If Microsoft were to announce a new Banjo at E3

What would the reaction be?

>Fucking souless Yooka-Laylee rip off
>It's about time they did something with the property
>Literally who cares

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last two

Nuts & bolts shitposting
The people that made the originals don't even work there anymore

Normies would cream themselves

>it'll be canned within a year

It's not true rare, so they can DIE

after a decade of baiting the old school fans they can fuck off

Mixture of 2 and 3.
>Man, I haven't heard that name from a M$ employee in a long time! Good on them for using what they got
>I don't really care tho, it's probably gonna be shit if not abandoned mid-production

How are they going to fuck it up and how badly?

Why not just yooka laylee. Microsoft would probably screw it up

Judging on the assumptions made by scalebound's events I can only assume that microsoft would once again rush it through development and it would either become a nuts and bolts 2 or just get cancelled in it's entirety.

I don't know their problem is, but developers need time to make games.

>banjo tooie is 17 years old
and im fine, im over it and im cool about it.

i understand life sometimes fucking sucks and we all can suck a dick about it, but thats why life is so fucking beutifull am i right?

really hope yooka laylee is a nostalgia machine, it felt like an homage to the entire collectathlons era, not many hopes about it though.


Guarantee you they will if yooka laylee is a success

I'm a big fan of the Banjo series, but I already know a Microsoft team cannot let a new Banjo game live up to the old ones. Yooka Laylee is our last hope to retreive the magic.

Literally who cares

Despite the chance of anyone at Rare still knowing how to make a Banjo game, Microsoft won't let them do it the way we want.

I've been reading for years now that Rare killed themselves but that's seriously not the case


Microsoft did. They had meeting after meeting where they fired people and replaced them with new people. Not to mention we have confirmation Microsoft cancelled dozens of their games in development.


Also just look at how Microsoft has treated other studios lately. Platinum being the most recent. Then there's Lionhead, Press Play, Ensemble, and Code Mystics with Phantom Dust.

Short answer, I don't want a Banjo-Kazooie game from Microsoft. If Playtonic showing they still can make a Banjo-like game after 15 years isn't proof Microsoft kept Rare from doing what they did best, then I don't know what will prove that to people.

The last one. The XBone dudebro audience doesn't care about fucking Banjo Kazooie.

I don't give a fuck how about something new

What's worse is that the current Rare employees (and even some former) have been forced to tell us "Microsoft dindu nuffin" when the looks on their faces tell a very different story.

Just google some interviews with Banjo team members about Nuts and Bolts and look at their faces when they talk about how the game changed from being a traditional Banjo game to essentially a racing game with platforming elements. The ones who aren't talking just look dead inside.

Now I'm not saying Rare didn't have some shit ideas, but it's blatantly obvious Microsoft did a lot more harm than good.

Nice! Too bad nobody owns an Xbone.

They literally joke about publisher interference in nuts and bolts.

Yeah, I remember the day the ks went live that Kirkhope was ecstatic saying that they'd been trying to convince publishers there was interest for these sorts of games still, but publishers had ben saying otherwise

It's not like they were subtle about how much MS fucked them over either. In the damn game itself, LOG's role is literally to completely miss the point of platforming collectathons and turn the game into something completely different to appeal to "modern gamers"

It's over
once you lose all momentum and fuck up for like a decade nobody will care anymore

Crash is making a comeback and people are excited for it.

crash has a million sonydrones behind it
MS doesn't have shit
If Nintendo would announce a Rare buyout or acquiring the IP people would be excited again