Death Stranding

the black ooze is oilex.

game starts in 1985, LITERALLY right where MGSV left off.

Entire MGSV dev team hired

KojiPro has no official listing anywhere

Kojima still on Konami financial documents

Concept Art used was originally for Metal Gear Rising and MGS4

Official MGSV Konami page has one scene still locked

But it's not an MGS game, right?

you secretly still believe.

Source: your ass

I don't get why you faggots want a Mighty No. 9 version of MGS. He wanted to move away from that franchise for years.

>Official MGSV Konami page has one scene still locked


>this meme again
It's Sony's now mate. Stop trying so hard.

Look up everything I posted faggot. Or dig your head in the sand, I don't care.


Its true, there is still a locked scene on the MGSV Konami page that no one has scene.

I gave up metal gear months ago, post some sauce

But where? How do you know?

Yeah. Sure.

It's time to move on anons.

Because its there, I'm trying to find the list again its been a while since I've navigated around the page.

so why is mads mikkelsen in the game?

Thats never going to happen, the MGSV community has complete schizophrenia.

Kojima actually succeeded in creating 'The Phantom Pain' for the player community.

are you sure it's not just the disarmament ending?


>Reedus - Solid Snake
>Mads - Gray Fox
>Sutherland - Big Boss (and Venom?)
>Del Taco - scientist working on oilex

unintentionally however, so it's hardly commendable.


no lol

yep guys
the continuation to MGSV, a multiplat game, is a sony exclusive and not published by Konami.

He's way too proud of MGSV to have made it an intentionally empty experience to get people to make conspiracy theories.

Most likely it is the disarmament ending. Which further reinforces the notion its actually achievable and is supposed to "eventually" happen.

>created a bridge between the experiences felt by characters in game and the player themselves

>you can do this unintentionally

Regardless, its even more impressive now. You're telling me Kojima by complete accident made the entire MGSV community feel Phantom Pain?

What is MGS4?

>Regardless, its even more impressive now. You're telling me Kojima by complete accident made the entire MGSV community feel Phantom Pain?

The Phantom Pain was the lack of satisfaction from revenge, which Kojima pulled of intentionally.

What wasn't intentional was having a lack of content in chapter 2 that made players feel as if the game was unfinished (because it was).

If there wasn't creative intention behind it then it isn't impressive at all since he isn't responsible for it.

OPs right tho...We do believe. We always will. We continue to reply to these threads, we argue and shitpost amongst each other because really...We're afraid.

Its easy to ruse, to convince someone they've been rused is near impossible.

I refuse to believe that you bunch of dumb motherfuckers actually beileve shit like this.

Kojima is a fucking hack. The only time in his entire career he successfully "rused" people wa with MGS2, and that was a simple caimpaign of false advertising in an age where internet leaks weren't so widespread.

Everyone and their moms called MGSV's "twist" the moment they saw the medic hiding his face and getting blown up at the end of GZ.

There is no ruse. Kojima is an incomptetent fuck who had his dick sucked so much by the industry, he thought he could do whatever he wanted and no one would say a thing. Thankfully Konami realized that letting the overrated hack spend millions for nearly a decade just to create an engine and release no games was a huge mistake, so they let him go.

He's shit.

that's exactly why he's so proud of it.

one of the driving forces within the game is the way western culture, in particular English, took over the rest of the world. you can see it in entertainment and the internet in particular. Japan itself experienced a sort of identity crisis around the 90's that continues to this day, very apparent in the gaming industry.

in western storytelling, everything is always wrapped up in a nice little bow in the end. but this is a western idea, eastern storytelling is much different. there isn't always an apparent truth or ending, and Kojima has intentionally subverted both industry norms and his own library of games by not following the western norm.

beyond that, there is the intentional sensation of phantom pain Kojima has imparted to players. players are left bitter, angry, and often times going crazy by retreading the same questions over and over again, never satisfied by the pain they experienced from GZ and TPP. trapped in Afghanistan and Africa, playing the same missions trying to find some new answer that isn't there.

it's not to say the game is perfect and that this concept doesn't rely on faults in the game, but there are too many clues in the dialogue about this that it isn't intentional. Metal Gear has never been a franchise where all the answers are plainly laid out, and in MGSV's case the sad "truth" is extremely obfuscated.

Prove to me it wasn't intentional. Because apparently KOTF was complete and ready to be shipped out. Why hold it? Why keep us fighting and hoping for something?

If Kojima's so bad where's your game series that's sold millions of copies over two decades?

it didn't ship because Konami forced PS3/360 versions on KojiPro and the Kingdom of the Flies mission ran like shit on last gen systems.

only Keighley and Peeler know the truth...

>Because apparently KOTF was complete and ready to be shipped out.

the footage shown explicitly states that the cutscenes were only 30% finished, so they weren't finished.

You're basing this belief off some random shitpost some bored asspie made on 4chans Sup Forums.

Whether you want to admit it or not, The Phantom Pain worked...You feel it, you still search for answers.

