Why do millennials hate tank controls?
Because games haven't used tank controls woth fixed camera angles in years and it's foreign to them. It was kind of a 90s thing.
Because they're horrible. What kind of answer do you expect to hear?
Because they are an outdated growing pain of the shooter genre.
It's like saying why do millennials hate Golden Eye controls, because they fucking suck compared to what we have now.
"tank controls" don't exist.
It's just a meme from retards who can't learn unconventional contols.
>years of practice.webm
You mean minutes.
because it requires getting used to and most people won't understand how they add to the tension of the game and will just call them outdated instead
Those aren't tank controls, retard
Tank controls are when the character can only rotate and move backwards and forwards while rotating
The furthest the old resident evils strayed from tank controls was when they added the ability to do a 180
That took away the restrictions of only being able to run the direction you were facing and run in the opposite one
I remember Tomb Raider looking worse than this.
>there are people defending tank controls
Kids now didn't grow up playing games that used them, so naturally they're going to feel dated and clunky to them. I'm pretty sure the RE2 remake is just going to be RE4 inside a police station. I just can't see neo Capcom making a game for the old fans. It's a shame really, since anyone who isn't complete dog shit at gaming should get accustomed to controls like that after 30 minutes or so (maybe even less).
Pressing forward to move forward is too hard.
It was because Vanilla RE & Vanilla RE2 Removed the Aim assist and the quick turn.
Because they're frustrating. I can appreciate that it's a thing in horror games because it raises the tension but that doesn't make them good.
When is the RE2 remake coming? I can't find any new info about it.
Because those controls are bad. Resident Evil literally controls bad on purpose as a design choice to increase the tensile n.
Same reason they hate turn based RPGs.
Terminal case of shit taste.
Tanks controlers and fix camera angle don't need to be together, underage millennial.
You're an idiot and you can run while turning in RE.
There's nothing wrong with tank controls. Never has been.
90% of Sup Forums wasnt even born when re2 came out. The controls were built like that on purpose it added suspense.
>Tank controls are when the character can only rotate and move backwards and forwards while rotating
Retard, have you even played a Tomb Raider? It fucking HAS tank controls.
It's because someone decided to call them tank controls and that name sounds like shit. They are very smooth once you learn how to use them and Resident Evil remasters prove how fucking shitty "more modern controls" are for a game like REmake or Zero.
Jesus christ at least try to hide the fact that you are not an underage faggot.
>Tomb Raider doesnt have tank control.
Just fucking nuke nu-Sup Forums already.
Turns out rendering resolution DOES matter.
Yeah you see a lot of games get points docked in reviews as well if a game doesn't adhere to the norm controls.
Tank controls work for horror because you're able to create a higher level of immersion while still being 3rd person.
With relative controls you're basically pointing in the direction you want the character to go rather than their actual movements.
>There are people who would rather have their party members controlled by an AI with downs
However, some games work well as Action RPGs, mainly ones with only one character like Ys.
Who know, they haven't said anything outside of the first announcement. I hope it doesn't get cancelled. Then again, if 7 ends up being shit, then maybe it's for the best.
the first twin-stick FPS got points docked in reviews too just because people weren't used to it.
now it's the default for all FPS games on consoles.
I love re2
millenial is another name for gen Y you morons. like yuppies.
millenials were the target audience of RE2 and tank controls.
millennials grew up with tank controls you fucking retard
Lara can 180 and turn into herself
Show me a tank that does this
Because it makes them aware of how shit they are at playing games.
You're an idiot and he clearly said you can turn while running forward or walking back but you can't strafe. And up on the stick moves your character forward regardless of camera orientation. You know, like in games where you get to drive a tank
Millennials originally played the RE games.
You're a millennial.
And tank controls are awful. They're also a result of the first generation of 3d console games. People didn't figure out how to make a proper horror/action/shooting game yet. Also the Dual Shock wasn't invented yet. Resident Evil 1 came out in 1994. And because the Dual Shock wasn't released with the game, no one could make a game that required it unless you made it specifically with Dual Shock controllers in mind. Ape Escape for example. That's why we had to wait until 2005 for RE4 to happen.
Tank controls only persisted for so long because of the Japanese devs resistance to change. And particularly in Capcom, who have always been known to make the same product over and over again.
Tank controls are awful and I'm glad Resident Evil 4 happened.
Do you not understand that tank controls don't have to be slow?
>you should be able to run and jump wherever you want with no resistance or accounting for terrain
>you should be able to traverse all walls by just pressing a button
>you should be able to leap to the top of, or climb, all buildings in the game easily so you can take the most direct path to your waypoint
Can't wait for this meme to end and for actual skill to come back into player movement.
