Day 1 here.
Day 1 here.
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same here
zombie horde coop survival in the fox engine? sign me the fuck up
incredible. An immersive open world co-op survival game with crafting elements. Pre-order confirmed
Not to be contrarian or anything, but this game is getting a lot of hate for no reason at all. I'll check it out when it launches, at least is not $60. Plus, that Fox Engine is fucking amazing
Who's being contrarian? The game looks like fun. I bet 75 percent of mgs fans will buy it. The konami hate is just a meme and kids don't understand business.
Nice shilling department you got Konamo
Assuming your boss double-checks your work: you really should dock this guy's pay, he's transparent as hell, and transparent viral marketing like this will probably lose sales.
Does Konami not know how much they're hated right now or do they think casuals won't give a shit and will buy it anyway?
But seriously; if you held up a gun to my head and made me buy Survive or Ghost Recon Wildlands, I'd go for Survive.
>Samefagging to this degree
You're still being really transparent. Honestly you'd be better off just deleting the thread, waiting a few hours, and starting another with a first post that isn't absolutely positive, because no one starts a thread like that.
This is embarrassing.
Looks like goty. Preordering 4 copies to play with my bros on launch day!
Seriously. Remember when marketing departments actually put some effort into this shit, and it took weeks of activity and one autistic madman keeping track of threads to reveal them?
Why would I ask when it's releasing if I was a shill? You don't think before you post do you?
>He's still trying to defend this game
How much are they paying you honestly?
Because you're poorly trying to emulate a regular person not being paid to post.
I hope none of you buy ANY games in which the creator of the series isn't involved with the project anymore. You wouldn't want to be hypocrites.
Is there any actual gameplay footage? I just remember the cinematic trailer from a few months ago.
What MGSV could have been, gameplaywise. We really needed the Co-op instead of the bullshit FOB marathon in which you can't even steal other people's resources because the bonus when they end the mission is all that counts.
The Fox engine is the ultimate operator engine so it may be fun, but why fucking call it metal gear.
I get brand appeal but just use the fox engine and call it something else
>Don't buy any Ford's anymore because Henry Ford is dead
>Don't buy any lightbulbs anymore because Edison is dead
>Don't buy any McDonald's anymore because Ronald McDonald is dead
That's how retarded you sound like right now
it does look p boring
That's like saying you shouldn't watch any of the Disney Star Wars movie because George Lucas isn't involved anymore- sometimes the original creator ruins what made the series great in the first place due to a changing vision.
I doubt survive will be good though. As always, wait for reviews before buying.
Wow can you read? Maybe go back and try that again.
wait, its an actual game not some tacked on DLC?
If it was a 3D remake of Metal Gear for the MSX or Rising 2 I might consider buying it.
But it's just some shitty zombie game that reuses assets from MGSV.
It's a 30 dollar game. More or less dlc. Not full price.
it'll all depend on how much konami try to jew us, because it looks like it does more with the fox engine than mgsV did, but if everything costs money with "but you can get it ingame if you grind 20 hours" excuse it can fuck right off.
putting a cheaper price on a pile of shit doesn't make that pile of shit any more attractive
If they ditched crafting and melee weapons the game could have a chance to be good.
Oh boy, this is going to be the Umbrella Corps of MGS, the Battleborn of 2017.
I'll be here to see it flop hard and hopefully see MGS die.
I want to kill myself when I read crap like this.
On the one hand, looks like they just reused all of MGSV's assets with some different skins and animations. On the other hand, I can't think of a horror/survival game that rewarded stealth excluding those where you couldn't find and thus had to avoid enemies. So it's kindof interesting.
Looks fun
>The Fox engine is the ultimate operator engine
Wait, you actually, unironically believe gameplay is tied to an engine?
Are there people actually this retarded in Sup Forums?
>finding your oldbase survived troops side quest - the game
you're fucking kidding right?
that looks stale as fuck, would probably get old quicker than MGR
>no aim-lock system
looks good
All they had to do was add coop to MGSV and let me operate with buddies.
Oh yes, a bunch of zombies that don't fight back, and a weapon that only has 3 attacks with no combos, it's so fun.
I'm going to preorder METAL GEAR™ SURVIVE™ for only $29.99!
>I haven't watched any of the trailers or gameplay vids- the post
A fucking metal gear zombie game? No thanks.
Seriously. What a soulless moneygrab. Why don't they take that engine and gameplay and make something that isn't a total derivative piece of shit. Make an MGSV expansion for all I care, but zombies? Puhlease.
Konami can go to hell.
There are people even more retarded than that around here. Enjoy your stay
i just did actually -
No need to fight or do anything.
MG Survive is an automatic flop, and rightfully so.
I think you underestimate brand power
>50 replies and 23 posters
>you can only post 1 time per thread
I think you overstimate it, that coupled with the fact that MG Survive is built on a concept that stopped being interesting years ago.
There's no trailers to generate hype, there's nothing of interest in this game that other games haven't offered before.
And the entire MGS fanbase is laughing at this game's mere existence due to how much of a cheap cashgrab it is.
I love how Sup Forums is so contrarian that people here unironically are forcing themselves to like stuff like MG Survive or Call of Duty simply because a lot of people dislike it.
This place is so easy to manipulate.
I'm gonna buy it. It's only 30 bucks. Yall sound like some bitter ex girlfriends lol
Notice that the thread didn't get bumped by this post which means that post either saged the thread, or it was OP.
ye fund the company that screwed up the original creator and to ad insult to injury spews this piece of shit
>it's completely normal to reply to yourself and shill this pathetic open world survival game made by Konami while you pretending to like it.
