Vidya died in 2007

>vidya died in 2007
>it's 2017 now
How are you coping with the fact that vidya has been dead for a decade now?

By playing retro games and shitposting on Sup Forums about games I've never played on platforms I never bought

Try 2005. Coincidentally that's when the 360 was released.

demon souls gave e hope.

every now and then we get a good new game, we just have to be patient.

however kids grow now with mobile games so there is nothing to do with that. accept it, move on.

Retro games or do you mean "retro games"?

I talk shit about games that I have never played on Sup Forums.


shit meme

>vidya died in 2007
But what about all the god tier games released after that then?

I like turtles

There's been less than one a year desu. Gaming isn't dead but it's definitely in a retirement home


how old is retro?

>daily nothing is fun anymore thread

Trying to think of a way to beat google and redivide the internet back to the wonderful place it once was.

>You're dead

Who the fuck writes this shit? Have they ever heard of grammar?

That's the way to do it

Definition states anything between the 70's-90's. But user is implying that the other user might consider indie pixelshit on steam is "retro".

Video games died on November 22, 2005.

Those are technically the actual retro games. Retro means mimicking an old style, hence retro fashion. Games from the 80s are just old games. Don't tell that to /vr/ though.

nah, video games are still great
sorry, not sorry you're a jaded loser

just recently installed FMCB on my ps2 and now i'm playing all the pre-2007 games i missed out on

kill you'reself

Im still playing the same timeless games since the mid 00s

Maybe one day someone will make a good new game but that does not look likely with the rampant blight of ((((micro)))) transactions and scammers destroying crowd funding

Vidya died after 2008.

desu senpai I spend most of my gaming time emulating old games