>I never played a game with tank controls and use magazine definitions of generations
Who are you quoting?
Point out where I call them slow
Go ahead you illiterate faggot I'll wait
Leon can bend down and pick up a green herb. Show me a tank that can do that.
>not controlling a tank
You said that Lara moves too fast for tank controls because she can do a 180.
I don't get it either. Its an established control scheme. I guess, some have grown accustom to complete free roaming controls.
That webm reminds me how great and challenging Tomb Raider used to be.
>Hot pants over spats
Fucking genius
I've played Resident Evil 1-5, Armored Core 1-Nexus, the Duke Nukem PS1 games, and Tomb Raider.
Resident Evil has tank controls. Old console shooters like DN and AC did have different controls in that they allowed you to strafe and used R2 and L2 to aim up and down.
And Tomb Raider was completely different on PS1 than it was on PC. Tomb Raider on consoles was cancer, and the PC version was definitely much better.
The over the shoulder perspective and using the analog sticks to aim massively changed Resident Evil's play style. While you were still clunky and slow as Leon, it was completely different from the first three games.
RE4 has tank controls you... asfhasdhfasihfas'if.
Point out where I said she "moves too fast"
I said those aren't tank controls because they aren't
RE 1 and 2 are textbook tank controls, that tomb raider game isn't
Tank controls can't do 180s or strafe run. That's not realistic.!
Oh shit I'm a retard
>tfw born in 91
>mastered tank controls by 97
the over the shoulder perspective is just that, perspective. it has nothing to do with the control scheme itself. it's literally RE1~3 in a 3D environment instead of a pre-rendered one.
I'll give you the analog stick aiming though, but only partially. Leon's movement is still tank-y. the only difference is that now you can actually aim.
Hang on, I get defending the tank controls in Resident Evil because it's the least terrible way to do it with all the fixed camera angles, but are people really championing it for camera-behind-the-character 3rd person action shooters like Tomb Raider? There is zero reason for that other than "WASD and mouse/right stick hasn't been invented yet"
You're using a video from a prototype vehicle that never released to the public as a way to call other people dumb.
Wow, that's digging deep, man. Good on you for your persistence.
But holy fuck you're a dipshit.
Tank controls just mean you move right and left with two individual inputs instead of rocking a stick back and forth. Basically.
Doesn't Silent Hill have strafing?
Don't all tank controlled games have quickturn?
All screw drive tanks work like that , bucko.
Frustrating controls are not fun. You can be mad all you want but tank controls were born from technological limitations and in the case of RE design choice since bad controls are good for horror games.
It's not skillful to master bad controls.
RE4 was much smoother in gameplay because of the over the shoulder perspective. The fixed camera angles in the previous games often made for sloppy gameplay. Which is why we call them tank controls. They're not precise, and they're a result of having to use the d-pad to walk around.
I never played Silent Hill. It looked too scary for me as a kid.
No one has ever used a screw tank in any appreciable numbers.
You're going to link me the one Russian screw tank. But it was a prototype and never got off the ground.
user, you're a dipshit. Just accept it.
Tank controls pretty much only work with a d-pad which is shit on certain controllers.
Onimusha 3 let you switch schemes on the fly and both worked well for different reasons.
What I want back are camera angles when exploring. Shit's atmospheric. Combat can have first person or overshoulder camera. Loved Fatal Frames system.
>It doesn't count because Russians didn't use it
Ok, kid.
>too scared to play silent hill as a kid
>change is perspective
>Which is why we call them tank controls.
You are a fucking retard.
First of all...everyone on here with the exception of some extreme oldfags (late 30s-mid 40s) is a millennial. Get over it. Just because you voted Trump and hate SJWs does not mean you transcend your generation and it's dumbass label. Ask Gen X-ers if they liked their title.
Tank controls existed out of necessity due to limiting rendering of polygons/objects in more primitive hardware. Simply put, games like early RE/SH would have had shitty draw distances and worse framerate if they had attempted RE 4 style over-the-shoulder POV which would have killed immersion. By restricting the viewpoint, the devs were able to control the action to prevent too much from appearing on screen and breaking the whole ordeal.
Furthermore, it did add some "suspense" to the proceedings as you were never quite sure of what was just off screen and had to maneuver around threats rather than effortlessly parkour pass them. A lot of this excuse is totally retroactive though and was just a limit of game design philosophy and even game design ability of the 90s scene.
Tank controls--and fixed camera angles--are dated as the technology and design abilities of the hardware and developers have greatly improved. If anything, tank controls are a kin to jumpscares---a cheap but semi-effective crutch to build horror on.
