Is this a good port?

Is this a good port?

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yes, it's the best version of the game

It's alright, but it'll make everything gem-like look like bouncy balls.

Yep, it's pretty good.
The graphical changes are subjective, but the gameplay is rock solid and it includes Master Quest too.
Just steer clear of MM3D.

What the fuck were they thinking with the boss fights?

Ignore this, MM3D is great.
>inb4 muh swimming

Unless you are a hard nostalgia fag like me


kys ys pleb

The boss redesigns were fucking retarded.

>The graphical changes are subjective,
>higher resolution textures, higher poly counts and higher framerates are subjective

The Twinmold one was for the better. Odalwa I could take or leave. Should've made both methods of beating it work.

Overall, I liked what MM3D did and MM is my second favorite game ever. I'm pissed they moved the bank though. Literally no reason for that.

>Higher polycounts and higher res textures are always a good thing

It's not a port, it's a remake and yes it's better in every way.

no it has more bugs and glitches than the original. It's a buggy unplayable mess. Plus that menu is garbage.

All else being equal, yes, it is.

In Silent Hill's case it was the other shit they added/took away that ruined it.

it looks much better but i hate that they censored death hand and the shadow temple

enjoy that 20fps

It's a better remake than MM3D

Silent Hill HD isn't a testament of HD remasters being a bad thing. It's a testament of giving beloved gems to awful and retarded developers for remastering being a bad thing.

Tom Hulett is a fucking moron.

It's definitely a port or perhaps a remaster, not a remake, What are you smoking?

All else being equal, yes. But OoT3D changes the art style a fair bit so I don't want to assert that either version looks objectively better than the other.

user be fair, it sometimes gets to 21fps


It's not a good port, it's an excellent port. Play it.

>It's a buggy unplayable mess.
Name two (2) bugs that occurs in a casual 100% playthrough

The fights were better overall I think. Gyorg was a much better fight with an eyeball, and twinmold got a good boost in difficulty, especially with it being the last boss before majora.

The biggest issue I had was that they actually didn't touch majora at all. Fierce Deity mask should have leveled the playing field, not turn the fight into a rape.

Both N64 Zeldas got improved on the 3DS. Be sure to play MM3D too.

They remade it with all new assets, what's you definition of a remake?

Looks awful, not everything with powerful graphics will look good.

I hate the whole FFVII remaster for ps4 debacle, no I don't know anymore what is what.

But only fags use the FD Mask on Majora. They can't nerf the game's god mode, user.

That's one step above a texture hack. Replacing assets with higher quality variants while keeping everything else the same constitutes a remaster, not a remake.

A remake changes the gameplay or level design in a nontrivial way. Something like Metroid Zero Mission or MGS:TTS.

That would make the FFVII HD a remake since they remove it base gameplay turn based.

You mean the big episodic thing that they're making? Yeah, that's a remake.
Unlike that recent release on PC and PS4 which keeps pretty much everything the same. That's just a port.

But I recall being advertised as a HD remaster.

Everywhere I can find is calling it "Final Fantasy 7 Remake"

It's good, but not outright superior to the original. I'd love to recommend it over the 64 version, but there are specific things that it screws up that mark it down to merely being an equal to it.

MM3D on the other hand is a vast improvement over the original that truly outweighs its flaws. The original has unforgivable problems that this remake fixes in such a way that I can't help but wish had played it originally instead.

>OoT 3D screws things up
>MM 3D is vastly superior to the original game
What crazy parallel universe did I walk into?

You're factually wrong.

well there's the disappearing floor and the hitboxes fuck up all the time.
Or how about the disappearing dialogue? or everytime you speak to dampe he gives you a heart piece?

>Just steer clear of MM3D

But it's good. I remember 2 years ago when you fags were upset over some bullshit. Had me worried that the game was going to suck. Got it at launch at it was fucking great. One of my favorite games on the go.

They should have added bonus boss challenges though. That really would have made the game.

OoT is superior in certain ways, and inferior in others, but is otherwise fairly faithful. You can take it or leave it.

MM screws up particular things much worse, but is greatly and fantastically improves things that I absolutely despised about the original MM and transforms them into something great, so while purists will naturally find more issue with it, the improvements so greatly outweigh it's problems that I can't help but recommend it over the mess that original 64 version is. As much as I hate turning the ice arrows into "hit the sparkles" I have no doubt that a new player will have a completely superior experience with the sidequests and PC interactions over the tedious, nonsense way the original game handled things.

>or everytime you speak to dampe he gives you a heart piece?

You serious?

do you have any examples or will you just say "improvements" a lot

It sounds you just never liked MM to begin twith.

Endless Heart Pieces from Dampé
Effect: Receive unlimited Pieces of Heart from the Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour.
Prerequisites: Rupees.
How To: Due to an apparent programming oversight, the player can receive unlimited Pieces of Heart from Dampé's Heart-Pounding Gravedigging Tour. Regardless of if the player acquired it previously, the game will always eventually yield a Piece of Heart as long as the player has patience and enough Rupees.

>It sounds you just never liked MM to begin with.

That's somewhat true, though I totally appreciate what it actually attempted to do.

Ok, my whole angle is that, in playing the original MM, the mechanics are excessively trial and error based to a fault. So how does the game solve that and provide side-quests to the player in an actually manageable way? By marking all the times of all the events a given character has in your notebook as soon as you talk to them for no apparent reason that makes any sense, so you know that speaking to them outside this particular time will yield nothing. If it didn't do this the whole quest system would be completely unmanageable, so players just accepted that shit just worked this way and never questioned if it could have been done better.

Enter the remake. Not this makes two major lines of change that work together to sum up to something greater than their parts. It gives you more freedom to track back and forward through time, to a limited extent, and conversely removes the instantaneous time information the original game gave you, instead choosing to give you vaguer hints and encouraging the player to hunt for events times themselves, which goes hand in hand with the time system changes, making everything more of a mystery that rewards you for interacting with characters in novel ways and less of a repetitive slog.

Ok, that's garbage and alters my opinion of OoT 3D from acceptable to trash.

It's a good re-imagining. There are liberties taken with the art and atmosphere of the game, so it's not a replacement for the original at all. At the same time playing it is one of the most enjoyable vidya experiences I've had in recent years. Water Temple's much more enjoyable in this version.