Kojima admitted in an interview it was completed and would be available as DLC but Konami pulled the plug. Also, Konami literally patched together a zombie game in a few months, you're telling me they couldn't have done this for KOTF when most of the assets, all of the story we're already completed? This story doesn't add up.

A Konami game that just happened to be released on PS3.

what was already in the game barely ran as it is and KotF was shaping up to be a gigantic setpiece with tons of moving parts. did you ever see how bad the phasing system was, where if you put too many guards in one place they would start to vanish? that's because of how shitty lastgen hardware was, in particular the 360.

>Everyone and their moms called MGSV's "twist" the moment they saw the medic hiding his face and getting blown up at the end of GZ.
People were already calling out a body double twist when the GDC 2012 teaser came out.

not a direct sequel to MGS3.

I want to believe

There are so many inconsistencies

If this happened I think it would be the happiest thing in my life

MGSV will be in a museum one day.

screencap this.

Just like MGSV isn't a direct sequel to MGS4 right?

>Kojima admitted in an interview it was completed and would be available as DLC but Konami pulled the plug.

>Also, Konami literally patched together a zombie game in a few months, you're telling me they couldn't have done this for KOTF when most of the assets, all of the story we're already completed? This story doesn't add up.
ADR alone would been too expensive for Jewnami to pay up, considering that would've require bringing back all the voice actors involved to recite additional dialogue. Eli's face definitely would've required some additional facial capturing.

Heres the elephant in the room.

The old Konami CEO, the guy who owns the MGS name, left with the rest of the MGS dev to """""""""""""""Koji Pro"""""""""""""".

yes, so? MGSV isn't an exclusive.

Remember when Donna Burke, Hayter, Robin Dawes and Troy Baker posted pictures on twitter of themselves reciting lines in a recording booth from a blurred script that had "Chapter 3" as the title?

What i'm getting at is Kojima doesn't seem to care if one installment or two is platform exclusive.

>reedus as solid

Oh god please no

is Hideo the Andy Kaufman of video games


You want David "I cant sound gruff without sounding like i'm having a heart attack" Hayter?

Reedus would be prime, he even looks like a young solid in his early 20s.

I need to hear Reedus to a Snake impression

Does anyone REALLY think Konami and Kojima's feud was real? It's all been fake for MGSVI - Death Stranding.

Fucking twitter you faggot, there were daily threads about it.

If this happened.

Sup Forums would immiedietely become Ground Zeroes for the biggest flame war in the history of Video Games.

Sup Forums would deserve it.

I hope Death Stranding isn't too much like MGS, it's a good chance to try some different things, but then again it can't be too different. If it's nothing like MGS then people might not buy it as much as they would have if it was, but if the gameplay is good then it shouldn't matter much. I'd personally like some more gun porn, let me customize the crap out of the guns like in MGSV, and don't penalize me for using them. And I really want a more present or futuristic setting, In MGSV 1984 and there's railguns, mechs, and drones but I really liked MGS4's technology.

I also think Survive can be a really good game, it just needs to deal with a few issues MGSV had, notably the shitty online and the bad melee weapons. Having the camera lock behind you and you only have the same shitty combo to use sucks and they could do it so much better, just use the melee weapons in CQC, kind of like how Snake could knock people out with a rifle in MGS4. Melee weapons should be weaker than guns in a fight but if they're used with stealth they should be extremely viable. It doesn't need to be like Dark Souls but it also doesn't need to be like Dead Rising. And the network in MGO was terrible, I shouldn't be able to kill someone and they kill me too at the same time. Pretty much everyone has gotten online stuff right, Overwatch runs good, GTA is fine, most games don't let you still get shot after you dive out of the enemy's line of sight, and that's happened to me many times despite having really good cable internet, so it's not a problem on my end.

are you stupid?
this is fake retard
it's also edited
this is the script for that Ford ad that David Hayter and Paul (Campbell's voice actor) did.

Wow, MGSV really fucked you anons up.

Kino as fuck.

No, they said it was for a "insult call". Doesn't change the fact they didn't use ANY of the lines and Donnas role still seems nonexistent.

Also, where and how did they get the 'okay' to even do that?

What if it was all a Kojima ruse
and he reveals that he never had a Konami fallout

Konami announces PT was never cancelled
MGSV actually has a hidden ending made by kojima that fixes everything
and they use all the money they made from pachinko to make a zone of the enders game.


No, the money is being used to fund a Hi Def next gen remake of Peace Walker and MGS3.

>mfw it's been a year and 4 months and there are still some of us who can't let go

I pulled up and listened to Sins of the Father the other day and it immediately brought to mind everything I was expecting of the game in the months up to release. It was supposed to be the best game ever made. What happened?

they're all there to fuel the sensation of phantom pain. you're supposed to go mad going over these same unanswered questions over and over again, pining for answers that just aren't there.

it seems to me like they're taking a lot of what they learned from MGS to make something palpable to lots of tastes like Uncharted. which is understandable, it's the new studio's first game so they have to pull out all the stops to make sure it's a hit so they can pursue other projects.

i also think they're using it as an opportunity to explore ideas from the MGS franchise they weren't allowed to by Konami execs. as OP mentions, there are a few things in the trailers that are very similar to concept art from past MGS games of things we never saw in the games themselves. Mads has the tentacles like the 'Snakeman' from MGS4 concept art we never saw.