It was a prototype and never got off the ground. Russians used conventional trucks and tanks in the cold war because they do the same fucking thing. They just don't go sideways.
I never dealt with horror stuff very well. I played RE because there wasn't very many games that let you shoot zombies.
And now I have like ten billion of them.
>it's another "Sup Forums has no idea what the word millennial means" episode
>Low poly models and basic textures and lighting
>Low resolution FMV, stock sound effects and hammy voice acting
>Pre-rendered grimdark static backgrounds
>Engrish signs
Old Resi games and resi clones exude a real comfyness.
>Frustrating controls
You must really suck at videogames if you find old RE controls frustrating.
Dammit i hate milennials.
It's offensive to people in wheelchairs
Cause everything needs to be easy they don't want to master a new control system they just want press x to win
RE4 uses tank controls and everyone loves that game.
The change is the combination of the perspective and the orientation around the dual analog sticks. Both at the same time made it completely different from the first three, and oriented RE more to an action series.
It was still tank controls, but much better tank controls than the previous ones. And it's important to note RE4 because that's pretty much when tank controls died off.
Only because your childhood.
>researchers typically use the early 1980s as starting birth years and ending birth years ranging from the mid-1990s to early 2000s
The people who idolise Resi are millenials. They don't hate them, you dumb fuck.
Because tank controls are only viable with fixed camera angles.
It's not that tank controls are good, it's that with fixed camera angles they can help prevent confusion when you move around (since pushing forward will always move the character forward).
>this thread
t. millennial
unless you're one of those Gen-X shitters
You can also do a 180 in RE 1 and 2
You can do a 360 or a 720 if you want, like these tanks the characters spin in place
In tomb raider if you press the d pad in the opposite direction of what you're facing you'll turn instantly
In RE 3 if you press the opposite direction you're facing plus the run button you also instantly turn
There's no spin
Stop pretending to be retarded
RE5 still had tank controls.
You can strafe and turn around in the OG silent hill you retarded piece of faggot shit
I don't give a shit about that.
I just hated that "OMG TANKS CAN'T TURN AROUND IRL" was a point of evidence and then a point of debate.
RE5 was also a continuation of the series to an action game with horror elements. And it introduced split screen co-op.
RE5 also used the dual shocks to aim and move the character as opposed to the d-pad to aim left/right and up/down 45 degrees.
That ranges from like current 18 year olds to 30+ year olds, you know. Anyone younger is gen Z.
That said, I was born in '92 and I played a ton of games while growing up, starting with the NES and SNES my parents already owned and working up into 5th gen as games were coming out for it. Never had a problem with learning or enjoying tank controls, in fact, I love them.
BUT, I do think that they are outdated and inferior to the smoother control schemes that developers have produced since. I liked how Outbreak File 2 played more than RE2, and how RE4+ played more than previous RE games, for example. It's more engaging and immersive.
>controls that take skill
Spot the shitter.
whys she wearing a wetsuit under a pink vest and daisy dukes
Says the guy arguing about the specific definition of turning around in a video game.
Why do people insisting on using "millenial" incorrectly here? Or do people actually refer to millenials in these cases, and it isn't a mistake? If that is the case, then it makes no sense, because most likely millenials were kids just old enough to play video games when RE2 and the other tank control games were released, so if anybody who will most likely like tank controls are actually millenials.
So what's the deal? OP, please respond.
>It's not skillful to master bad controls.
1. having or showing very great skill or proficiency
>he thinks someone born in 1980 has fuck all do with someone born in 2005
Let alone someone born in 1990 having fuck al to do with someone born in 2005.
The same reasons sims have all but disappeared. They need games that react instantly no matter how ridiculous the action they want to perform or whether the character is a grandma or Bruce Lee.
A control scheme that stops the character from acting and moving with the reactions of a kung fu action star is not something they can take.
Video very much related. Smooth movement systems where you can rush across all obstacles are casual trash.
I haven't mentioned that atrocious fucking game once but good job
Why not just say you can strafe and do backflips in ocarina of time, it's what you did
They're only easier because the AI has not yet been made to keep up with the better control scheme. If they were cranked up as well, smoother controls would be objectively better.
>he thinks he gets to decide when generations begin and end
Not up to you, my millennial friend
It's the same retards who describe castlevania movement as clunky and want every game to control like super mario world and fail to see the gameplay significance of limited/slower movement
That's what the word means though. If you mean something more specific than just say the age group you mean.
Why do people use the term Millennial when they are more than likely trying to refer to Gen Z?