10% sale to compensate. Maybe the same will happen for 0. Yakuza 5 was digital only however so that differs.
>I heard the game requires downloading GB of the game, is this true?
I've been reading up on this too since I'm a bit worried (shit internet). There's a thread up on GameFaqs, but it seems like it could go either way. Some people are saying it installs from the disc after 10 minutes and that everything is fine after that, and others are worried that it might require an online connection. I mean there would be zero point in releasing physical copies if you still had to download everything outside of updates, so I'm going to say it installs from the disc (you just have to leave it running for a while until the disc winds down like with other PS4 games).
My copy arrived 2 days ago. Still haven't played it yet because of fucking GR2 and nioh demo.
>dead thread
I guess people don't care about non bait Yakuza threads anymore. RIP.
There's only so much you can discuss 2 days before launch.
True. Still hoping for some decent threads once it's actually out. Yakuza threads were so damn good before they started getting flooded with shitposters.
You don't need to be a rocket applianceist to know this will be DECENTTTTTTTTTT.
Dude there was an "80s Japanese music for getting in the mood for Y0" thread today that was pretty cool.
I am 100% sure Europe will have a digital edition. They just always get screwed when you compare the US promos to theirs. Back when 5 was announced you could pre-order it with discount for months on the US store while on the EU store they couldn't pre-order it and the discount was only for PS Plus users. Also included with the US version was the pre-order theme which EU users never got
There is a thread with 300 posts up right now what the fuck are you talking about
I still like the series a lot but I think the game started being too silly for its own good starting with 3.
With 2 heat moves were brutal, fast, to the point and not too unrealistic. It was satisfying as fuck. 3 started with looooong silly looking heat moves that stop being funny fast.
Rest of the game shows too IMO. Kiwami with silly Majima scenes is a great contrast to the original and what the series has become.
That thread seems to be mostly just music discussion, it's a fun thread don't get me wrong, but from what I've seen so far there doesn't seem to be a lot of talk about Yakuza itself.
heat moves are still brutal as fuck
smashing a guy's head in between a car door and scraping his fucking face across asphalt is the most brutal it's been
since the first it's had silly elements
Majima Everywhere System was a mistake.
Does Majima have Vegeta syndrome? As the series has gone on and he is no longer villian status, he has become more handsome.
Am i wrong, or has he always been a chap?
Majima, like Kiryu, underwent a total facelift in Kenzan. The main reasons he seems like he got more attractive is that he has more scenes where he's level headed and in 0, the ponytail looks less silly than his bowl cut.
if you want decent yakuza thread, at least put kiryu, majima, akiyama, or saejima on OP
not literally who
Why would you need internet to install a game like Yakuza from disc?
Do I need to play the other Yakuza games before the new one?
If I have to I will.
Does this game take advantage of the PS4 hardware or is it a PS3 port?
remake of first game will come out in Aug
It'd help immensely.
It's also a really good series, so I'd recommend playing the other games first regardless just because the combat system evolves with each game and going back can be a pain. Even though they've all aged very well.
Seriously, just go play them instead of being dazzled by the shiny new one.
I just finished the first game earlier today. It was pretty good, but actually targeting enemies was a pain.
Also that one mission where you fight the guy who burst fires at you from a distance and then throws a grenade at you when you deplete his first health bar was bullshit.
Funny because Yakuza 5 Kiryu looks so tired. He is nearly middle aged though.
Hard to go easy on old kiryu-chan though, he is retard levels of Gary Stu, was he really so uncommited to his own life that he really spent all his youth in Prison?
I'd honestly argue the series has become more grounded as it's gone on, if you take into consideration Kiryu fighting his way up a magical castle complete with mazes, booby trapped hallways and tiger boss fights.
Nah. It's like MGS3 where the references are "Remember this guy/scene?". Though if you get interested in the series cause of 0 playing through the others may give you a lingering sense of disappointment cause 0 is the best game in the series.
It has a lot less frame drops than the PS3 version. Graphics wise google it and see for yourself. I'm not good at distinguishing graphics unless the leaps are super significant
It's some rumor that spread from some review on youtube where the guy claims it has to download data before you can go into some locations. Some people think it was just a translation error and that it should have said installing instead of downloading.
Here's the review in question. Skip to around 11:40 or so.
Release. Order.
arigatou gozaimasu
Remake looks like it ruined the seriousness and the music. Not sure about the rest. The only negative thing about 1 is the english dub and it's tolerable imo.
For someone who played through 1-4 on normal should i play this on hard? Does it make it more fun?
Its obvious they wanted to appeal to certain crowds. He really is the only thing that sticks out like a sore thumb when it comes to continuity.
>targeting enemies was a pain
Fixed in Yakuza 2. You'll find 2 is better in every way.
