ITT: Dad/mom/sibling/etc "walks in" stories

ITT: Dad/mom/sibling/etc "walks in" stories.

>Mom walks in while playing video games
>She says hey
>I say hey
>She walks away

I was watching Chasing Amy with a friend as a kid, and my grandma walked in when Banky was talking about Archie comics. Specifically the line where Banky yells: "Archie is not fucking Mr. Weatherbee!"

I don't have any vidya walk in stories.

>mom walks in
>im jerking off


>mom walks in and sucks my cock

>mom is angry at me for some reason
>go to my room and close the door
>she clips through the wall to keep yelling at me

>mom walks in
>we have sweaty sex

>dad teleports in
>suck his dick

>dog moonwalks in
>pause the game so I can perform fellatio
As a Canadian, I find it preposterous that you Americans have such barbaric anti-bestiality laws. It's 2017.

>become 7 years old
>dad walks out
>I miss you dad

>mom walks in
>i suck her cock

>mom walks in while I'm playing video games
>pause the game
>music still playing in the background
>talks to me about something
>she starts moving to the BGM

>moms friends daughter walks in
>"fuck off"
>shut door and go back to gta 3

>Be 8 or 9 years old
>mom says we have to take the bus to visit our grandpa
>Get I'm bus with mom
>look out the window and see my dad waving
>Wave back and tell him we will be back in a hour
>Never saw him again

>mom walks in
>skeleton pops out

>watching ebony porn
>mom walks in

>This isn't... really... happening!!

not vidya
use the archive if you're desperate to read anons' made up blogs, fag

>play vidya
>mom walks in
>"dinner's ready"
>go and eat dinner

Weird shit.

>Dad walks in
>"What are you doing, son?"
>"Playing video games."
>"Is it fun?"
>Dad leaves room

that's a nigger

>playin vidya
>mom walks in
>"user what's that?"
>suddenly watching porn
>try to shut it off but no pants
>whole church bible study walks in too
>uncle larry wants to know if we want hamburgers
>dreamcast wont turn off. gum is fucking crazy taxi
>everybody wants to know what game


>Playing Red Dead Redemption
>Uncle walks in, says it looks pretty cool
>Hand him the controller and let him fool around a bit
>He finds out you can kick small animals
>Spends an hour and a half booting a racoon around a chicken coop while laughing his goddamn ass off

>vietnam walks in
>it aint me starts playing

>playing soul calibur 3 before bed as per the ritual
>yet again I get fucked in the final fight before abyss and don't get to fight night terror
>turn on the french porn channel
>have a fap and fall asleep
>wake up and my door is open and the TV is off
>"oh fuck I forgot to turn it off"
No one said anything, but years later I still cringe over it. I've done so much cringe worthy shit it hurts.

>playing mom
>video games walks in

>playing GTA
>doing violent
>mom walks in
>she freaks out



well that escalated quickly

>playing videogames
>nobody comes in because my parents are dead

>jerking off
>mom walks in
>she's blind

Normal scenario
>Fap furiously
>Hear someone coming upstairs
>Debate what to hide first, the porn or my dick
>Everything ends well

Last week
>Watching some Zelda stuff on youtube
>Bored but not horny. Slowly fapping a half chub
>Someone walks upstairs
>Don't really feel I'm in any sort of danger
>Hear someone walking towards my door
>Suddenly feel the danger
>My brain gets something twisted
>Switchâ„¢ the tab to a /d/ thread about anal prolapsing i had fapped to earlier
>dick is still out
>brother sees
Should I consider rope?

What's she doing nowadays?

>Mom tells me that when I was 4 years old I use to love sucking on her toes while she watched tv
Now I have a fucking foot fetish that I have to live with and I still blame her for it

anytime you want a threeway, give me a call user.

bind alt+d to macro button on mouse ;)

> todds childhood nightmare dlc

>Sister walks in
>Hide all the rule34 and Sup Forums porn threads I have open
>She lays on my bed and stays silent
>Eventually forget she's right behind me
>Go back to browsing rule34
>About to nut
>Hear a sound comming from behind
>My heart skips a beat
>Slowly close the tabs
>Turn around ready to die
>My sister is still lying on my bed but she seems asleep
>Recall she's a bit of a loud sleeper
To this day I don't know if she was really asleep and I lucked out or if she pretended to be asleep out of embarrassment.

windows + d
you faggot

That's sexy.

>live alone
>Nobody there to interrupt me playing games
>One afternoon doorbell rings while playing GTAV
>Open door, it's just the mail. I had to sign for a package
>"Have a good day"
>"You too"
>Package is another game I ordered online
>Play till 3am then go to bed.

goddamnit user

>come home, expecting to play video games
>older brother yells at me, takes the snes and games that parents bought, says they're not really my games
>few days pass, mom walks in, asks me what's wrong
>tell her older brother pawned the snes and all the games
>over the weekend, she changes the locks, takes me to the store and buys another with one game
>older brother still an asshole

>jerking off to loli
>Chris Hansen walks in
>"Please take a seat"

she becomes Asahi Mizuno

Legend says that she still sometimes says hey.