I like call of duty and will also be picking up mgsurvive.
You can post as many times as you like. What makes you think you can't?
>Konami will leave the videogame industry in your lifetime
Nah, they make millions on mobile games alone.
>Ronald McDonald is dead
Can't wait for this game I'm preordained day one.
>implying that mobile games are games
Konami is actually doing Kojima a favor.
By releaseing MG Survive, people will just look back at MGSV and say ''hey, that wasn't that bad, at least it had plot''.
>PES doesn't make a billion dollars with every release
I love when people don't do any research and you can shut them right down for everyone to see
>Slashing zombies that don't fight back with the laziest machete combo animation ever
You just keep making it more obvious you're shilling
You use that word alot. Trust me, I wish I was getting paid to like a video game.
He said video game
>70 replies
>26 posters
damn you shills sure take your job seriously
its a shitty game, its okay you're only doing it for a few cents per post right?
>he keeps pointing this out, thinking that anyone cares
>PES doesn't make a billion dollars with every release
I love when people such as yourself don't do any research either.
That franchise has been raped to death by FIFA.
Fucking no one buys it anymore since they lost the vast majority of rights to a shitload of teams, mainly almost all European teams, which is where soccer games sell.
All they hold are the rights to a bunch of random South American ones, but it's irrelevant because FIFA still has the vast majority of South American ones, too.
FIFA is always at the top of the lists on the most sold games of UK, and Spain, hell, FIFA was the most sold game of 2015 in the UK, more than fucking Call of Duty.
PES is not even among the top 50.
>he literally does it for free
Really bakes your loaf
Looks ok. I'll pick it up. I have no loyalty to a game dev. It just looks like a fun little game.
Spain here.
PES died with PES 2013.
Absolutely no one I knew has bought it ever since.
>thisll be the last MGS game
None of these posts are made by new IPs.
In fact, I think they are all by the same people.
>being relevant
Back to 2007.
its not metal gear solid
its metal gear survive
I have no qualms about trying it, but it will probably be like, $25 within weeks of launch. I'll get it then.
Who cares.
It's going to flop, and Konami will can the franchise aside from a bunch of Pachinkos.
I don't mind though, there's nothing else the franchise could have done.
Good riddance.
I won't.
It's the most creatively bankrupt concept they could have come up with, and it will probably sell very little considering they took a shit on the fanbase that made MGS a success, and the fact that the zombie fad has been dying for the past 2 years.
There's a lot of games that do the concept of Survive much better.
And considering it's 99% recycled content from MGSV, i'd rather play MGSV.
At least that one is a stealth military game about infiltrating places, not some shitty zombie survival game about crafting crap.
isnt this just the first base you snipe the spetznaz commander in in mgs5? but changed around a bit?
talk about lazy
Yes it is, but want to see what's laziness?
The game supposedly happens right after MSF is destroyed, and you get boxes with supplies every now and then.
Pic related is one of those boxes, notice anything?
Christ this is fucking embarrassing.
Your game is recycled shit.
That's depressing.
Maybe after seeing more gameplay and hearing more about the game in general
I hope it's good though, I loved V's gameplay and more of that with some co-op zombie fightan sounds fun
I was open minded, but jesus christ that gameplay they showed looked boring as fuck.
Seriously now, they talked about wanting to ''earn the fanbase back'', why not release fucking DLC for MGSV, which is exactly what everyone wanted?
Who the fuck thought a zombie spinoff was a good idea, or that anyone wanted this?
Yes yes, say
as much as you want, but they completely deserve it.
Every single franchise they had has died due to stupid choices.
You have MGS, where you could have done plenty of things, like making MGR2, or a MGS game in WWII with The Boss, or as I said, DLCs for MGSV, or even a ''The Phantom Pain 2''.
And this is the first thing you come up with?
What the fuck made you think that a zombie game is what anyone wanted out of the future of MGS?
I don't understand why everyone got so mad over this when MGSV (and 4 to a lesser extent) already irrevocably ruined MGS forever
Lmao this thread. It's like I'm really on the youtube comments section.
Like comment and subscribe if you hate konami! They won't get away with this! Donate to my patreon!
>I hope it's good though, I loved V's gameplay and more of that with some co-op zombie fightan sounds fun
Literally this, i don't care about politics of rabig metal gear "fans"
Yes user, you are very mature and very intelectual and very interesting because you have a different opinion than the vast majority.
>Reminder this is Konami's way of "winning back" it's fanbase
>metal gear "fans"
Oh wait, a fan is only someone who eats up whatever people shit on their mouth?
You would love that, wouldn't you, Konami?
MGS is fucking dead, enjoy adding another dead IP to your long list of dead IPs along with Castlevania, Silent Hill, Suikoden, Zone of the Enders and PES, you incompetent fucks.
Day1 pirate maybe
Buy it after the first round of patches if its actually any good with some amount of content.
It seems like a pathetic game but I'd buy anything that lets me have coop fun with my friends.
Because there was a chance of fixing it?
Completing MGSV, perhaps, with DLC?
Or even make a game that would stay away from all the fucked up plot, like a WWII MGS with The Boss?
Or remakes of MG1, MG2, MGS1, MGS2, MGS3 etc with the Fox Engine?
Because Konami said that they wanted to earn their fans back, and this is what they come up with?
Considering their horrible business practices and how they treat their employees not including Kojima. Yea they're a shit company. Especially for taking metal gear and making it a shitty co op game that just rips off 5. Because they're not original.