I guess that this question has been asked about a million times already, but do you need to play any of the other games to play 0?
The only other one ive played is 1.
And is the guy with the eye patch in 0 the same funny psychopath in 1?
You should play every Yakuza game on hard or above, and I don't even mean that in a try hard "git gud" sort of way. Yakuza games really aren't that difficult even on ex hard, so normal just makes what little challenge might be there completely non existent.
Hard definitely. You're experienced at the games at this point. Extortionist/Shakedown dude will kick your ass.
Ishin and 0 can give you a run for your money if you actively try to not grind. But even so you can just purchase a bunch of health drinks that give both health and heat and you can still go by not too bad.
Also, yes, imo it makes it more fun, especially the boss fights (except Kiwami, it's just tedious there).
AI is a lot smarter this time around, but the only true menace is still Amon and I guess the extortionists, but you can cheese them with weapon heat moves and carrying a bunch of health drinks.
Also fuck that driving section on Legendary.
Yeah, Ishin was really easy to break. I had to gimp myself by equipping shit gear for the final boss to make it last a while. I'll keep that in mind for 0.
>Majima Everywhere System
how ridiculous does it get?
His health bar and ai "skill" goes up the more he ranks up. You'll be really sick of fighting him by the end of the game, since it can take a while and sometimes he'll catch you at the worst times.
What even is this "Majima Everywhere" system.
This question has been asked a million times, but no, you don't.
You should play 2 though since it's great.
And yes, same psychopath.
Is it possible to play through yakuza zero and level up your characters. Then start on a higher difficulty with leveld characters?
It gets so fucking annoying man, and you have to do it and beat 50 times to get every ability. What the fuck was Nagoshi thinking? Ishin was held back by terrible grinding idiosyncrasies and then he goes and puts that in a mainline series? Fuck.
I love that game like Kenzan, I really do, but its so unbalanced. Only Amon can provide a challenge once you have gained a decent sword/gun.
You can carry over everything, besides sub story progression to new games, except Legendary difficulty. You have to start over from scratch.
got it. Thanks and Be Spicy
>You'll be really sick of fighting him by the end of the game
lol nah
He changes his fighting style so I never got bored to fighting with him.
also it has many 0 reference so someone who already played 0 will definitely enjoy it
It's this annoying system in Kiwami. Kiryu's trademark style starts out gimped as fuck, as in 2 hit combos gimped. The only way to upgrade it is to fight Majima, and you will find him literally everywhere. However, every time you beat Majima, he gets stronger. At his peak it would take 10 minutes to beat him. The problem with this system is that you have to fight Majima way too many times to ungimp Kiryu's Dojima style.
God, two was such a step forward. I was blown away right on the first fight at just how much more responsive and fast it was.
>You have to start over from scratch.
>gotta do all that grinding for money at billards again
>do all that progression of the sidequests like the real estate and hostess club jsut for upgrades for the styles you have by default and not the secret styles
>gotta go out of my way to get all those points again to upgrade my characters in exploration mode
While its not as bad as Ishin, that is a pain in the ass.
>Amazon wont post my order until the day before it's out
I knew I should of spent the extra few quid to get it from Shopto I'd of probably got it tomorrow
Oh well gives me plenty of time to finish 4
At least in Ishin you can carry a bunch of shit over from your save to Legendary. But yeah I don't know why they did the same thing they did for Dead Souls' hardest difficulty.
That's actually what I don't like about the series. Every Yak game after Y3 tries to be more grounded but that's exactly what results in these over-convoluted milkman conspiracies that don't fucking matter. Y1 - Y3 had plausible conspiracies that really could destroy the status quo if made open to the public.
Kiryu even fights a goddamn generic salary man who looks like Iwata "muh daddy works for Nintendo" as the final boss for Y6.
Y1 & Y2 started off like Fist of the North Star but with Yakuza instead of Mad Max bikers. Y1 - Y3 also had very realistic political plots. Even Y2 did if you know about Japan's Zainichi problem. Even the stupid Terada plot twist makes sense. There was a famous wrestler in Japan named Rikidozan who was murdered by Yakuza. A couple days later it was later found out that Rikidozan is actually a Korean man. There's plenty of Jap personalities who live a double life as a Jap & Gook.
What I really don't like is why is Kiryu stuck fighting a bunch of losers after Y3 while the main character Tatsuya of the Black Panther games gets to go directly to the USA where he fights it out against badasses across the entire globe.
I honestly thought that Kiryu would've went to Hawaii by the time that Yakuza Dead Souls rolled around (2011.) because Kaoru is there and the Dragon Tatsuya from Black Panther is in the USA around that time too.