I tried to jerk off to some Remilia Scarlet and this faggot Hansen just walks out of my closet with a cameraman

He's fucking good

Nice body, but her face looks like she's 50.
Western porn, wtf

Did she help you?

it's called fortunate son you retard

>Playing Sonic
>Roulette Special Stage
>Sister walks in
>"Mom user's game is teaching him to gamble!"
>Had to explain that it wasn't anything like real gambling.

>Mom walks in
>We talk for a second
>Walks out


This bothers me so much.


Is there a tag for these kind of scenes?
I try vomiting cum or something, sometimes work, others don't.

My sister's dog does this too

you can talk to the animals?

>me and brother smoke a fat doobie and play some dota in our room

>mom's back early

>"the room smells like weed have you been smoking when will you do something with your like etc etc"

>brother confesses and goes to the kitchen to have a serious talk about life with mother, lots of yelling

>I remain silent the whole time and try my best to save the game but just end up feeding and losing due to distractions

>buddies on teamspeak heard the majority of it

>use to listen to my mom's stomach gurgle laying down with her
>suddenly realize this is probably why I have a stomach fetish now

kek your sister's a bitch

>playing alpha protocol
>whenevef my dad walks in and watchesm e play, he usually randomly yells "SHOOT EM" whenever I pass by an NPC, but I can't so he just leaves usually
>mid conversation with some chick in game
>dad walks in, watches for a bit, and yells "SHOOTEM" when she stops talking
>go through the entire dialogue and end it by putting a bullet through her skull
>"user, wasn't she important?"
>"yeah, but I'll manage"
The only bad part is that I might have fucked with his expectations for vidya in general a bit.

your dad is pretty cool.

>Never saw him again

Did you not try and contact him?


>playing GTA SA loudly in my room
>mum shouts up the stairs CAN YOU TURN THAT DOWN PLEASE

when will you do something with your like user?

he usually says it expecting me not to do it or something, so this time he was just shocked. It was the first time he saw such a drastic option in a video game.

thank you for the exact response he was looking for, retard

>playing NIER
>mom decides to sit around
>"why is that lady so foul-mouthed?"
>"is that skeleton gay?"
>"he will get his daughter back, right?"
>cries when Kaine gets transformed into stone
>sticks around until I got the last end

My mom is pretty chill

>Mom tells you how much of a piece of shit your Dad is and how not once he has paid child support and you can't really tell her she's wrong even though you love your Dad despite never having seen him in a decade


See your dad user, otherwise he'll die and you'll regret it.

rude goys itt

>mom and dad working all day
>sister away at friends house
>i finally have the tv all to myself for a day
>instant they come home
>"user youve had the tv all day give it to me now"

i fucking hated that. why should i give something up the moment someone else wants it? its not like they were patiently waiting their turn, they straight up did not care at all about using the tv until 1 second ago. i always gave it up to my parents, but i hated that shit with my siblings

I don't know what I should do when I see him though. Should I hug him, be angry, or act normal?

Act normal, rebuild your relationship

did you ever know why? did yor mother knew?

>fug will never "walk in" on you

kill her :^)

>grandparents are over for xmas
>mom says to not play any ww2 games while grandpa is here because he fought in it
>playing cod uo
>grandpa walks in, didnt notice
>mission where youre in a b17 bomber
>running around through the plane, switching positions/guns
>finally beat mission
>grandpa says "that takes me back" and walks out of the room
>nearly shit my pants
>find out later he was a navigator on a b17

that must be a really bizarre feeling, watching a kid play your life threatening job as a funny game

>playing gta san andreas with friends back in the days
>install hot coffee mod for shits n giggles
>mom walks in

Your mom has good taste.

Do you jerk off standing up?

>dad walks in
>"what does this game do? it's just girls in the front of the screen with text"
>"it's a visual novel"
>"what's a visual novel?"

What do you think, you fucking retarted kusojiji?

>mom walks in
>user, can i use your pc real quick?


I was playing the ending of Persona 3 where Door-kun says bye to all the social links and my Dad walked in just as Mitsuru started saying some lovey dovey shit then he just walked out after telling me he needed my help with something in the basement. Probably thought it was porn.

>get bucket and paper towel
>lay bucket down on desk with towel inside
>stand up and beat it like a slave
>shoot into bucket
It's the best.

>both parents are in my room using my PC so i'm already stressed as shit
>playing through FFX for the first time in years so i don't remember anything
>cutscene starts

>get home and turn on a game for an hour or two
>mom gets home later and is furious
>says all i do is play games all day
>ignores the fact i had school, a job, and regularly leave the house to spend time with friends
>never have to deal with it now that ive moved out

I've got a university degree, I'm working 40 hours a week, and I still get shit from my mom for smoking weed.

It never gets better.


>stand behind her and watch her like a fucking hawk

How is it being the guitarist in U2?

"All the way through" either consists of tentacles or cum going from ass to mouth. All that i can suggest.

>play drakengard 3
>mom says that zero is really cute and she want me to marry someone like her

t-thanks mom

That's not happening.
But you can have me.

Ohhhh thank you, user!

Sounds fun

w-will you wear a flower?

No, but he can speak.