Is there any particular steam group that you join or steam community in general are just so-so?
Steam Games and Groups
Other urls found in this thread:
>Steam has devolved into Facebook for autists.
>all those anime avatars
Why are weebs so fucking gay?
>associating yourself with degenerates
don't join any steam group
Anime made them gay, don't blame on them, blame the Japs for brain washing their fans
are steam groups even relevant anymore?
just seems like another half baked feature valve tried once before moving on to the next one
steam would be great if i filter which information my friends can receive but it fucking lets everyone see your activity even on private.
I can let internet friends know i join OPs group but if my RL friends saw that they would freak.
You could just tell your friends that you are gay. Don't stay in the closet.
but i'm not GAY user, i just want to join cool internet clubs
you see when you have normie friends who aren't loser nerd virgins they will distance from you if you do weird shit
>tfw no Tomoko bf
>cool internet clubs
>the one in the op
user, how did you get friends in the first place?
That's one of the worst Sup Forums meme images I've seen in a while
I'm a super cool nice guy
Is that group even real?
so is this the part where people with anime profile pictures start posting their steam ids
Because it's accurate?
Is this a lewd thread?
This is a deleted thread soon
>Joining Steam groups
>gained 2 members in 1 hour
Which one of you fags was it?
I join steam groups for their clan tags
my favorite is MommyLovesMe
>4 Friends in this group
I want to join a group but i dont know what to say
>3 friends in this group
>not deleting them on the spot
Explain yourself
I already have a small friend list :(