Just disarm the nukes.

Its that easy.

Let go of your hate, and you will find Peace.

Put the gun down user, Skullface is dead, Paz is dead. You got your revenge, you succeeded in starting Outer Heaven. Why do you continue to punish yourself?

Like i said, Kino as fuck.

I legitimately would cry. I would feel blessed to have experienced something this insane.

Kojima mismanaged the game and Konami meddled literally every step of the way with their stupid fucking bullshit even though they don't know shit about video games

also FOX is great for visuals but just isn't the best engine. it's why Mother Base was so underwhelming and every strut was miles apart, you can't have too much shit rendered at once.

Imagine Reedus with his hair pulled back, a bandana around his forehead wearing a US army jacket, combat fatigues and wielding a silenced M9.

Its gonna happen.

i like it

although for some reason i always liked the idea of him as Jaeger.

I can literally tag soldiers two platforms away in FOB infiltration so yeah no.




that's after you swing the camera around and zoom in there. they're active in the background, but aren't actively rendered until you bring it into focus.

now imagine Madds with a red bandana and blood on his forehead.

Say what you want, it would match his MG1 profile perfectly.

>tfw you've been on a cruise for 5 years and can't get off

Reedus would be good but it's not gonna happen. Why would Konami secretly be in cahoots with Kojima to make a new one when they've stopped pretty much all games development in favor of milking their IPs with pachinko machines?

You got the source for that image user? Nothing's coming up for it.

Posting this in every thread wont stop the next 200+ from getting made.

Stop being autistic, put a word filter on if it bothers you this much.

yeah after people started talking about Mads as Jaeger i realized it's a lot better. plus his weird accent can easily be sold as South African. Reedus can play a tortured character fine, but Mads just has this wizened thing about him that would really fit Jaeger well.

i don't believe in the ruse (this is what, the fourth or fifth one?) but it would make sense if Sony were the ones bankrolling it instead of Konami and Kojima Productions v.2 was like a forward operating base. POTTERY

Because the absolute fervor from the reveal would guarentee a Day 1 sales record break.

Seriously, imagine the reaction people would have to this. Even people who claim to hate MGSV and Kojima would still play it.

>implying Konami would actually say no to Sony funding the bill and Kojima taking responsibility on a future MGS game.

They literally have no reason to say no, all they would want is a cut.

that part makes sense to me, the part that doesn't is that Kojima has wanted to be done with Metal Gear and make his own games for almost 20 years now so why would he agree to take part in a 5+ year ruse and make two of them back to back?

i guess if Sony has an exclusive hand in a new Metal Gear game it would tie in with the film adaptation they've supposedly been trying to get work for awhile? and it would give Kojima a foot in the door to Hollywood?

I will let Kojima have his way with my virgin butthole if it's a ruse


>>Mads - Gray Fox
Im pretty sure Grey Fox never had PSI or nanomachines during the original games

the only way the DS=MGS thing makes sense is if you assume the trailers are just proof of concept hype machines. things like his tentacles are just misdirection.

The same reason why he says he's done with MGS every time he finishes one. To make people appreciate the fact this series is developed as a pet project.

Kojima loves making MGS games, he just knows a lot of time and work is required in their development.

Which makes it hard to believe since surely they wouldn't make that many assets ONLY for trailers.

On the other hand they've been churning these trailers out fast as fuck despite the studio only forming a year ago. Almost as if they had stuff ready before the studio was formed.

I dont think the tentacles are nanomachines. If anything I think they are the next evolution of parasites, or something to do with the Oilix bacteria.

they literally are.

>where are you getting this information?
>l-l-look it up fag, I don't have to prove shit!
If Sup Forums wasn't so shit your thread wouldn't last 5 minutes.

They did, they already have """"""""""""left over""""""""" concept art from Rising and MGS4 to work with.

Tell me again how that isn't illegal.

underrated post my man

Everything i've posted has been discussed immensely, all I did was compile shit.

Im not going to do everything for you you fucking fat homosexual.

If Sup Forums wasn't so shit we would have convinced you to kill yourself already.

what the fuck is Oilex?
And why do you talk about it like I'm supposed to know what it is? It's not a MGS thing that I remember.

go play Metal Gear 2, retard

Kill yourself OP reddit cock sucking negro

Oilix is the parasites/nanomachines of MG1.

You could find this out immediately with a simple google search.

ahaha, epic Sup Forumsrother xD


So i's with an "i"?
Go it.

But seriously FIB, fuck off.
After the Del Toro saying fuck Konami every single chance he has, it's clear that chance has passed.

Don't worry, I used to feel the same way when I remember there was never going to be a new Fallout game made by Obsidian, but evenutally the pain stopped.

Stop replying to this retarded thread, bunch of mongoloids