Y1 - Y3 were building up to a Yuge showdown but Mine ended being Kiryu's last worthy opponent. Every final boss after Mine were either bodyguard or pencil-poosher tier. Shit you even fight Daigo as Kiryu's final boss in Y4. Some chump who Kiryu beats the shit out of with ease, more than once in Y2.
I was shocked that a lot of the music in that thread was actually good. Even that emma r&b song. Japan has vocalists who look & sound like her? She was good enough to be an international talent.
I miss the insane Majima who seemed as fucking crazy as The Joker.
CIA doing their usual funny business? Sure. Doing that hodgepodge of blatantly disregarding protocol and making a mess of things because of some dumb twin reveal and causing Kiryu nothing but stress over what was essentially a fib to capture some terrorist? Pretty dumb plot.
But I do agree with you on Kiryu's last opponent in 4 and 6. Seriously, the latter was just some literal who, who did absolutely nothing for 20 hours.
Sounds like the highest difficulty in Dead Souls. It was so fucking tedious having to run through those goddamn sewer tunnels again for some of the good gear.
>Kiryu even fights a goddamn generic salary man who looks like Iwata "muh daddy works for Nintendo" as the final boss for Y6.
R-Really? But why?
>started with Yakuza 3
>moved onto later entries
>fuck, I gotta play the other ones and see what's so good about 'em
>play 2 and really enjoy it
>shit son, this song
Writing out best girl was a mistake and would've been keen for her return at some point
Oh god don't remind me, it was almost mandatory to do so just because of one shitty vehicle section in Kiryu's chapter. What the fuck were the thinking, its like they didn't play test that above normal difficulty.
There's a webm (or was it youtube video?)of someone beating him in like 30 seconds on the highest difficulty. Such a goddamn disappointment .
IMO they the "death" scene of Yakuza 6 should of had him reminisce about everytime he was almost killed, to strenghen it's impact.
>shitty vehicle section in Kiryu's
Still one of the worst sections in RGG history imo.
At least until they managed to top it in Kiwami's 9th chapter.
I've been playing 0 since yesterday. worth buying a PS4 for
Goddammit. Why? Even 5 was pushing it with it's last boss being some literally who fucker you already fought like at the fucking start of the game.
Say what you want about Aizawa but he's the funnest final boss fight to watch and he also has the best theme.
He has a bone to pick with Kiryu and Haruka and her baby so that makes him qualified to fight him. Oh and he's a traitorous piece of shit.
>tfw I didn't learn to git gud at Tiger Drops until 5 since 3 and 4 never was that difficult either
Never knew how much you can cheese bosses with that thing
Especially Aizawa
What's the best way to play yakuza 2 if I don't have acces to a ps2? Is there a way or not?
He's got a nice theme. I'll give him that much. Sure.
>Like Aizawa he had daddy issues but the difference is that Aizawa's father wanted him to be a Yakuza, Iwami's dad didn't
His backstory was also kinda lame.
Either emulation or you'll have to import the HD collection that was only released in Japan and isn't in English.
It's a lot harder to cheese Mine with Tiger Drops cause his moveset is actually fast and he has that low kick combo that you can't block so you don't have anything to fall back on when you fuck up.
I am always curios what they do next. Yakuza trailers are always the best at TGS.
How about a game, where you go through the history of Kamurocho from the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 10's....and follow the conception of the Tojo Clan and it's eventual destruction.
Didn't know Danny McBride was part of the series.
damn. Guess I'll hope for a re-make like yakuza 1 got.
Never played a Yakuza game but was always slightly intrested
What are some cool/fun things you do in this game
Just emulate it dude, thats what I did with 1&2
>A game that takes place even before the second chairman Nihara but the first
>It is said that while Nihara's reign had a lot of blood shed, the first's was a total war where he even had public executions for traitors and failures
Oh god I want to play in that era.
Which game has history about the Tojo Clan?
70's arcades (?), could have electro mechanical games.
The first two games if you do some sub stories and listen to some of the NPCs they describe his era, pretty interesting stuff.
But the era would be in the late 40s all the way up to the mid 60s. They'd have to get rid of a shit ton of minigames and go the Kenzan/Ishin route.
I don't have a controller. Or did you play with mouse and keyboard?
(I've only ever emulated Gameboy)
>They'd have to get rid of a shit ton of minigames and go the Kenzan/Ishin route.
I'd be perfectly fine with this. I'm starting to get pretty bored with a lot of these same mini games desu. Also, cannonball slicing>batting cages.
Nah I used my PS3 controller
For the next game I want them expand the Kamurocho district to all of Shinjuku, and it being about the public humilation and petition about the downfall of the Tojo crime syndicate.
>Also, cannonball slicing>batting cages.
Fucking this!