POLL: Do you want the Swtich to flop?


Will the Swtich flop Sup Forums ?

Will Sup Forums be right?

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Ya I want it to flop. Nintendo needs to go third party asap

Those fucking nips need to learn.

I hope it succeeds because I'm really looking forward to its homebrew scene

>hacking a console with no entry points
I don't think it's going to happen this time

At Wal mart yesterday they had posters next to each isle that the switch was pre sold out. Not sure what that means

>yes or no question
>options that aren't yes and no exist

you had one job

Every console gets hacked at some point

Every console has entry points
Switch doesn't have a web browser so that's going to be a huge hurdle

Nothing. Nintendo just up to their usual artificial scarcity bumfuckery

Yes. I wanna Disney to buy Nintendo.



>doesn't read poll choices
1 job

I want it to succeed.

Purely because I have no problem buying it and I like to see the asshurt when people want to play the games but don't want to buy the console.


Console itself is monoply that deserve to die.


still gonna keep my preorther tho

Maybe you should have linked this in a NeoGaf thread OP.

>So you want the Swtich to flop?
>Will the Swtich flop Sup Forums ?
These are SIGNIFICANTLY different questions.

As much as I despise Nintendo, competition is necessary for a healthy industry.
Only a braindead fanboy would say otherwise.

Over 60% no
Switch posting is the equivalent of trump posting

>hillary is trending at 70%
>there's no way she can lose!

>this is a Sup Forums poll
>Sup Forums completely and utterly destroys and "official" poll
>implying this is a "official" poll

Nintendo used to be that cool guy who was in with the loser crowd (the geeks, the autists, weird people). They made games that they could enjoy in all their squeaky clean childlike ways.

But most of it's older fans have grown up and stabilized into normal people. The ones who don't occupy "normal" lives have otherwise moved on to other games and platforms that show more depth than the kind Nintendo has to offer.

Meanwhile, today's young adults don't really see themselves as belonging to archaic cliques and have evolved into a more complex arrangement of intersectional groups. There aren't really any real gamers anymore.

People that used to see Nintendo as a source of wild imagination have largely given up on their same old bag of tricks for every game. They woke up to how lame and lacking in edge their more recent games really are.

So what you're left with is a Nintendo who is just money hungry but also desperate to hang on to what little is left to it's legacy. It leads to stuff like the Wii U and then this turd that's stuck between the iPhone and the Xbox. You can practically hear the sounds of Nintendo's knees crawling on the floor begging the market (and the audience) for cash if he can just figure out what it is The Kids™ like today.

The Wii & Wii U weren't good. This, however, is just sad.

>I pre-ordered Horizon: Zero Dawn instead. It's a much better value and it's made by proven developers that never dissapoint
>proven developers that never disappoint
If by that you mean "my expectations of them could not be any lower so anything better than Killzone: Shadow Fall is a bonus" then sure.

But you're making the exact same mistake as they did

Their polls were heavily skewed for Hillary because they were biased and sampled universities and liberal cities where Hillary had a statistical advantage. They didn't go out to the countryside to sample all the illiterate hillbillies who voted for Trump

Sup Forums is Nintendo Central, of course the polls are going to be skewed for Nintendo

I just leave this here:

Was Sup Forums not a trump echo chamber while every other website was completely against him
Thankfully a piece of tech cant be racist, sexist, etc. or wed be seeing the same thing
>nintendo is for kids = trump is for rednecks
>the switch is underpowered compared to the competition = hillary is the most qualified candidate

Im an idort so ill be buyinh day one just like every other console but the shitposting is gonna be hilarious at the end of this year

the switch will sell out on launch, I have no doubt about this. It will likely be selling in great numbers for a few weeks. What will determine if the switch is a flop or a success is where it is in 18 months, and if people are still interested. Remember the WiiU also sold out on launch, look where it is now.

Personally, I think the switch will flop, as it is little better than a tablet computer. It is locked-down, proprietary, low-performance device that is too expensive for a handheld and too underpowered for a home console. Nintendo had a chance to really try something risky and forward thinking here, but instead, they are delivering a device which underperforms and will under-deliver.

Choose to believe this or not but my GF played the switch a London showcase event last week. Her impressions were this:
>On the tablet screen, the games look really nice, on the TV they look like a blocky and blurry mess.
>The device is really small, and the coloured controllers (pink and blue or whatever they are) are made of really cheap plastic and feel like total shit.
>Splitting the controllers for two player use is really uncomfortable and cramped. It's difficult to see what's going on in two player mode on the tablet screen.

It's a handheld

Nintendo last released a handheld 6 years ago

None of their handheld systems has flopped in over 20

It won't flop

>my girlfriend
>believe it or not

I don't even believe you have a girlfriend, you limey, inbred, British faggot