Can't hit anything further than 10 feet away

>can't hit anything further than 10 feet away

Other urls found in this thread:

>fucks everything between 10 foot away

>Can only hit if you're touching the gun to someone's head, even then it has a chance to miss

>destroy if it hits

>mfw got to watch my dad blow a home invader to pieces from the other side of the room with a shotgun

I've always been annoyed with video games that treat them as a sneeze.

>bullets literally disappear past a certain distance

>WHY AREN'T VIDYA GUNS REALISTIC! *autistic screech*
That would make game balance impossible.



No it wouldn't. It just would require additional mechanics and more effort to balance.

Buckshot will ruin someone's day from up to 50 yards out pretty consistently.


>he doesn't blast globalist alien scum into a fine paste from long range with his godlike aim shotgunner Ranger in XCOM 2

>tfw the game allows you to turn the shotgun into a long range weapon with slugs

>upgrade to slugs in Bad Company 2
>nail headshots from 200m out
>kids who think all shotguns cant hit anything beyond arms reach accuse you of hacking

but a shotgun is the best close quarter weapon you can have if they have realistic stopping power and range

arma 3 multiplayer is just fine

>What is Red Orchestra 2

>shotgun stops working after 10 feet
>bullets get snuffed by drywall or even thin objects
>pistols instantly kill, yet rifles require multiple shots
>SMG's require a billion bullets to actually kill someone
>guns are held as still as a stone and never deviate from where you aim them
>bullets magically get transferred to a different magazine if you reload half way through a mag

The Far Cry Instincts game on Xbox did this for all bullets, if you moved your reticle over an enemy and it didn't turn red, your bullet would disappear and do no damage. Took me a few frustrating seconds to figure this out, dropped the game like a bag of hammers.

Your fault for not using a Benelli brand Benelli shotgun.

It's not too terribly exciting of a story, just part of growing up in rural Indiana I guess

>Small country town, everybody knows everybody kind of thing
>New family moves in
>Family was a bit of a darker persuasion
>Moved into a house that belonged to an old war vet, within the first month the house completely fell apart and was completely trashed
>At the time my dad had just built a brand new house next to our current one (we had a lot of land) and he converted our old house into a garage/storage sort of thing
>New house had a gigantic window on the front where we had our living room
>Sister and I sitting in the living room, I'm watching her play Parasite Eve II
>About 7 or 8 at night on a Friday
>Hear clunk at the window
>Guess who
>It's the older son from the new family
>Smashes into the window with a hammer and tries to climb in
>Sister and I scream and shout for dad
>Dad comes into the living room with a double barrel
>Racks shotgun, fires
>The most explosive noise I have ever hear
>A literal SPLAT noise as our new friend explodes into ground beef

They moved by the next month

>shotty shits on zeds 50m+
>even better with spread perks
>in rising storm trench shotty is legit up to 100m
I love tripwire

i think only battlefield 3-4 did a good jobs at balancing shotgun
never used one in arma so can't tell

well shit dude that's pretty scary

Did it kill him or just fuck him up real bad? Was he on drugs or something trying to rob your house? Did your dad have any issues with the cops or were they cool?

Yes, but the shot doesn't turn into marshmallows beyond 10 feet. The spread is not as huge as in most vidya either.

Not to mention shotgun spread in most video games is actually a disadvantage because you want all the pellests to hit to deal more damage, while in real life the spread is an advantage due to the fact that every single pellet carries enough energy to kill small game and most likely incapacitate a man.

>let me just oneshot everything under 15 meters
>nah bro, it is not a scrubcannon, shotguns take skill

Oh he was dead as shit, his head popped like somebody hurling a rotten tomato against a brick wall.

He had already broken into someone's house that night before and stolen a lot of jewelry which was found on his person, and considering his body was found half into our house with the stolen items on him the cops just went "welp, niggers" and that's about as far as it went. The rest of the family had apparently had a lot of other shit they were already in trouble for in the first place that made them move to begin with.

This never happened Sup Forums.

yeah i know but just look at BF1 people are winning all the fucking time because of the range which is fine really
shame really because i loved playing with the shotguns in BF4 but now it's a "shitter" weapons

NIDF pls go and stay go

>kids playing parasite eve 2
>proceed to see a man gib irl
At least you were warmed up for it

for the noguns amongst us who aren't aware of the magic of buckshot

>Double barrel
>racks shotgun

it's high risk high reward though
it's a scrubs weapons if you camp with it

>lmg takes 10+ bullets to kill someone
>smg takes 3 bullets to kill someone

>double barrel
>Racks shotgun

To be fair I was like 12/13 and my sister was 17

My dad actually enforced the game ratings so I loved watching my sister play all the cool shit I wasn't allowed to.

I have no idea how guns work user. He put in the shells and made the guy go poof.


It's even worse when it's clearly stated that the LMG is chambered in a higher caliber than the SMG

>pelllets become captain crunch after 10 feet

i think the worse is when they take the same number of bullet to kill but the smg just shoot faster

>shoot one load
>reloads both

That's pretty crazy user, glad everything worked out for you. I keep my 9mm locked and loaded next to me just in case something like this were to happen (although I live in a low crime area, but in a nice house compared to the rest of the neighborhood) still you can never be too careful.

this is great story bee

>dlc changes captain crunch to boo berry


get better eyes

I think he means it was "broken" for reloading and he "racked" the barrel in place

I have no idea how to articulate that either since I'm Finnish but

>enemy player shot first
>enemy player hit a couple of times
>turn around
>don't even bother to aim properly
>kill him in one shot
>high risk high reward bro :^)

Arma 3 is shit, tho
Non of the guns feel satisfying

>mfw sniping snipers with remington 870

i can almost hear them say "that's bullshit"

if you can't kill someone who's not looking at you directly you're just bad
and if you dodge ONE shot in most game you're safe

>reload animation canceling

>rubber buckshot

wow cool

I don't mind if the shotgun is like this in multiplayer games, it works as a high risk/high reward weapon.

But it really frustrates me in single player games.

>those 2 ISIS webms of the point blank shotguns
>head doesnt explode just turns to jelly
>only leaves small hole
>brains still spurt out


Both are great, really depends on what enemies you're up against

Nope, that's still a short carbine.

the ssg is just superior
and the bigger spread allow multiple kill each shot

>saiga-12 with slugs

I personally enjoyed the feel of the pump a lot

But the super shotgun was really powerful. Always felt great when you blasted a whole corridor of enemies in one shot.


>Shotgun with incredibly long range and it still stays fairly accurate
The only thing better for sniping is the chaingun.

i should have add *in a video game
but i think smg are better since you don't need to be as acurate as a semi-auto carabine
but i'm not an expert

What are the black pellets made from?

And are those copper ones copper all the way through?

saiga 12 with slug is just a dmr though

That's mostly because of how close they are

Why would a shotgun be better than a carbine in a realistic video game if it's not better in real life?

And SMGs are kind of an obsolete weapon class. Terminal ballistics of pistol rounds aren't terribly exciting, it's just that with pistols you don't have much choice - if you want a two-handed weapon, might as well take one with an intermediate cartridge.

>smooth-bore DMR

because of the controls since it's still a video game
but i guess it really depends how the dev make it work

hum makes sense but that's what hollow point are for no ?

Lead, the copper ones are just copper plated

Nice. That's like my fantasy.
Blowing a nigger's head to shreds with a shotgun when he tries to break into my house.

I literally dream about it.

eh i think we are getting technical here but i was just talking about BF3

>MW2 shotguns
>that spas-12
>holding corners with the AA-12

HP have penetration problems, armour vests aren't too uncommon even among criminals.

Oh, that makes sense.

Here's how to balance shotguns. It takes 2 shots at 20 feet. 3 shots at 30 feet. 1 shot at 10 feet.
It's really not that hard.


Escape from Tarkov shotguns work just about as good as real life shotguns.

>spas 12
>not 1887

1887 never did it for me

there was just something about clearing a room or peek shooting with the spas-12


I really like the concept of pistols and shotguns doing fuck all against body armour.
Why don't more games do that?

bf3-4 did it fine
the 870 was really playable without being OP

>when your assault deals a 25 damage trench gun on a lid pod

>shotguns with infinite range and infinite damage didnt do it for you

>does less damage than the Springfield 1903

slugs are still underrated

>BF3 assault rifle underslug shotgun glitch
>each pellet does full AR damage
>use with the G3
>10 or so pellets doing 25 damage

Too much work/don't understand/Game balance/Laziness

i was playing with the standard ammo
but i feel a dmr did a better than a 870 with slugs
it's easier to do follow up shot

>things that never happened.

Try playing Insurgency, preferably on a server with low gear points.

>home invasions resulting in deaths dont happen


>double barrel
>racks shotgun

but their spread is random. single shotty does exact spread every time. it makes a great sniper of sorts

Question: What's the ideal vidya shotgun range?

hum yeah true but i used the minigun to snipe

oh shit you're right I forgot the part where I fucked my hot sister and the entire class clapped for me after I did a double backflip

you are poor, sheltered child if you don't think that some people are just that stupid enough to try and break into someone's house while they're all still around